Wow51900123, wow51900128

Hitting my log-ins and I’m getting various error messages. I’ve noticed that the welcome screen is static and silent, which is not, I assume, A Good Thing…

Same issue here. OCE player. Only happening since the patch 1 hour ago.

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just got 0127 i almost have BINGO!


Same here after maintenance today…

Same issue after maintenance.

I’ve been trying to log in but I can’t 'cause those errors. Please fix it, I know is due to the expansion but we are also paying to play.

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tried every trick in the book.

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Can’t connect at all. OMG please help! What am I supposed to do without WoW? :cold_sweat:


Same issue, same sadness.

please blizz we pay 20$ per month fix your problem damn it !!!


is it really that hard for someone at Blizz to say hey guys yeah we notice this and we are working on a fix please be patient. this has been up for over an hour and no comms from Blizz yet other posts on forum gets responded to almost immediately so it obvious you guys read this stuff


Are you guys connecting from US They had a similar problem a few weeks back if I recall but it affected people connecting from EU(that played on US servers). There was a problem with the authenticator. This seems very different tho but you never know.

I’m still having the same problem as you guys either way.

wow51900128 for me, took down my firewall and authenticator and stuff and still cant log in

I understand that you dont really want us to play your game anymore since wod but you dont have to make it this literal

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@Xtainted they have stated on twitter that theyre invesgiating it atm


Good news. Hopefully it will be resolved shortly.

commodore the real mvp


i see posts from 16hrs ago, 15hrs ago and Oct 14 but nothing referring to today, maybe my twitter is bugged also

go into tweets & replies on the BlizzardCS account specifically and youll see the relevant posts at the top

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I think he is referring to this one:

Twitter is so unintuitive

I’m downloading heartstone :sleepy:

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