Wow51900123, wow51900128

pls fix, getting these two errors: wow51900123, wow51900128 when trying to log in. wow51900123 is coming up more often. tyvm


Same for me on both my SL account and a trial account.

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Same for me. For both retail and Classic

Same over here

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Same here. Cant log in on US or EU, neither classic nor retail.


I havent been able to connect since patch consistently, when I can connect its showing I have zero toons, I go to the server I know my toons are on and they show, I spent 2 hours trying to log in yesterday then gave up. Today I dont even get to the servers period.

I’ve played this game since release and I dont think you guys have ever gotten a patch right, its every single time. I understand problems arise but the beta and PTR worked fine why doesn’t retail?

Anyway how can I fix this problem, I tried fixes, tracerts, no addons, removed WTF etc, renamed them to create fresh ones, reinstalled the game to no avail. I’m about to quit the game again after just returning thinking things may have changed by now, seems the only thing that’s changed is Activision are garbage.

I miss Mike Morhaime, lets go Dreamhaven!


Also getting this error :S

Same!!! It started today for me, tho


Started right after today’s maintenance for me, too!


Same here! started after the maintenance as well! fix it !!!

Same here.

just tried again, now getting wow51900127 as well

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OK, now the game is starting to show different errors each time. Almost like a random number generator :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


im also playing the goodie bag game of which error number is it going to be this time when i try to reconnect


Was wondering about that. I’m getting ‘you have been disconnected from the server wow51900128’ whenever I try to log in.

Got the *0319 or *0123 continuously since the maintenance (was connected before without issues)
Deactivated my addons, renamed Interface, WTF and stuff to get a fresh config, started a repair process…, blahblahblah…
Now I’m stuck with the *0127

I love when maintenances, supposedly started to fix things, actually make things worth.

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Same over here, I was able to play the game since day one of the pre-patch.
Of course with black screens, characters disappearing and other bugs, but now is just random error number generator: “wow51900127-8-9”

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New one: BLZ51914003

Starting to wonder if it s another DDOS with everything happening in Blizz Eu, there where strikes or something yesterday

Same, getting both errors continuously