Not necessarily, it’s literally the first week and the week isn’t even over yet, everyone has different raid days based on work schedules and IRL responsibilities. Tonight and tomorrow are my Guild’s raid nights, for example.
8/8N is a standard ask for heroic. The normal raid is easy. Heroic rad leads want to make sure people at least have a basic understanding of the encounters before they let in hard carries.
This is a non issue. Knock it off.
Yes, no duh, that wasn’t the point of the post.
Thats not toxic , its due to simple demand and supply
The problem is there are few leaders and too many followers and those groups will fill up .
The pug leader can pick and choose anybody they want as they have scroll bar of applicants in their list , like a serious lot .
This is especially a big problem if you are a dps, many of the mechanic are done by dps and there are too many of you to throw and replace .So pug leaders can be as demanding as they want .
You could just join one of the thousands of communities and raid with them. Very low to no requirements besides ilvl for raids in the ones I’m a “member”.
Or, you could form the group and raid lead and have whatever requirements you want instead of complaining about what someone else requires.
Two options, it really is that ezpz
Turns out people don’t really like to have to teach people the fights every week forever. They already did their progression and now want to do further prog with people who already learned and did what they did.
That’s… reasonable.
It’s annoying for anyone who didn’t rush prog right away, but it’s reasonable. There is nothing wrong with what those players / groups are requiring.
I think rather than complaining about premade groups not being there to teach and potentially carry you, we’d be better served by asking for grouping tools that avoid those issues.
Not saying to copy this, but for example, (IIRC) FFXIV’s grouping tool basically forces people to select classes and ilvl that they are willing to bring, and then forces them to stick to that without further nitpicking from a giant list of applicants. If they meet the criteria they can join and that slot is filled. That’s it. Done. Basically enforced autofill (but you can choose what you want for each slot / role).
Nah, this is just unnecessary. If you’ve successfully killed a boss on normal, there is no reason to not go ahead and try that same boss on heroic. Let people get their vault slot ffs.