Wrath Arena is officially dead

Wrath pvp is just not fun. Period.

Ur so handsome and dreamy


Yeah agreed, even watching people like Pikaboo stream is turning me off from it. Arms/Hpala is already #1 comp.

If you played tbc arena you could probably see this coming

Unfortunately this time around, there’s pretty much no casual pvp base in the classic versions of arena. For whatever reason blizzard keeps rating requirements on gear and that alone instantly drives participation away. Like why try to push 1800 to buy a deadly wep when you can down naxx 25 in greens and get better weps from that? There is seriously no point for a casual player to touch arena.

Wrath pvp was considered good back then only because more classes and specs got complete kits and everything felt a bit more fluid. That’s it.


no one got to max level because the devs catered to the people from private servers that wanted wotlk to be more like vanilla instead of wrath. Exp gains were horrible no rdf and server population problems. Most gamers from wotlk don’t have that kind of time anymore with jobs family, plus the community is just toxic there. The general response on wrath forums is well you don’t got time to play then so see ya. guess what? we said later


the garbage, outdated systems from wrath is what’s keeping arenas so behind. along with everything really lol.

wrath needs cross realm queues at the minimum.

insane how much better wrath would be, IMO IMO IMO, if it just adopted a ton of the retail QOL.


Arguments in this thread: Woltk would be amazing if it was just like retail.


Nobody I know runs dedicated pvp toons. Most are pvp only. Not surprised
 seems normal

A lot of people are still leveling or running bgs to get some gear before just jumping into arena. Most people playing wrath are 30+ with jobs and families


I actually think most people are in their mid 20s to early 30s with no jobs or families, the community is incredibly toxic these days. I don’t think people with families like you claim would be out here gatekeeping and trying to ruin other people’s experience because they want to be first to do everything which happens to be a lot of the people who are at end game currently.


You’re talking about a very vocal and everpresent minority. Not the majority

How would you know about minority or majority when you haven’t even done any of the end game content yet? I assume you haven’t because you’re claiming a lot of others also haven’t when I believe a good portion have.

Dude i’m 3600gs rn, i hit 80 this week. Majority of players are just hitting 80 this week

That’s pretty, the average now is around 3.9 - 4.1k

And you proved my point, you hit it this week and already at 3.6, there’s no staying power in end game because loot rains like crazy and most people will hit BiS from raids a month or less in and never have to run Heroics or do any content again after raids get locked out hence why a ton of people are raidlogging.

Okay go play something else. You shoulda known it was gonna be this way; its a rerelease of an already codebroken game.

Where are you getting these averages? Youre just dead wrong and only taking a sample from sweatlords

My server? And you legit don’t have to be a sweatlord bro, you took your sweet time to hit 80 and in less than a week hit 3.6. If you run a faceroll 10M or 25M naxx or get lucky on Vault you’re basically where everyone else is at lmao.

 none of this is relevant to the fact that a lot of people are still leveling and gearing for arenas. Like me, and I would consider myself a decent level of tryhard compared to say my best friend who is playing quite a bit and still only 78

I didnt take my sweet time. I have a job and a life and played whenever i had free time

Youre so mad. Take a break from wow. Games better off without your doomer takes


You’re not a tryhard though because an actual tryhard would’ve hit 80 and exploited WG for multiple lockouts to get ahead of 90% of the population, and btw I played on Warmane for a while and the later you get into the season the worse your chances are of actually climbing.

Even at the lowest CR you have 800 - 900 resil players from PServers farming kids with meta comps, it’s very gear oriented and requires a lot of time investment to work.

This is why PServer is the only scene where Wrath PvP succeeded, instant 80s and gear made it bearable.

Dude you typed 3 different responses before I can even type 1.