WoW vs. FF14

You’re playing a game where you can pug 3/4 of the difficulties. If you’re in a static guild group and progging Heroic you’re trash, sorry.

Yes, I like to play with the same people and chat in discord and actually befriend the people I play with. WoW I can raid among 20 people, doesn’t have the same experience really. Even in Classic we saw that, you had 39 other people you’re raiding with but it wasn’t like they were all your friends, hell I hated half of my raid group in BWL and still only actively befriended like 6 people that I would actively do content with in the game like dungeons if a few were on.

XIV just takes the fluff players out of the equation that I don’t care about but need them to press buttons.

Right, because alts in WoW aren’t subjected to doing the same grinds, having to cap their currencies, needing their own legendaries made with Torghast, rep grinds, daily crap, having to do their own great vault progress. . .

Let me make it simple. XIV alts are literally not having to start again from scratch. WoW alts are. The closest you get to mitigating this fact is BoA stuff. Doesn’t change the fact I’m still grinding Torghast for them too, doing Maw dailies for them too, doing their great vault as well as my main’s. . .

An alt in XIV is just leveling it and getting it gear with tomestones I can do on my main job if I want. I can play my healer and gear my dragoon. I don’t have to literally duplicate everything I do to keep them optimal.


What you want to do? I’ve already gone over this in a prior post.

-There are raids, content cycle brings larger and smaller raids with a relative degree of frequency

-There is an equivalent to Mythic raiding, though it’s not their priority. Takes some time to prog

-Roulettes, which incentivize and create groups for lower level instances to keep the story and gameplay moving for lower level people

-Professions, which are basically classes unto themselves, typically with some form of endgame or “event” crafting implemented during current expansion (this time it was Ishgard Restoration)

-Work on your relic from the current expansion for a neato cosmetic weapon; since Stormblood these also unlock with an area that syncs gear and level with its own progression system. Not much here aside from relic stuff or doing it because you enjoy it, and given relics are kept behind current tier item level until right near end of expansion, it’s typically done solely for appearances

Then we get into less current things that you can do, either for cosmetics or to give yourself smaller goals.

-Challenge logs, weekly activities in given content that will give you money/experience/etc.

-Work towards titles and mounts from achievements, if that’s your cuppa

-Work towards prior expansions’ relics

-Level alt jobs

-Do hunt trains and personal hunts for some neat cosmetic stuff, for any or all of the expansions, since each has its own form of the same currency

There’s more, that’s just what came to mind.

holy crap… lol. As Sentenza said, end game in FFXIV is about a billion times better than WOW. the professions are not a joke for one. the savage content and ultimate raids are incredible and here’s the thing, the barrier to entry is not filled with god damn guild applications like you’re applying for a job. with references and crap lol – I got in to the top 3 free companies on my data center that do all this stuff and guess what I had to do? I IM’d the guy hey man… wow refugee here Im lookin to raid… His response? We’d love to have you! Invited. I wasnt redirected to fill out a questionnaire and describe my life’s detail and optimal rotations to be reviewed by some weirdo officer lurking the application forums. It was simple.

and the idea of ‘alts’ sucks. why do I need 15 different characters ? It’s annoying. each one has their own freakin’ reputation even though Ive earned it on others. Blizzard is so god damn far behind in terms of just basic respect for your time that it’s ridiculous. If I want to go from Paladin to Black Mage or White mage , I click a freakin button on my hotbar. Boom new class. And here’s the thing; whatever you DO in FFXIV, is 10 times the adventure than it is in WoW, it feels like a GAME in the end and not a freakin CHORE and JOB. Thats the primary difference.

farm relic weapons. do gold saucer. you can set your sights anywhere and go get them. in WoW, if you want Mythic raids and crap, you have to give up your whole life. I dont understand how people cant see this. Let’s not forget the ENTIRE Housing and free company stuff. (which includes more collectables and side-content).

and here’s another thing… old content is not all trivial. end game players are incentivized to help new players by running dungeon duties in the roulette and still get rewarded for it. the content is never just done and over with. it’s still relevant. every time warcraft releases a new expansion, the entire old game just dies even more. it becomes less and less and less relevant.


When people talk about joining a raid guild, they’re mostly talking about Mythic, maybe an AOTC Heroic guild, so this dilemma is already solved - the default of raiding is often Mythic Raiding, or sometimes AOTC Heroic.

Conversely, when you say “I want to do Mythic Raiding”, most people automatically know you’re talking about doing it in a guild.

This is the culture of WoW’s end-game.

By contrast, there are three Ultimate fights in FFXIV. The rest is varying degrees of PUG content.

And none of those are mandatory content to doing other things? Like challenge logs aren’t giving you a currency for gear? And Hunts aren’t giving you a currency for promotions?

Titles don’t require that better gear?

That’s what you’re arguing against WoW with. That all our optional content is in turned needed to do other content so it’s mandatory.

I dunno. Shadowlands has pretty spectacularly fallen on its face in terms of that content pipeline. Combine that with the typical end of expansion drought, and things ain’t looking good.

I’ll just quote the response for you. It’s also a response that is four years old at this point in time.

(Yoshida: “It’s alright not to play it everyday. Since it’s just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it’s hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it’ll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart’s content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game.”)

That’s not “take a break, our content output sucks, you’re gonna run out of content”. It was in response to a player feeling burned out due to a lack of their specifically preferred content and not wanting to do some of the other things the game has to offer for your downtime.


No problem! No matter what we’re all playing, at our heart we’re all gamers. It’s easy to lose sight of that in the forums sometimes, but when someone’s having difficulty even playing a game, I want to help out if I can.

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Depends on the title, but there are very few raid-specific titles, and a plethora of mounts and titles tied to doing non-competitive content.

Torghast BECOMES optional, but it’s not actually optional if you’re literally anything other than an LFR/WQ hero.

Korthia is as close to optional as it’s come without actually being completely optional in Shadowlands, except you use the currencies and reps for fairly important things that you’ll want if, again, you’re literally anything other than an LFR/WQ hero.

That’s literally what he’s saying though. Rather than saying something to the extent of “We also have X content” or “In the future, Y content will have a longer period of relevance”, he’s straight up admitting that they know they can’t keep up with the demand for content, and to simply take a break from the game if you run out of content in FFXIV and then come back with the next release. That’s actually what he’s saying.

Are you reading a different quote than I am, or are you just illiterate?

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Completely agree. At the end of the day, we have generally one thing in common: Gamers.

You realize that a static is literally a guild without the tag right? You can raid Mythic without the guild and just group 20 people on the same server together and zone into the raid. I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. We can all be in the Free Company if we want but really, what’s the point? Guilds haven’t meant jack in MMOs for a long time past being a title.

Because it’s something they did literally last expansion to start off and there would be 4 but Covid happened so we lost the Ultimate for here but supposedly we’re getting 3 in Endwalker to make up for it. Even if we just get 2, no hard feelings.

But here’s the crazy thing. An Ultimate 4 years from now aside from potency buffs to abilities will still be the exact same encounter. I won’t waltz in on a transmog run and curbstomp it. They are required to be sync’d and you have a set item level and level with what it was scaled around. It doesn’t get easier over time unless they nerf it. I can’t outgear an ultimate and get an undeserved kill like a lot of guilds do with Heroic and Mythic where they eventually just overgear it because they took 6 months to do it.

Not only are you illiterate, you’re trying to pretend like WoW doesn’t have this exact same issue. Yoshi recommends doing other things because he realizes if there’s nothing to do but you keep playing you get burnt out. He understands and respects that.

FFXIV: I’ve done all the raid content I can do. “Oh, take a break, enjoy other things for a bit.”


He chooses to give healthy advice instead of Blizzard who throw a ton of grinds and timegates in to make the content appear like it lasts longer. 9.1 for most people is already exhausted of all its content barring timegates. If it didn’t have those the content would be already just done, and done in a week.

When there’s nothing left to do, Yoshi wants you doing other things to not burn out once you do the content. Blizzard keeps forcing grinds to keep you subscribed. Want a good example of this? Suramar. When they took off all the timegates and just let you do it all in one sitting, people did the whole thing in six hours start to finish. However because it was spaced out it actually took a few weeks and looked more impressive than it was.


As much as I am loving FF so far, I’m 99% certain I’m going to end up not buying the full game.

Despite the many faults of WoW - it still does tanking and healing roles better.

Since I predominantly heal I don’t think I’d enjoy end game as much.

Some days I wish I liked DPS :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is this a bad thing though? For both WoW and FFXIV I’m not exactly making a lifetime commitment. Why is it so important that the game be able to occupy my time every second from cradle to grave?

I play both WoW and FFXIV the same way. I play them when they have content for me to play, I take a break from them when they don’t. And both games absolutely have content droughts, let’s not pretend that’s something unique to FFXIV. (In fact I’d argue it’s the largest driving force of Shadowlands’ unpopularity.) I didn’t realize when I signed up for FFXIV that I was taking it to the alter to make a lifelong vow.

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If you decide to build a PC in the future, I strongly recommend if you can getting a motherboard that allows an m2 or NVMe drive. They’re better than solid states but still fairly under the radar for many people. Solid States are still good but may as well get the best if it’s within budget. I think they’re said to be twice as fast as an SSD, though an SSD is still REALLY good.

That said, like Anansi said, Solid States are HUGE. If your laptop has a usb-c port, get an external SSD of like 500gb and use that for WoW or any game you actively play. It is a night and day difference. Especially with WoW, there was a bit of controversy leading into SL because they were going to make SSDs a minimum requirement due to the graphic bloat, etc.


really the community aspect deserves it’s own thread. it’s night and day difference between toxicity and respect for your time. thats world of warcraft’s biggest turn off in the world. I’ve been playing this game since vanilla beta and you would think I would have more than 1 friend on here left but that’s all there is. and he’s one of the top mount collectors in the world and that’s all thats keeping him I’m sure. world of warcraft in it’s present state, and it’s community, are atrocious. there’s no other way to put that.

the game needs a complete overhaul to the guild system and introducing you to like-minded people and friends with similar goals to your own. guilds need to take a step back and realize that the way they recruit with jumping through hoops , filling out web applications, it’s such a deterrent and horrible approach. here’s a real question for people who still play WoW… And I’m not being condescending or anything I am genuinely curious… do you make new friends when you log on? I would be willing to bet the majority of people posting in this thread have had their friends list dwindled down to almost nobody, 1 or 2 people still around. and to me, this part of the game is so damn broken.

it could be a me problem… but if Blizzard respected players’ time more and really put some innovation and thought in to creating relationships with other gamers and connecting people in their MMO outside of just X amount of dailys or throwing everybody in some hub or zone it would go a really long way. I would enjoy WoW more with actual friends and people. Maybe I would even like to Mythic raid. but you will never find me filling out a web application like an a*hole. FFXIV offers linkshells, fellowships, free companies, and it’s so easy to connect and talk to people who are friendly and treat you good and are happy you’re there and part of the experience.


Ah yes. The classic holy trinity roles of any MMORPG.

DPS, blue DPS, and green DPS.

That is something that FFXIV dives into headfirst. Every single class is at least 70% DPS. Even the healers.


Having just started playing FF14 I am really enjoying it, but I have to say there are a few
things they REALLY need to improve that WoW just does WAY better.

  1. the AH in FF14 is awful in comparison to WoW’s and needs a complete revamp.

  2. The storage system in FF14 compared to WoW is also AWFUL. Bag space is extremely limited

  3. Glamours aka “Transmogs” in FF14 are good but the SYSTEM around it is worse than WoW’s where you just need to loot the item ONCE in WoW, while in FF14 you have to KEEP the item like WoW USED to make you do, this paired with your Glamour chest in FF14 having only 400 slots makes it VERY limited.


I’ll bookmark this, thank you!