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To add under RP events please.

Event Name: For Sepulcher The Bells Tolls.
Faction/Neutral: Horde, Forsaken centric.
Event Hosts: mostly Noslferatu, sometimes various others.
Days and Time(Server): Various.
Location: mostly Sepulcher, sometimes Deathknell.
SHORT Description: This forum thread is an umbrella advertisement for all RP events in the Silverpine area, as well as related events in current Deathknell, which are all part of the Lordaeron reclamation venture (LRV).

LRV is just the arc device to use as an excuse to get more Forsaken RP to happen during this sickening time of lore. Hit us up if you have Forsaken centric RP you always wanted to host.

The different events will be in the thread. Some of these will have multiple weeks of occurrence, so keep an eye on date and time.
Event Ad Link: [H-RP: Events] For Sepulcher The Bells Toll