WoW won't update

I tried that last night when the issue first started and unfortunately it didnt work for me but hopefully it works for a few other people :slight_smile:

still not working for me — 10.15.7 OS

I’m having the same issue when attempting to update WoW. It ask for my password to allow changes, which I grant, but then I receive “Please try again after logging on as an administrator. I am the administrator. I’m running a MacBook Pro with Catalina version 10.15.7

Has not worked for me since I tried logging in Thursday evening. I submitted a ticket and received the response that it’s a “high priority” issue, although the lack of communication regarding the problem seems to indicate otherwise.

Three days’ worth of game time lost and counting…

MacBook Pro (2019) macOS Big Sur 11.6

Day 2 and the reinstall fix is still working perfectly for me. Holding steady, fingers crossed.

I’m having the same issue. asking for admin password, then when i updated the game i get the “oops something broke” message. Mac Pro (late 2013) Os is Monterey.

ok update. what i did was move the world of warcraft folder from Applications to the trash can. then i opened the battlement app, when it opened the install Wow button was there. i started the install. when the install was finished i clicked on the play button. the game launched and was able to play. ( i did not delete the world of warcraft folder from the trash.I did not copy over any of my interface or wtf folders.)

as far as i can tell it seems to be that world of warcraft folder has a corrupted file.

hope this info helps

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No clue how you figured out breaking one and launching the other quick made it work but I will be damned if it did (10.15.7 Catalina with current security updates - able to update from agent after pulling the Iceblinkluck maneuver). Kudo’s to you my friend. May your Elwynn boars all be filled with rare mounts and legendary loot…

Replying here so that CS can track me. I have this issue. Support ticket submitted 11/11/21. BS already has my full system report. To summarize:
Mac Pro (2019)
macOS Monterey 12.0.1

Have the issue as well - Macbook Pro on Monterey 12.0.1.

Just adding my voice here, per Blizzard’s request. Mid 2015 MacBook Pro, running Catalina.

I’ve had the same problem here. I had this problem on a Mac running MacOS 10.13.6 (the OS is old and no longer supported, but I don’t think that’s related to the issue here).

I had this computer running the Blizzard app since last night, which may have contributed to the problem with the update.

I stopped the Blizzard app on that computer & restarted it on my newer laptop— a MacPro (16", 2019) running 10.15.7.

It is working okay there so far, though I got some odd message about needing to run as administrator.

The current version of WOW (TBC) that I’m playing is

Just updated to macOS Montery, macOS 12.0.1 (21A559)
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)

I still can’t can not run wow from the app

Still nothing permanent. Same problem keeps happening

my husband has Mac but has no issues.

did this just affect players who has
Mac and downloaded burning crusade?

I’m running macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Macbook Pro (Retina, 15inch Early 2013
2.4 Quad-Core i7

I have had this problem for days. What is taking sooooo looong!!!


I had this issue start up for me yesterday. I’m running macOS Catalina 10.15.7 on an iMac, late 2013 model. Hoping the devs can find a solution quickly.

"Your World of Warcraft® account and characters have not been deleted. In the event that you return to the game, you can resume playing right where you left off.

Your subscription will remain valid until Jan 10, 2022 6:12 PM. If you want to return to the game, you can begin a new subscription, add game time to your account, or purchase a WoW Token using in-game currency."

Late 2015 27" iMac Mojave 10.14.6 w/ AMD Radeon R9 m395 2gb card that is barely supported, have been constant frame rate drops and issues since BFA.

Money talks people. Stop paying for a service that you aren’t receiving. Been nearly 3 days and we aren’t valuable enough for even the most minimal of communications so maybe it’s time for a game that functions that I haven’t been subbing to for over a decade. Maybe if enough people leave they will get the hint that this type of customer service isn’t acceptable. Not even a notice on the app. Had there been one when I tried to log in a few days ago I wouldn’t have spent all day reading forum posts and trying to troubleshoot with no computer experience. Now I’m perpetually stuck with this error message and I’ve had enough.

The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler: initialization error: failed to create storage component

ClientHandler: initialization error: failed to create storage component

ClientHandler: initialization error: failed to create storage component

tact::ClientHandler::Create failed: E_STORAGE_INIT

Blah blah blah can’t post “links” so I guess I won’t be able to even put the entire error message here. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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I just want to play the fraking game! This is so incredibly frustrating.

New World is/has been riddled with bugs/exploits, but literally anything is more appealing at this point than re-subbing to WoW. Frankly, I’m extremely angry that I bothered trying to get back into it and that I forked over gold/money for something that is quite literally unplayable, and has been for over 72 hours.

Why is this not on the Blizzard CS Twitter or the known/common issues for 9.1.5?? This gives the impression that what all of us are experiencing (the fact that we literally CAN NOT PLAY the game) is not important. And apparently neither is our time nor our troubleshooting efforts.

Both my partner and I have identical MacBooks which were bought at the same time. We are still running Big Sur 11.6.

I am having all these problems and despite all the workarounds, I still can not access Retail.

However, my partner’s LT doesn’t have the problem!!! Weird hey!

I have been able to access Classic by bypassing the Launcher so at least, I can play something.

Still having this problem here as well. Hope it gets fixed soon. Running 10.13.6.
