WoW's endgame is too hard

And the rest of the game is too easy👍

Overall its an unplayable mess.

This is a you ptoblem and just as you dont care about sweatlords avhievements… no one cares that you arent having fun and chose to cry instead of any of the following.

Learning to play better.

Recognizing that 100% of what you listed is optional content and you get to pick where you stop.

Understanding that were less than a month into a 6 month long season of content and not everyone has to be finishing in time with world first l.

Being embarrassed that you think entry level endgame is yoo hard.

Literally going to do anything else. Books, movies. Exercise, other games, a multitude of other hobbies.

You should feel embarrassed that you posted this.

To add on to this:

There are abilities that reduce damage taken, that nullify all damage, that heal back damage taken, etc etc etc.

Use them

This reads like a troll post, but benefit of the doubt here

Some of the items listed seem off to me, but only because of what they are

For starters, let’s go with LFR. This is one of the easiest LFRs we’ve observed, largely due to this being one of the easiest raids we’ve seen in close to a decade. If you’re the minimum ilvl to queue for it, your gear gives you enough stamina that there is only one mechanic in the entire raid that will one shot you, and that mechanic is HEAVILY televised and tries to pull you in. Outside of this, the healing checks are small enough that you realistically have two healers too many for a smooth ride, and the DPS checks are small enough that there isn’t any real risk of wiping outside of a fight or two where you have to move a bit and focus adds. In fact, this iteration of LFR is so easy that you can typically down the bosses with a tank, a healer or two, and a few DPS up provided these players aren’t literal potatoes. They made story mode for the Queen fight, but outside of literally giving you a “no reward, step through the fights” level of difficulty, there really isn’t much room to go any easier than LFR. And it sounds like you wouldn’t be satisfied with that mode, based on other items in your post.

Regarding M+, though, it’s a similar camp. Rather, you can get full champion gear from +2s, and you can get Hero gear for any keys above that from GV, even +3s. And at +4s, you’re able to farm hero level crests. Both +2 and +4 key levels are trivial for the content where 95% of players who TRY it are able to TIME it. You don’t even need to time it, however. If you just run this content, and only get full champion gear, you can eventually get to 619 ilvl. For reference, Myth 1/6 gear is 623 ilvl. As in, a player who absolutely positively cannot even time the lowest of the low keys is capable of, eventually, you can get a level of gear nearly comparable to the highest track of gear available in the game.

Kind of agree. Everything being a one-shot and meta being incredibly important just proves this mode is aged and bad.

They could definitely trim down bloat but most specs are pretty easy.

Lost me here. LFR is practically unlosable. My guild raids once a week for 3 hours. We clear normal, get the skip, then start heroic and do the normal skip until we no longer need the normal gear off the final few bosses. We cleared up to council in heroic night 1. after a full normal clear, before time. Raiding doesn’t get sweaty till Mythic difficulty and the early catalyst and easy gear from delves has made raiding even easier.

If you’re around the ilvl range for the difficulty this doesn’t happen unless you associating unavoidable damage to very avoidable damage.

Honestly yes tier 8 and up is difficult but that is why it is there. I did many tier 8s until i felt like trying tier 9 now that is all I have done all this week and part if me feels I am getting to be point of taking on some tier 10s.

I am a causal player no mythic +, pvp, and I only do lfr raiding. Thanks to tier 8 and 9 really felt better and not left behind for not doing higher levels of other content.

I hated tier 9 delves at first … now I find them as not as challenging. just take your time don’t rush until you feel comfortable with each tier then move up and give it a try.

I don’t think end game is too hard at all, you just gotta take the time to properly grow into content but then again I do find a good challenge fun.

I can assure you this isn’t the case.

Many of the “keep it hard” players that post on GD just say that to virtue signal and never do anything harder than LFR.

I agree that Blizzard is leaning too much into making the game harder this xpac.

Here’s the thing: The game’s already too rewarding for the filthy casual players. I do agree with most of this though, I’m having WAY more fun playing Classic. It just feels bigger and more rewarding earning your levels or mounts. Most classes feel homogeneous, which is why all classes kind of suck that aren’t hunter or paladin. I’ve mained this Shaman since patch 2.2, I love her but I’ve tried icy veins and wowhead and my DPS is terrible in raids, barely decent in mythics. I’ve all but stopped playing her in retail. I enjoy tanking on my Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Druid. But tanking is easy, optimal dps is too hard

Delves are casual. You stick to a tier you’re comfortable at until you are feeling ready to climb up.

The reason it seems so hard is because people don’t want to play the game. They want to rush to get the best gear they can as soon as content drops so they take on more than they can handle.

A little slow down and learn the delves and progressing your character and they are easy.

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Short answer: no it’s not
Long answer: wow has made a difficulty for every single player regardless of skill. Every single class is fully capable of clearing the hardest delves with required gear level requirements being met. Mythics are not too hard. I’ve done 5s in every mythic as a semi casual player with an enhance shaman ( one of the classes with the highest amount of button bloat currently). It’s not complicated. If you can’t do a 5 that’s fine. You haven’t gotten to that skill level and there’s nothing wrong with that. That means that level mythic is meant to be challenging for players that want that challenge. If you don’t then do lower level mythics. Not complicated. Normal raid is pretty easy to clear and while I understand heroic and mythic are seemingly impossible to a lot of players that doesn’t mean blizzard needs to make it easier. Instead that means there’s a challenge for players to overcome and that’s a good thing. This isn’t hello kitty online adventures. We need a challenge or the content becomes stale. Players asking for the game to be easier because they cant overcome the most difficult challenges in the game is ridiculous. Instead watch some videos, play with some target dummies, or watch what other players do and get better. Those players that are destroying end game content didn’t just wake up and know how to play their classes. It takes effort.

The existence of delves sorta strongly disagrees

Your right, remix was easier, this is the 2nd easiest time to get geared.

Honestly there are things to do for everyone in the game now but if the endgame is too hard there is no requirement to play it. I do agree on Mplus though, being timed in any game is just stupid.

Hard is fine. Having to run back, repair, reapply buffs is the problem. Making it take longer to get to the stuff you want to do is the real fight in WoW. Also the number one reason I see people switch to Final Fantasy.

U are not wrong, but let me show something about PvP that I like in this game:

If I play in 1600CR and u play in 2400CR, we can have EXACTLY SAME GEAR, while on PvE things like mythic raid should be like tier 11 delves, they should drop the same gear of heroic or like delves, the same of tier 8. And for a new player its pretty hard to improve in WoW and get better gear (the main thing of a RPG, get stronger), u are probably an old player like me, dont tell me u dont know that WoW takes u YEARS, yes, YEARS, to actually learn the game and their COUNTLESS TRICKS.

LFR hasn’t been difficult at all.

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M+ is too hard? Disagree. I believe that mythic+ is actually superior to heroic/mythic raiding because you can incrementally adjust the difficulty and having to only communicate (or not) with 4 other players, makes coordination far less cumbersome.

The dungeons rotate each season and feature differing expansions that keeps things interesting and familiar at the same time. You can continuously run mythic+ dungeons for gear and ratings, continuously improving yourself.

I agree with the issue with raiding. And it’s something that goes way back before WoW from other MMOs that first featured the concept of raiding. LFR was a game changer for many, despite bringing in its own flaws and complications. For many things that raiding has failed to deliver on, mythic+ picked up and for better or for worse, it provided a solution against requiring large numbers of players to coordinate schedules. I don’t really see a solution to this issue as it’s more of a human issue than a lack of diversification of content.

I mean if you seek instant gratification just say so… WoW isnt really the game for those kind of people… and tbh there are so many things that are so much more instantly gratifying in modern WoW then there used to be.

PvP?? Takes time to learn my friend… you don’t get snared or stuck in CC if you know how to avoid it… and know what abilities your opponent has… this takes time… just like learning the mechanics of a dungeon.

If you go into literally anything and expect to win on your first try with no experience then something tells me you don’t have a lot of skills developed anywhere in your life… even outside of WoW.

The way I see it, no one beats Warcraft. It’s like the Southpark meme. Now, that you have Thunderfury or Sword of a thousand truths…you can play the game.

You have to get off the treadmill otherwise you’ll only see more carrots. Realizing that you’re always going to be chasing them.

Take time. Donate to your nearest Death knight. Boop a vulpera. Tell a joke. Visit the barrens.

The end game has no end.

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: