Wow vs ff14

I do love seeing through the facade that some ff14 players present of squeenix being some holy beacon of the perfect dev, then one person just has to be honest and the whole load of bs falls apart.

That’s all you got?

A little petty huh?

After the litany of smug bs that gets trotted out by the unpaid interns of squeenixes advertising department over the years? I’ve earned a little pettiness imo

Well, whatever makes you happy.

I like aspects of both games and neither is perfect. I prefer classic through wrath over any current version.

I thought the same way too, but it honestly has been refreshing.

Final Fantasy XIV has much better and more coherent lore than World of Warcraft. The Warcraft lore was the last thing that kept me in WoW permanently, and it was butchered, to say it mildly.

The battle system is similar now that WoW has a lot more global cooldowns going on as well. However, I feel like Final Fantasy XIV is a little more challenging and requires more attention, compared to World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft is far more freeform than Final Fantasy XIV, something that blizzard have ruined entirely for players on totally new accounts, forcing them to go through a specific faction. Final Fantasy XIV forces you to go through it’s main story on every new character, although there is no need for a new character as you can be every class, every job(profession) on a single character, but a new character for a different flavor would be nice, so I quite dislike that you have to pay to skip the mainquest on a different character, to reach later expansions - this is the biggest thing that makes me dislike FFXIV.

Overall, FFXIV is still better as a game though. The graphics is very subjective. FFXIV looks a little more outdated compared to WoW, due to the two different styles. WoW is a far more cartooney style, and that kind of graphical style seems ageless, whereas a style like FFXIV’s will quickly look old.

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I’ve got to agree there. Although having been there back then, I don’t see it as a draw to make me want to do it again.

In their time though they were amazing. It’d be a lie for me to say I haven’t enjoyed a lot of this game, since I sunk a lot of time into it. I also believe that this applies to the people that put it down relentlessly.

Yes WoW and it’s community has changed a lot, no it isn’t now what people loved back then. But some people still enjoy it and that’s cool.

I personally play FFXIV, and have no intention of leaving it. No it isn’t perfect, yes it could do with some WoW features. But hey, it’s fun for me.

Each to their own I say.

That was not due to “diversity”. That was due to (IMHO weirder part of) the fan base whinging ceaselessly for male bunny people. Like seriously non-stop. YoshiP was probably starting to fearing for his safety if he didn’t added male Viera - and I’m only half-joking.

OP This is not the proper place for this general discussion Is not to discuss other games.

There is an off topic section literally made to discuss other games. You can move it yourself OP. If you don’t blizzard will. You will notice many other threads talking about this game in this section

You can level in wow from 1 to 50 in 8 hours. I know some people do it faster, but that’s the gist of it. You haven’t even made a dent in ff14 at that point. Not to mention, in wow you can forego pretty much all quests and just do dungeons. Ff14 forces you through thousands of quests. Its ine of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in a game

If you read my later posts, I have covered this :slight_smile:

This is actually true.

It takes a lot of time to level through FFXIV, I have been told it was reduced but it still feels long. Even longer if you actually care about the story, because then you will want to watch every cutscene that comes with the main storyline.

Some dungeons in FFXIV are also a part of the main storyline, resulting in some group wait time, good thing is that you can end in a group with someone much higher level than yourself (Level is scaled to the highest level available for a specific dungeon) so you can have someone who is very experienced, make smalltalk and get a great guide through the game.

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I tried FF14 on a trial but I was completely overwhelmed and lost in the starting city they put me in, and by the time I got out of the city to start questing I had lost interest. I admittedly had a defeatist attitude at the time. At this point, I feel like started anew in another MMO is a daunting task. Even if I did try another MMO, I wouldn’t be putting in the effort I put into WoW.

I will say that I am not a fan of the anime style, I feel like even the big buff race (They were called Galka in FFXI) look very effeminate and that is not a turn on, visually, for me. I am not a fan of the androgyny of the anime style, simply put.

I do love the Final Fantasy classes though, I particularly love summoners and red mages. I heard the FFXI questing experience is great but again, I feel like I’m too far behind at this stage of FF14 to get started.


I like having one character can swap to any job, there’s no need for alts.

I like that if something is listed really expensive on your server’s auction house you can swap around severs and look for a better price.

I think the Trust system is great. Entering a new dungeons with your npc allies you can get comfortable with the mechanics. You can see the flow of the fight without bringing down the experience of other players. You want to try a different role? Now you can and you’re not punishing other players for your screwups.

The Golden Saucer is great, tons of minigames to do and it’s always there. A place to take a break whenever you want. I haven’t stepped foot into DMF since mop and it just feels real constrictive on when it’s actually up.

The Namazu are the greatest thing ever.

Blue Mages, they’re so weird but when I tried it out I enjoyed every moment hunting for spells and you get stupid OP abilities. It’s just so different than anything else I’ve played in a mmo. When I first read about them I thought it was a stupid idea, but when I tried it out, I ended up really liking it.

I like Square’s approach to flying, now it’s a little different than wow’s but finish the campaign story of that area and then you can unlock flying in that area. We experience the area and story, we’ve played it like it was “supposed to be played” and now you can fly through the area. It’s not some huge hassle that for whatever reason wow makes it out to be.

There’s a lot of things I think FFXIV does right, but it’s not a game I play for a long stretch of time like a can with wow. ARR is the worst thing about the game, it’s story is generic. The combat is REAL slow as you dont have many OGCD skills. It just does a bad job at selling the game to someone who has played other mmos and it takes so long to get out of ARR, but when you finally get out and start Heavensward the game dramatically picks up.

It seems like wow has been in decline for years, the golden age is over. The devs and the pb just can’t seem to communicate to one another anymore and now it just seems like Square is doing more things right than what Blizzard is doing.

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As someone who as also been playing through FFXIV I have a similar opinion.

It’s a good game don’t get me wrong, nice story and believable plot twists, flashy effects (bit too much but can tone them down yourself). Plenty of systems you have to learn if you are a new player so there is A LOT of content for a new player.

That said, it’s nothing special IMO. If you like the FF franchise you probably like the game, similar to if you liked the Warcraft franchise then at some point you liked WoW. I do think FF has done a better job (as far as I have seen in heavansward), but I also think it’s hardly a 100% fair comparison. Heard from friends that Endwalker is the final arc in what was originally planned, so now we will start seeing how FFXIV stands the test of time.

The one major plus I will give FF is it’s UI. The fact it’s so customizable as a base feature is really nice.

So I love my friends, but this was my major gripe. FFXIV is good, but people hype it up SOOOO much like getting into heavansward is where it picks up. At least for me it’s just new voice actors and similar plot devices/tools, aside my more off GCD stuff it’s not too different.

If I had to suggest WoW (retail) to others I probably wouldn’t, nor would I FFXIV. But if you like either MMO franchise I would tell people just roll with it because the ones out right now are not too different, at least for me.

Now some of the new ones coming out look interesting but we will see.

Will have to try ESO at some point.

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Never quite understood the fascination WoW players who say they’re dissatisfied with WoW have with FF/FF14… to me it just seems to suffer most of modern post Legion WoW’s problems dialed to the max…

I’d much rather 10.0 start the path to taking us back to MoP era class fantasy where spells actually felt impactful and even “fun”… and maybe iron out a few kinks in the story that’ve developed since Legion…

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Like what? You do not make a good argument. You just sound like a fan boi.

FF14 looks incredibly stupidly stupid. It’s an ugly anime style game. I personally hate anime and think it’s horrible. 100% won’t get me into those types of games based on appearance alone, but the bad controls is also another reason I can’t find ANY game besides WoW. It’s so smooth and fluid. Even though the game sucks, the core of it that was created so long ago is great.

this topic comes up like once every couple months. /yawn