Wow vs ff14

It’s coming up more and more these days.

People really want you to know how they feel about Final Fantasy.

To be fair, SE caves more often than not.[1]

WoW used to be like that under GC. GC would “tank” the player base for the entire dev team on the forums and on Twitter. If you put forward a good argument as for why you are right and they are wrong, more often than not he would back down.

Ion … doesn’t work like that. He looks at the numbers. I don’t think it’s healthy to develop the game that way but I can’t really blame him for not wanting to “tank” the player base the way GC did.

But of course there are also things that SE didn’t cave on like Blue Mages … long story that one.

Soon, they might be another thing they won’t cave on. It’s all rumor at this point … but if it comes to pass, I might not have a Job to go back to. :frowning:

Nothing last forever I guess. Can’t help but feel I’m cursed, every class I liked and played eventually gets updated into something that I don’t like - it happened with Demo locks in WoW, then Frost Mage, now Summoner in FFXIV. >_<

[1] SE has even entertained quite a few niche requests over the years - e.g. some Summoners wanted to use the Carbuncles instead of the Egis (with a few weirdos like me being very insistent on it) … so they hacked in a option to change them; it’s pretty crude - you do so via a text command - but hey it works, I’m not complaining (and text commands don’t scare me since I studied computers).

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star wars galaxies was a good mmo, but before its time, most systems couldn’t run it properly, they gave you a way to bot with ingame scripts, but the game was heavily MMO dependant, it had housing, taxes that could claim your property if not paid, cantinas full of afkers just there to boost you, a weird talent tree, more free roam than commas I’ve used in this, and still it failed… I kind of wish it would come back, but I also don’t with how MMO’s are currently being ran.

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To add to the weirdness, WoW gets brought up a lot on FFXIV and their forums. Not usually in the negative way, either. People point to WoWs systems, gameplay, and encounter design, mostly.
Lately a lot of the disenfranchised healer mains have been waving violently at WoWs healer design to give SE some kind of hint as to what a healer can be that isn’t spamming the same button for the majorty of an encounter.

It’s kind of absurd :joy:

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Nah. It’s just players wanting the games they play to be better.

I meant more like people singing praises in the opposite direction. It is really a grass is always greener scenario.

I have popcorn ready for the content drought for 14, though.

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Frankly, FFXIV is basically Wrath/Cata.

Same “systems” like daily dungeon for currency (Justice/Valor points in Wrath/Cata, Tomestones in FFXIV) to buy gear from a vendor which basically act as catch up gear + LFR for casuals (except the LFR raids are custom made rather than nerfed regular raids).

They will probably put out some pretty time consuming grinds to fill the time - if they haven’t already. しょうがない。

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It’s a crappy game … very very slow . Combat mechanics are sad . The smoothness of WoW controls cannot be matched by any MMO in the market and certainly not by FF14.

But you have housing … :face_vomiting:

WoW = Good
FF14 = Bad

That’s all there is to it.
Keep moving.

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WoW with no quests and nothing to do will still feel better when using spells compared to FF14.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, it was truly captivating. I am, truly, a better man for having read it. :smiley:

Yea, they really complicated things with their websites. There are what 2 that you have use to get things done. I found just paying for the sub was a pain. It’s crazy how Japan comes up with some many innovative things. But have crap websites like they do.

I think I was pretty clear on what I disliked about FF14 the most. I also said what I liked about it and I didn’t slam it. Its just my opinion so not sure why a lot of you FF14 folks are so upset.

To be more specific to your liking. I have a huge issue with their control system. They don’t feel smooth to me, its extremely slow, the targeting system sucks, and the way I have things set up in WOW I can’t replicate that in FF14. I like the macro system in WOW a lot, it works for me. Combat in WOW is just better and more fun. I enjoy the system WOW has in its game.

As for the player characters. When I play a fantasy game I like playing character that are not human like, they’re more interesting to me and more creative in my opinion. FF14 cat people for instance is just ears and a tail on a human, it looks like a costume rather then looking like a race. The customization options are great but the race designs could of been better. The races in FF14 are uninteresting to me. The allied races in WOW had more creative thought put into them then what FF14 seemed to do with their main races so that is a big turn off for me. If I can’t get into the player character that I’m playing then I can’t get into the game.

I have other issues with the game but they’re not game breaking for me so they’re pointless to mention.


Every housing district in FFXIV has an apartment building.

They changed that in Shadowbringers to give an indication of whether you need to go up or down for the quest.

Yeah, I wish they would go back and fix this, or at least modify the loading screens to give the world a more seamless feel to it.

I mean, it’s not leveling that takes a long time in FFXIV, it’s getting through the story. But the story is well worth going through if you like story content.

Yeah I haven’t even touched 5.55 yet cause I know I have like 4 months to do it.

Clearly you have never played it for more than 5 minutes.

Dude, I just went back to eso. I have thousands of hours on console, but playing on pc now. I absolutely love it. It just needs mythic+ lol. I’d never play wow again. If you have only played mmos that use the mouse to move, like wow does, then eso will trip you out. But if you’ve played the other 99.99pct of games in the world that use wasd to move, or even a controller, then you will love it.

Considering that you HAVE TO do the story content on every new character does make it seem rather slow. You can’t just jump from leveling in one expansion to the other, you have to go through the motion. One of my biggest complaints about the game, but yeah, the well-written story makes it a little easier.

World of Warcraft has bad expansions lately. Final fantasy is just a bad game.

That’s my 2 cents on the matter

Nah its people picking and choosing systems they like and telling other companies to use it. Its the gamer version of “But Joey’s mom let him have one!”

The story content though is stupid fast leveling.

Wow’s orcs are based on Samurai Shodown; Wow’s elves are based on anime (Lodoss wars, mostly).

You were playing a weeb game all along

Starting MSQ on a preferred server will basically let you get everything to 60 before even finishing Heavensward patch content iirc, if you juggle them obsessively enough.