WoW's pug raid scene

It’s such a toxic atmosphere. People are already asking for 8/8 Normal just to join the first few bosses on heroic. This is the first week. It’s absolutely disgusting. Blizzard should ban people like this.

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I don’t wanna be the bad guy contrarian annoying person, but you would be 8/8 Normal already if you had a raiding guild.

I’m in one right now, we are all literally approaching our 40’s, have kids, etc and can barely scrape together 12 people, we full cleared Normal tonight. Friday and Sat, tonight took about 2 hours to get the last 2 bosses down. Our DPS is kinda low for Normal right now compared to sweats spamming Delves all week. Silken Court is all about the web mechanic and the last boss is just straight up easy on Normal.

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noobs not knowing fights must be punished - severely.

I mean, this isn’t far-fetched. Toxic would be asking for AOTC before joining a heroic raid.
You could always run the raid yourself, and set whatever entry rules you want.


skill issue

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Last 2 bosses of Normal give Runed Harb Crests which is kind of a big deal. You can craft 619s with 45 of them. So every other Normal clear = a piece of 619 crafted loot, hopefully anyway.

maybe you can chime in here.

I don’t see how that’s toxic… they want you to have the normal raid down before trying heroics bosses.

Seems like the problem is you.


What makes you think you should join heroic if you havent even do the normal version of the raid?


If they were a really good player I would let them into a Heroic if their ilvl was high enough, without having cleared Normal.

But you have zero idea how good anyone is gonna be unless they have references or something, this is a job by the way.

devil’s advocate, but my work on normal boss #7 is outside the scope of a pug doing bosses 1-4.

“Requirements: a college degree”
“in what?”
“… so why do you need me to have a degree, again?”

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I’m going to let you in on a secret about PuGs.

PUG requirements aren’t actually about PUGs thinking you need X to do Y. They’re about filtering out the bottom % of players who wouldn’t have those requirements.

If they require 600ilvl for normal or whatever, it’s not because they believe you need at least that amount of gear to clear. It’s because they believe that anyone who is below 600 ilvl probably won’t be a net contribution to the raid.

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True, but that’ll start happening next week or the week after

Wait, is this unreasonable and toxic?

Hold up wait a minute, they are asking that you completed the entire first tier difficulty of the raid to be able to join them on the second more difficulty tier of the raid? This just can’t be, who would ever ask people to do content in the proper order. It’s such an deplorable thing to do. I’m sorry you went through this OP.

Comments like this are just a bad take and bad take for the game in general. Like republican’s cry about democrats states when blue states pay for red states to exist.

Imagine the wow retail if all the casuals left. I think it be really bad or gone.

THat second to last boss before the queen was such caca lmao.

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is this toxic ? the last two fights are kinda hard to just pug new players without experience. i don’t think you know what toxic is

Why can’t you pug normal first, then heroic? Why is this an unreasonable ask?

I imagined it.
It’s difficult to go back to reality now. What have you done to me?