WoW's endgame is too hard

The difficulty scales. You can’t just say “is too hard” blanketsweep. 2’s aren’t hard. 10’s+ start becoming so.

This is entirely subjective, but not everything you said was accurate. Hunters are the most played class because they’re incredibly laid back in solo content, having a pet and such. But MM and survivals rotations are about as intricate is anything else’s. Destro lock, frost mage, FDK, etc all have equal if not less “keybinds” in their respective rotations. Class difficulty diversity is extremely healthy. It would be terrible if every class was as simple as BM. I’m glad it exists, but some people like actually learning meaningful rotations.

This is not a valid complaint when talking about a 20 year old MMO. Obviously there’s going to be a lot of stuff…

Arguing about PvP is always controversial, because you can…always argue about something in regards to it. In burning crusade, “mana drain comps are stupid/resto Druids are stupid/50% mortal strike is stupid.” Entirely subjective again.

Yeah I mean your post at this point just reeks of ragebaiting, projection, and subjectivity.

If you don’t enjoy the game, it’s okay to not play. But Jesus man, the projection is insane.

Oh man I should’ve actually read the entire post before I put a response together.

Actual confirmed troll. 10/10 you got me.

I think people’s idea of endgame is so thin these days. It feels like if you’re not doing M+10, or not pushing 2400cr, you’re not playing the endgame. It’s all because streamers and content creators always talk about the extreme high end, and everybody watches them and thinks that it’s the only valid content. Add to that the inflamatory culture of the internet forums to one up everyone, where every second person is KSH or multiglad. Even Blizzard themselves only discuss high end in their interviews.

But you know what, world quests at 80 is also end game content, as are low tier delves. As is LFR and Heroic dungeons, and random BGs. Just need to slow the hell down and take everything at your own pace.


The real problem is that the game is souless. Take any dungeons or delves: the required Ilvl is never correct, I usually need the Ilvl reward for completing the content is the Ilvl that will make the content feel fun/normal, even that is not wholly true.
We have bosses doing mechanics that some classes can’t avoid : demon hunters for example when the get rooted in City of threads. What is the point of using barkskin, when I get oneshotted regardless? I am taking damage like 1 million per tick when my highest heal is 25k per tick? It is NOT because I am not the required Ilvl for a M+0. I have dps with 600 ilvl that get oneshotted by the same skill that I got hit by. It feels like the game just go by a checklist and if a player in my group don’t meet that checklist they just die, and no one in the group knows why or what to do to stop it.
I’ll go into a dungeon and a skill will just 2 shot me and when I rez and come back the same skill will hit me and do 10% of my health each tick and I am wondering " I did nothing to reduce that damage, where is the damage reduction coming from? No one in my group knows? So far, I feel the game is playing itself and it does what it wants to do regardless of any effort provided by the player.
I got so frustrated that I just use my cds without any reason at all and I get the same results. It is like the game is FORCING people to have either moments of glory or inescapable death. And skill/experience/gear means nothing. I think the MDI/world first is just propaganda to hide that the game is automated.
I have watched some streamers play M+ and I can tell base on the average of ilvl of the players in the group if they are going to pass or not, to the point where Most players feel that as soon as they wipe, the game won’t let them finish in time and they quit right away and I agree with them.
Even when those that push it to the end knows the repair bill does not warrant their efforts. It is like the game is in a constant state of “outgear the content you want to do before you do it, or be punished”.

If it is my first time in any mythic plus, whether I have the gear or not. I can tell and do die in that dungeon/raid. Sometimes the mobs just kill me for no reason, it just says “you died”. From what? who knows; how? who knows. Every fight is a melee fight, a fully geared tank /dps/healer is taking more damage from the same skill than another class/player with way weaker gear for no apparent reason. WTF?
I feel the reason why I am not top 1% of Mythic players is because I haven’t died enough and pay a lot of repair bills, and that is the actual game and NOTHING else.


People have had families and been grown ups since the game came out in 2004. It’s not as if everyone that started playing started also at a default age, but that’d be hilarious.

I’ve always thought that was incredibly obnoxious but it’s probably the only way they can kill others by bursting them down fast.

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The game autoscales. Try this test: bring someone with an ilvl 10 below the average of the group and try to do an easy content like M+0, and watch how the damage doesn’t match what the mobs are suppose to do. And watch your highest geared player die from nothing.

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There’s content for everyone, including people who want more difficult content.

Stop trying to take away content and rewards from those players like a crab in the bucket.


The content isn’t difficult, either you have died enough or the gear carries you to victory. And so far the content is if I fail is because I didn’t have a full set of 600/619 gear on and Nothing else.

For example, a mob in the city of threads put those orbs on me that leaves a pool. Two shotted me, I released came back, it put the same skill on me, the first tick was for 300k this time, then the second was for 200k. Now I don’t know where that damage reduction came from. My teammates didn’t buff me, I didn’t use barkskin, nothing. It just reduce its own damage. How? only the Ai can tell.

I think its just the changes to dungeon rewards + crests…

In the past we always could practically skep Champion gear and go straight to hero gear… And im sure the top half percent still did that… but I think it feels like for the average player we need to actually level up our champion gear before farming Hero gear… which feels kinda crappy and time gated… but I guess it is what it is.

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No they don’t have too many abilities. Every class and spec is learnable IF people will put in the time and effort. I don’t know about most everyone else but I like to have more than 5 powers on my bars I actually use. I don’t have to use them every single time I go into a fight but I like having abilities and actual arsenal of spells I can call on should they be needed. If I want to play something as simplistic as Diablo I’ll go play Diablo. If you can’t be bothered to learn your class and abilities then you have no business in this game. We don’t need spellbooks the size of War and Peace, but we need more than 5 abilities we can use. I actually like to have my WoW feel like WoW and my Diablo to feel like Diablo. I don’t want one feeling like the other. If you think a particular class or spec has too many powers DON’T PLAY THAT CLASS OR SPEC and quit trying to have all the abilities stolen from the rest of us. Many of the classes and specs lost most of their uniqueness due to attitudes like this. So much so they had to hire a person dubbed “the unpruner” because they went too far with it.

It actually feels like we need to farm Hero gear before we can do a content that drops veteran gear.

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I disagree with you. I stop playing my hunter because of the button bloat, specially survival hunter.

At no point do you need to do that. By the time you are getting hero gear, you have no reason to do things that drop veteran gear.

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Plenty of people clearing the content before they get gear champ.

And gear progression provides the mechanism through which you can approach clearing that content, even if you’re not able to clear it early on.

The mechanism you’re harping on about is what allows players to both have difficult content, and allow other people to clear it over time.

And it’s not just gear - also skill. It’s possible you also need to improve your rotation etc.

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pretty much. Most newer players are usually fly by night gamers. They play for a short time and move on after trying it out. Known several over the last 5 or 10 years that did just that. This game just happened to hit at the right time in gaming history. Most of the people I know that play videogames if at all are playing shooters on consoles, or games on smart phones, or tablets not interested in games like world of warcrack.

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Pally is not an “easy” class if you intend to play it to its fullest extent, the toolkit is massive. Even has a brez. The amount of times I’ve seen tanks BoP themselves just to realize they dropped aggro is funny. Blessing of Spellwarding? What’s that? I abused that in S2 DF.

That class is huge on utility but it can be dumb easy on approach if you don’t intend to use any macros and roll your face across judgement, divine storm and wake of ashes on CD. I did meet a pally in higher keys that said they never interrupted once.

Honestly the difficulty jump from 7-8 is insanely high for some reason. I can barely tell a difference between 3-7 but then it just goes wacko mode and 8-10 feel the same and they’re way too much for normal players to solo. They’re designed to be solo content but sure as hell don’t feel like it.

They also reward champion level gear (and heroic in the GV) so as it should be.

This is not true.