WrA Alliance RP by the Numbers

I’ve been looking at WrA Alliance’s RP potential for a couple of weeks now, trying to see what’s going on, who’s promoting things, etc. I’m compiling this bare bones list mostly for myself, but figured I’d post it. I’m trying to get a look at activity overall.

Regular events:


4 PM ST: Quilen and Cloud Teahouse (Neutral A) - Sri La, Jade Forest
6:30 PM ST: Story Circle (Neutral H) - Bloodhoof Village
8 PM ST: Fancy Cakes? - Dalaran (Not sure if this one is active)


Last Friday of the Month 5 PM ST: Alliance Guild Faire - Stormwind
Saturday 5 PM ST: Kalimdor Story Circle - Feathermoon Stronghold

Random events for July:

Friday 7/7 6 PM ST: Faction Party (Neutral A) - Shattrath (WrA/MG)
Saturday 7/15 5 PM ST: Food Festival (Neutral H) - Ratchet
Saturday 7/15 6 PM ST: Crowhood - Redridge

Also: Dragonscale (Neutral H) - as scheduled

It appears most planned events are currently running Friday - Sunday. Note: If the event is Neutral, I listed which faction posted as hosting. The Faction Party event’s guild is listed as both WrA and MG so I included it, but I’m trying not to include events that are hosted on MG. I’m trying to keep my list to WrA things only.

Noteworthy event locales:

  • Duskwood - mostly hosted by Thomas Bates and the Bright Guarde. Sporadic schedule but tends to be in the evenings.

  • Stormwind - LuLu of Bright Guarde is currently looking to revitalize. Sporadic schedule, also evenings, I think.

Wyrmrest Community Project Discord: http s://discord.gg/c9mc2DQYk5 (note space in URL)
There is also the WoW RP Events Discord but I’m not including it here as it lists MG hosted events.

Active RP guilds? (does not include neutral guilds run by Horde players):

Succulent Tart Troupe
Bright Guarde
Kalimdor Collective
Legion of the Dawn
Shimmersteel Brotherhood (RP/PVE)
Gnomeregan Forever

After looking at this, I’d like to propose a few things:

  • Haven’t RPd for awhile? Make an Alliance character and find an Alliance RP guild.
  • If you’re an RPer and find yourself standing around idle in Valdrakken, go jump through the portal to SW. RPers who log in to SW and see few people there are more likely to log out than attempt to RP. More people need to be visible.
  • If your Alliance RP guild is currently using a weekend day as your main RP day, consider moving your event to one of the regular RP events at least once a month.
  • If you’re a Horde RPer and you’re not getting enough RP, consider an Alliance alt to play on days you aren’t busy on Hordeside.
  • If you’ve moved to MG-A (or a raid server) and you’re not getting enough RP, consider popping over on your WrA alt to play on days you aren’t busy elsewhere.
  • If you’re sitting in a dead guild and waiting for it to repopulate eventually when new content drops, g-quit and move yourself to an active guild.
  • If you’re event planning for guild, faction or server events, please look at the other events that exist on the calendar and try not to plan your event on the same day as events that are already established. Right now, Monday - Thursday are incredibly wide open for faction events, while weekend days are all packed.
  • Advertise! Put your event on all the Discords, the Forums, in Trade chat, etc. Bump your Forum ads more often. If your Forum post is over 10 days old, no one’s rolling down that far. Top half of the page, baby - that’s where you want to be. This includes established events, ofc.
  • Pick an RP spot in SW to establish and stick to it:
    Blue Recluse
    Slaughtered Lamb
    Golden Keg
    SW Cathedral
    SW Park
    Large building to the north of SW Embassy
    Empty ship in SW Harbor
    Mage area South West of the SW Mage Tower
    NOT the Pig and Whistle (has the obnoxious NPC)

I think that’s it for the moment. If I got anything wrong or if anyone has something to add, please do so. I feel like there’s interest in Alliance RP here, but we can do better at promotion.


Seconding this motion. I’ve had tremendous fun in the rare instances I’ve been able to sneak over to Duskwood. Much more fun, franky, than I had when I flirted with the notion of jumping ship to MG. WRA’s Alliance community is smaller, but still very much active, and with a lot of opportunities for quality RP! 100% recommend.


This is a great post, and I agree with most of the points made in the OP. Refreshing to see a post about Alliance-WrA that isn’t doom and gloom. Come RP with us on Alliance, its super cozy!


Don’t forget the daily arm wrestling competitions.

I was readying up the big guns to come in and talk about how no, WrA-A isnt dead. We do- oh. And then I see this beautifully formatted post talking about the ways people are working on the server, the places to go and pay attention to, and hoe you can help. This is good post. And I appreciate seeing this sentiment grow. Thank you for making this.


Some Alliance RP is dead. We have some Death Knights.


I made a RP guide I will bump in a moment if you would like to have a look at that for more info :slight_smile:

Is this every Saturday?


The Kalimdor United Story Circle happens monthly. It has its own thread here on the forums that gets updated each month with the specific date and the topic of the night.

[A/N] Kalimdor United Monthly Storytelling Event! - Wyrmrest Accord - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Dustwood sounds what you’d get if you mixed Westfall and Duskwood, the cursed dust bowl of the Alliance. Typos aside this is a great resource! The only thing I’d add is the Dragonscale Expedition campaign run by the same people who did Year of the Scourge and Year 40. A cross faction multi-guild campaign that’s been going strong for three years, starting by expanding the story of Shadowlands pre-patch and running nearly continuously up until now. Worth a shout out and worth checking out!

(That’s also where you’ll find another active Alliance guild doing their thing, the Legion of the Dawn. Shout out to Raseri too!)

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I fixed that - it was 3 AM and I probably shouldn’t have been typing, but you know when you get that thing in your head that isn’t going to let you sleep? Yeah…

Oh, I thought it was Bright Guarde in Duskwood with you.


No yeah, the Bright Guarde hangs out in Duskwood, the Legion of the Dawn is an Alliance guild in the Year 40 campaign I was talking about.

Ok, ok. Gotcha. I always think of the Dragonscale event as Sunreavers because I’ve only done their events as Horde. Made more corrections on the first post.

I have more thoughts on this thread, but they’re still percolating. Will try to update again sometime after I’m home from work.

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Yes, My Bright Guarde and Raseri’s lotD are two very different groups with very different themes (but the exact same color scheme)

Kalimdor United’s Storytelling Event is pretty reliably on the Saturday of the third full week of the month. If I see another major event is scheduled, I usually try to move it to accommodate.


Ok, now that it’s quiet at my house, let me see what other ideas I can toss out here to find out what sticks:

One thing I’d like to see us do is recreate some of the events that WrA held back in the day. We had markets, caravans, meetings, performance art, etc. We had events surrounding calendar happenings like Brewfest. I’d like us to draw some of these back to being WrA hosted.

To that end, I’m going to drop an event onto the July calendar, advertise the heck out of it and see how it pans out. It would be kick off a once a month, open RP event with varying themes, mostly based in SW but might vary occasionally. We can promote walk-up and hopefully attract new or returning RPers. Maybe people could bring their guild RP to the event for guild business or a mild plot point, or maybe they don’t. I’m not picky; I just want people to show up.

Another thing I’m kicking around is recruiting up a medium RP guild with independent events once every week or two, with mild plots and moving between SW, Duskwood (Dustwood) and existing RP events to pick up RPers who aren’t getting enough interaction. No application to join, no attendance requirements, no level requirements, etc. If I get a handful of members, great. If not, I’ll still see what I can do about using it to push out some plotted RP for everyone. One session might be racial events (like all dwarf alts). Another might be exploration/mystery, or another might be crime (bring your thief alts). My current Alliance “main” is Larisi, a gnome I’ve had for several years. I’ll be recruiting on her because she can fit in almost anywhere.

And the last thing I’m kicking around is setting up some Discord RP. It would probably be Alliance based or Neutral at first. This one might take me a day or so to get up and running, but anyone would be welcome to join.

I’ll be sitting around SW on Larisi in the evenings as often as I can from now on to chat up Trade, recruit and advertise. I’m not big on walk-ups, but feel free to find me if you have any business you think she might be interested in.

That’s it for now because I’m currently RPing in SW (no, really!). Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Feel free to send me a letter ingame or message me on Discord? Im in WcP and pretty easy to find there. Or can send my discord tag to you somehow that isnt just posting it on the forums. Id love to work out SW and Duskwood stuff with you as well (and id probably pull Thomas in on it).

Sadly i have been told the dwarves have no intention of hosting the moot on WrA ever again. It that wont stop us from hosting our own dwarf events in the cask n anvil if we want to again!!


Will do. Might not be until tomorrow but I’ll message you. It might be a good idea to get a few people to talk together and plot :slight_smile:

I’m in WcP but I keep it muted and only look there to see the calendar.

I was part of the Mead Hall for many years and used to go the the Cask & Anvil and the other tavern that they held in Coldridge. I’m not really interested in hosting a Moot (been there, done that - it’s a lot of coordination). Taverns are easy, or events in Dwarven lands can be fun.

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Still burdened by dumb Aussie schedule but as I’m now working part time and doing a bit of study, a little less than before. I’d be keen to join up, in theory! Let me know if anything eventuates!


I support all your endeavors. I’m not sure we’re there yet. When I set out to do the WCP and Shadow of the Forest, we were right at the cusp of greatness, but the population of RPers quickly waned. I was quickly inundated with disappointments and it really got to me, and I haven’t really come back from it. I hope all these things you wanna do or see take off and I’ll be there for the things I can be for just don’t forget not to take anything too seriously and if one thing doesn’t work out, doesn’t mean the next thing won’t either. Look at the WCP… the best thing I’ve ever done. :heart:

Good luck and shoot me a line if you need anything Kirsy!


Let me know the next time you’re online on an Alliance alt. Also what hours do you actually pop online? I’ve seen you a few times, but if you have an actual schedule…

You know I’m holding you to that. DM me on Larisi with your play times for Alliance :smiley: