WoW vs. FF14

Before the AH revamp in WoW I don’t think this was the case but it’s absolutely true now. The only feature in FFXIV’s AH that I like over WoW’s is that I can bring up a window to see the purchase history of an item. So I can tell how fast it’s moving and set the price accordingly.

It’s extremely convoluted to be sure. It’s not quite as limited as it seems. Once you have a chocobo saddle bag and two retainers to use for storage you actually have a decent amount of storage, but all your junk will be spread across multiple locations. One thing that makes this problem worse than it appears is that early ARR content fills your bags really quickly with a ton of junk that is in all honesty, completely and utterly worthless. This is something that gets fixed in the later expansions but it’s not always obvious at a glance what’s useful and what isn’t.

Quoted this twice because that’s how true it is. I would kill to have the WoW transmog system in FFXIV. It’s incredibly restrictive and awkward in FFXIV.

I think I figured out why I’m having more fun in FFXIV than I am in WoW now. In FF I have a huge sense of progression, I’ve gotten stronger, my spells have gotten stronger, when I go back to old content it does not take just as long to kill things. Leveling was fun because I got stronger the higher level I became.

WoW has taken every ounce of progression away from me. I’m the same level and have less power after 15+ years of progression. BC Classic characters are stronger and higher level.

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God I love that feature. It also allows you to see when people buy gil online because you’ll see weird items sell for millions of gil that are only listed for like 5k.

Is nice though for sure.

Another thing is while convoluted as hell, the retainer means of posting auctions is nice. I don’t flood the AH with single stacks because it takes up space on my retainer. Actually have to list them in reasonable amounts.

It’s actually more than WoW’s if you buy an additional retainer or use the app that doubles saddlebag and gives a retainer. Barring the unique or racial bags, the highest bag slot you can have is 32. WoW’s base bag is 16 + 4 for authenticator iirc. Doing this your base bag can be 148 slots.

The bank by default holds I believe 28 slots and can be extended with 7 (8?) bag slots. This equates to 252 slots in addition.

So one character reasonably can store 400 items, 160 more if you do both void storage tabs. Then 98 with Reagent Bank. 658 total.

FFXIV your main bag is 140 slots. Your chocobo saddlebag baseline is 70, so 210. Then each retainer can hold 175 items. Baseline it’s 560. If you use the app for an extra 5 a month you gain the second saddlebag bringing that up to 630, then another 175 from the retainer making it 805 spaces of storage.

If you want to be super tryhard crafter like me, I have 10 retainers which is the maximum. >_>

Obvious issues in the math:

Nobody uses the void storage in WoW and it has a few limited things it can actually hold.

I didn’t count glamour dresser which holds 400 items itself.

I didn’t factor in Armory Chest which holds 420 items presently minus soul crystals of which there are 17, soon to be 385 spaces with belt removal in 6.0.

If you really want to know the maximum amount of storage a player can have in FFXIV with all things: 2,850. Barring armoire and guild storage which increases this. That is with a maxed glam dresser, 10 retainers, both saddlebags, and base inventory.

For real. I have way too many glam items and I wish I could have them all but I’m at the point of putting some items in my saddlebag for glam. T_T


Does FF 14 have anything resembling wows warlock? A health leeching dark class kind of thing?

Also, what do you consider to be the best solo class for a new player?

I’m not going to knock FFXIV for this design TBH. It’s just a different taste. They don’t want to make healing too hard for healers, so a lot of the meta for less challenging content becomes about weaving DPS into your healing, and then that warps the perception of what players “want” to be doing at the high end, so you get into a situation where the Ultimate is designed around healers and tanks focusing on pumping DPS, rather than survival being a major concern outside of scheduled tank-busters.

WoW has ping-ponged back and forth about this and because the World First Race is not simply “executing the standard experience really well” but playing a different meta-game altogether (worse geared DPS means everyone has to chip in) you have these different metas where sometimes healers who heal are fine and sometimes they’re not. Some people want to play a healer and just heal and that mindset seems to be something Blizzard tries to support even in Mythic level content (look at Ion’s parses). Blizzard tries to support multiple playstyles and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

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Arcanist/Summoner. It has pets, summons and dots but really does not leech health.

Easiest to play is the red mage. I’m having a Blast with the Bard, Machinist and Summoner. They are not all that hard.

Let each game be themselves. Yes, WoW is screwing up in SL right now and hopefully they’ll fix some of the more glaring faults, and mostly for me, make it fun again. (and please don’t make it so obvious you’re wasting our time for metric by tripping us!! Amoung other things)

I don’t want a copycat of one game on WoW. WoW just needs to remember what it does best.

I don’t knock it per se either. But honestly I don’t have much stake in it since I very rarely do Savage+ content in FF14. In dungeons at least I’m perfectly fine spamming Holy until the end of time.

Won’t stop me memeing it though. :smirk:

Id you have time to elaborate, what makes red mage so easy to play?

The more I read about FF14 the more interested I get. And I ways prefer ranged casters. Thanks.

No dots to keep up, cast one spell get the next one instant, and use procs sums it up very well and the aoe rotation is close to the same. Build up white and black magic then rush boss hit him with a few big melee attacks and jump back and start all over. If you mess rotation up it’s forgiving One spell rushes the boss for you and the last in the combo jumps you back to ranged. Can heal yourself and rez. I like it.

Working on it now, will be my forth level 80. FF give you that great sense of progression that WoW went away from, get stronger as you level, spell upgrades and learn new things very often.


Wow nice, sounds like red mage has a bit of everything I love in a class. I will try it.


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FF is slow to start combat wise but as you level you get stronger and rotation get longer and faster.


Agree with this… but so far everything I’ve read about Ff end game healing leads me to the belief I won’t enjoy it,

I will say that it is super cool that Square Enix have interpreted some of the iconic jobs from over the decades of the franchise into MMO classes. Being able to have a Red Mage, who is a jack-of-all-trades job in other games with light-armored melee, dual-cast, black magic and white magic, and have that not only not be gimped (“Hybrid Tax”) but actually strong and yet not completely break the game says something about their class designers.

I also heard the game has Blue Mages, which is just wacky. I’m curious to see what that looks like - haven’t super followed the game but I heard they’re kind of like a giant “Asterisk” class.

Blue mages are their super broken class, can solo quite a lot and can’t be taken into current raids because of how broken it it.

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Basically yeah. They have a max level of 70 instead of the 80 that everyone else gets. They can’t sign up for party finder content either. If they want to do any instanced content they need to do it with a premade party. For the most part the game doesn’t acknowledge them as a “real” class. No restrictions on world content though and while you CAN do any content in the game up to level 70 with them, you need a pre-made party and there’s very little reason to do it with a Blue Mage unless you’re explicitly trying to get a specific Blue Mage spell or get a Blue Mage specific achievement.

It’s kind of an entire minigame by itself. Leveling it to 70, collecting spells from all sorts of content from around the world, and it has its own single-player content called the Masked Carnival. It’s basically a bunch of quick single-player boss challenges that tend to require pretty specific utility from particular Blue Mage spells in order to pass. A mix of puzzle and one-man raid sort of stuff.

I like it. It’s fun to play around with. It’s very distinct from “real” jobs though so you can’t really progress your player power with it.

As Warpstone said, they’re very broken with some really ridiculous spells. If they were let into current raids they’d completely wipe the floor with everything.


You can also unsync the dungeon and just take them in to solo very old content. I use my blue mage to one shot King Mog and do Thornmarch Extreme runs in 3 seconds while I’m farming for demimog demimateria.

Never underestimate the power of a beefed up final sting. xD

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I just watched a video going over it, looks super cool. Reminds me of Brawler’s Guild a little bit in a sense, except that it isn’t broken by every new expansion lol.

That’s the one thing that is really a bummer about WoW, the way they delete content sometimes but without a new substitute. I’m fine with old M+ dungeons phasing out for new ones, but going periods of time without having a feature that was previously there is a bummer. The level sync stuff in FF solves all of that.

No question. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it as many times as it takes: I have zero compunctions with pugging in FFXIV. My main tanks and heals, and I’ve never once hesitated, mandatory dungeon or no.

I’ve played WoW for well over a decade, and I’ve ran my guild for the majority of that time. When everyone left WoW, my only recourse was to pug. All these years, and I’ve never gotten the achievement for X number of pugs.

I reconnected with some acquaintances from long time back, end of BfA / beginning of Shadowlands. I wanted to finally try out Mythics, so I wasn’t just a blind hater. I actually think I’ve done one , or the opening of one, during Legion. I wanted Void Elves, and literally the only thing I had to do was pug. I did it, then we ran it again and I got a thing with a three in my bag. So, yay?

Anyway, the acquaintances had me sit and watch videos, and they talked incessantly, and made me redo my character setup, before we even did anything. Should have been a red flag, I’m pretty independent with my character choices. During the run, their behavior was a complete 180 from their standard behavior, to the point where I was done with the group after the second boss.

There were no deaths, but they were still flipping out. The Heigan dance was harder, and here they are flipping over not matching a damned video. I was out mid fight, boohoo I left. I’m not sure if its Mythics or Mythic players, but I have nothing for that portion of the game, sorry. I want fun and adventure, I want skin of the teeth battles, not whatever the hell that was while watching addons and whatnot.

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Blu mage was the only thing I found fun in FFXIV… well and Hildebrand.