
This worked for me, wow.

Thank you. Much Love

this is the greatest thing ever lol thank you sooo much

Did not work for me :frowning:

Didnt work for me either… Mannnn

Can blizzard say something or do something, went to make a ticket but all it does is send me back here……. Is blizzard trying to attempt to do anything is what I want to know

I have tried almost everything…hour 3 & still a ‘no-go’

enabling ipv6 did not work for me either, verizon fios here.

My plans for the weekend were to hit 40 at least but ohh no everyone I know is playing I just wanna be able to hop in to que ik its gonna be another 4 hrs once I finally can get into que

i’m guessing they’re having a very poor time trying to mitigate the ddos and our IPs got inadvertently banned somehow.

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Does anyone know how often Blizz will bump days onto your subscription time for these things that are clearly their fault?

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I have been having the same problem since last night after the DDoS attacks seems to cease; however, after a few attempts last night it would finally log me in but no more. I have attempted to enable/disable IPv6, reinstall, reinstall on a different hard drive all with no success.

yea, im sure everyone here has done the same.
Some are lucky enough that the ipv6 is working for them but most of us are still here while blizzard is claiming that everything is “up and running”

Yea nothing is fine. Lots of us are still having the same issue.

Stil having this issue. ipv6 did NOT work for me.

xfinity has an ipv6 enabled network while fios doesn’t. only leaning toward the datacom is trying something.

Exactly the same thing here. My wife is playing just fine behind me. Same server and everything

I use COX so idk what they are doing, I don’t have ipv6

Whats pissin me off is the transparency of blizz support lol

Blizzard took a D20 and rolled a 1 the past couple days…