WoWhead ongoing censorship

This is not proven, but you believe it. Why? Because THEY told you so.

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I keep hearing this but I’ve never seen proof of it

I also heard for 4 years that Trump was with the Russians… then after 4 years they said nope. not at all.

Theres two sides to that story. None of us really know the truth of what happened at the capital. We just know what we’ve heard and so far all we’ve heard is one side of the argument and not the full story.

I personally think, it will come out in time, that it was Anti-Trumpers who staged the whole thing to make Trump look like some bad man.

And the media ate it up like candy.

But time will tell.

Obviously there’s no way the integrity of an election can be compromised! Haven’t you been paying attention to the news lately?

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No, I support anyone’s right to say sexist or racist garbage without the government arresting them. I just wouldn’t want that in my website.

Political affiliation isn’t a protected class in most states, so they could theoretically already do this. Whether it should be or not is a different issue. In the case you’re describing though, the customer didn’t use the bank’s platform to talk about politics. A better analogy would be if you were kicked out of a bank because you screamed and swore at the teller.

Hillary lost because of tampering. Biden won because there was zero tampering. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Wow, imagine being this upset over optional participation.

Shouldn’t you be on a street corner somewhere? Who’s screaming wake up and smell the conspiracies to commuters?


Finally, this guy gets it. Also I heard COVID vaccine was tested so its safe. Some infomercial on the radio told me.

Excuse you. My quote ended with a period.

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Im not sure what you are trying to say – but ok man w/e.

You are either saying you blindly follow the government and CNN

or I am somehow wrong for not accepting the same narrative as you.

Wow, I should have read further. OP tattled on themselves.
Purposefully went out of their way to say “than this Golden character” knowing full well they were being negative and just stirring the pot.

You knew exactly what you were doing when you posted that.
Were you expecting people to rally behind you against the author on a fluff piece about an easter egg in Oribos?


try the first 100 days.

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wowhead comments generally aren’t the place to complain about the game or editorialize about how bad it is that something is broken.

that’s not the purpose of wowhead. if you want to whine, do it here.

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Yeah it’s bad over there. WoWhead thinks everything is trolling. I don’t know why they even bother having a comments section.

Seriously? They are a resources site, not WoW. Why in the notes of a pet battle do I need to read your bit about hating the game?

I’m personally happy they keep it clean, easier to find good info from other players, rather than dear diary post about hating a game.


They’re a full on wow news site now, not just resource site. The post the OP posted on was a fluff piece about an easter egg npc.

So people can help people. Not whine and moan.