
Has there been any resolution to this problem? I haven’t seen any possible fixes.

Did all the scans/repairs… Thinking I might reboot my PC… Something tells me it is not on my end. Blizzard is useless in the matter… I imagine it’s a result from the DDOS attack.

I fixed this issue by opening CMD, and flushing the dns. ipconfig /flushdns

Hey! I’ve been locked out for hours with this error code - tried everything to solve it (see my post above) - tried the ipv6 thing (didn’t work)…ended up rebooting motem + router and restarting computer, and now I’m not getting the message but am sitting in an 8 min queue. Fingers crossed that I get in.

working now for me, awesome #2886 in queue to play

Its working for me now. I just right clicked on wow and ran it as administrator and it work after i tried all of Blizzes fixes that didn’t work. Hope this helps.

It… just randomly decided to let me back into the game. Guess I’ll have to sacrifice TWO virgins to RNGesus tonight as thanks.

Same procedures i followed… same thing

it just started working again

I can log in and play just fine on my laptop, but my desktop running wow using wine on Linux still gets the error on the same network even though it’s how I’ve been playing this whole time…


I am also having this issue, I have tried repairing, resetting cache, wtf, and interface folders, restarted my desktop, attempted to enable ipv6, and finally I reset my modem and my router. I am guessing my IP was inadvertently flagged based on the other comments. Please deal with this problem and if you need some more engineers who know how to mitigate ddos attacks feel free to send me a message.

For what it’s worth I am on linux and running the game from launching the bnet launcher via lutris which runs it in wine.


I have the same problem. I’ve got the “Logging in to game server” lock up for about 12 hours now which ends with a WOW51900328 error. When it first happened, I also fell off a flight path, so I contacted a GM to move me somewhere safe, and then I was able to log in again right after he did that. Then, about 30 minutes of playing later, I am running into the same lockup and the same WOW51900328 error. I cannot play on any realm, my entire account is effectively unusable.

Could it be that I’m blacklisted since I’m playing the game on Linux using Lutris? I don’t know. I’ve been playing just fine since launch until this happened.

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I too have the same issue and I too play on linux via lutris.
So I think you are right. looks like Blizz just blocked all of us that play on linux.


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I just re-opened my ticket about the issue from earlier. Maybe you should do the same. When I first got a response to the ticket, I was able to play for a short bit of time before being kicked off again, so GMs can disable the block somehow (I thought it was because I ended up in a glitchy spot falling off a flight path, so I got a GM to move me to Durotar, and the WOW51900328 issue disappeared for 30 minutes).

How do you make a ticket on linux? For me it asks for traceroute and some win files that I dont have

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You can make one online at this link, that’s how I did it:

It’s kind of annoying, you have to click through the icons at the top until you eventually get to a problem that lets you create a ticket.

had the same issue, I switched my connection over to my phones tether and i can connect now. I wonder if the IPs were mistakenly banned during ddos. funny thing is though i didn’t log on for the whole ddos. gunna try resetting my IP and reconnecting.

From another forum post, and this worked for a bunch of linux users already including myself.


Still having issue. Win 10 64x. Happened right after DDos attack and cannot log in. No new firewall/antivirus installed or updated. Clearly in my opinion Server Side related. Anyone have any updates? Any Mods aswell? Id just like to level please.