WoW won't update

Same issue. 2017 iMac. Big Sur (11.6)

macOS 11.6 - I recall Agent popping up some time last night and asking for me to give access.

Confirming what Múse stated: deleting the game and reinstalling seems to fix the issue. Though there’s no need to uninstall Just close, move your World of Warcraft folder to the trash bin (or just somewhere else generally), and re-open Once it was up and running again I copied my Interface and WTF folders back over and everything was back in order.

Curiously, my WCIII install didn’t have any of these issues and continued to update/run without problems :man_shrugging:

12.0.1 Monterey

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So let’s break this down.

  1. The fake patching bug that hasn’t been fixed in years makes game think there is a patch when there isn’t, as such launch is disabled until we do this fake patch.
  2. Can’t do the fake patch though because oops agent update that borks admin privs so now launcher is in a state it doesn’t patch and without the fake non existent patch, can’t launch.
  3. Sure you can bypass launcher and just launch app on intel mac and that’ll work at least…Unless of course you have a M1 mac in which case bypassing launcher isn’t an option because M1 mac client is also broken.

I know the tech guys on forums are just messengers, but at this point can you please tell the team they are dropping ball here. granted 1 of the 3 issues isn’t their fault, the other 2 most certainly are.


Monterey 12.0.1
Bypassing atm by using wow app and authenticator. That puts me into the game but without updates. Thanks for the heads up that this is noticed and getting some attention.

2018 Mac Mini running 10.14.6 - same difficulty.

I was only able to log in once I took my addons folder and put it in the Trash. Opened up and it no longer said I had an update. Had no issues logging in. I took the folder and put it back and things are fine.

Dunno if it helps but I see a lot of funny errors in>Agent.nnnn>Logs files (e.g. AgentErrors-(date/time string).log:

[E 2021-11-11 22:18:03.0421] Failed to execute remote task: POST /admin
“fix_permissions”: {
“attributes”: 0,
“behavior”: 8176,
“path”: “/Games/World of Warcraft/Wowhead”,
“should_inherit”: true
with error 2115
[E 2021-11-11 22:18:03.0421] AgentAsAdmin failed to fix the file permissions of ‘/Games/World of Warcraft/Wowhead’
[E 2021-11-11 22:18:03.0628] Failed to execute remote task: POST /admin
“fix_permissions”: {
“attributes”: 0,
“behavior”: 8176,
“path”: “/Games/World of Warcraft/Wowhead”,
“should_inherit”: true
with error 2115

I’m having this exact problem as well.

Just noticed a Bnet update indicator and ran the "update and restart " option. Sadly, same exact issue still.


two birds one stone, get it to stop trying to fix permissions on files it shouldn’te ven care about them on, like wowhead, curseforge, and addon files…no fake patch no getting caught up on permissions for stuff that doesn’t matter.

Still no solution for this…?

you can manually launch game and type in your account/password and log in. its a temporary solution to work around the launcher

That doesn’t work either in my case. I normally launch that way so I don’t have the Bnet window up all the time.

Same, I try to manually launch then I get error 154, opens up Bnet, then can’t login. :frowning:

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There was a post up above that suggested a chmod 777 to the Data folder recusively, that will probably fix it.

The issue seems to be that some removed the eXecute permission from the Data folder and the folders in the Data folder which prevents directory scanning. This means the patcher can not verify if it needs to patch… If you are more concerned about the wide ranging chmod I used this on each directory:

chmod a+x Data
chmod a+x config data en?? de?? es?? fr?? i* ko?? p* ru?? zh??

first was from World of Warcraft folder (mine is not in /Applications) and the second from World of Warcraft/Data

Good Luck

P.S. I forget many users are not Unix people, this is a command line fix from Terminal in Applications… Utilities

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I restored my wow folder from last night’s Time Machine capture and logged on right from the app - bypassing battle net and it worked.

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I believe i’ve fixed it. It seems to be a folder problem.

I renamed the wow folder all together, and now im able to reinstall all the games.

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I did what an above post did. Copy and pasted my add-ons somewhere else then removed the addons folder and launched the game no probs but no add-ons. So I copied over my add-ons one by one. The culprit I found was an add-ons called rotation master. I don’t even use it nor does it work anyways. But problem solved for me and all good. I’d suggest doing the same steps if you remove your add-ons and thr game still works. Process of elimination ftw

FWIW, I’m on Mac and managed to fix it using chmod. I noticed that most of the files in Data/config were 777 anyway, but some weren’t. So, I just used chmod -R 777 on that folder only. (So, sudo chmod -R 777 “/Applications/World of Warcraft/Data/config”). After that, I could launch the game manually (not using launcher which is still borked.) Hope that helps!

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