WoW vs. FF14

It’s basically permanent timewalking. I don’t know why WoW has decided that timewalking needs to be limited to a week at a time. But between that and the fact that the story is linear and dependent on the old stuff it means that old content is never obsolete.

I actually think that contributes to Final Fantasy giving players so much to do. There’s truly not that much more content than there is in WoW if you just look at size and frequency of content updates, but if you start now from absolutely nothing you’re not going to run out of things to do any time soon as you have 4 expansions worth of stuff to play with.

Well also the thing is each of those specs have similar mechanics but are vastly different play styles.

Take for example Shaman with the elemental and enhancement specs. Elemental involves attacks from range with mana heavy spells …while Enhancement involves attacking in melee with a paladin like playstyle.

Also I would say there is more versatility in the roles Take for example the Death Knight vs the FFXIV Equivalent which is the Dark Knight. While a death knight can play both Tank and DPS while a Dark Knight is stuck in the tank role. So if you are a frost or unholly DK and want to take your play style to FFXIV i am sorry to say you will need a new spec or learn to tank.

You are also forgetting gear. I can guess that some roles in FFIXV use vastly different gear than others and getting raid ready which means you will often need to farm entirely different gear sets to get the gear I need.

Meanwhile if I am a ret pally and I want to switch holy I just have to press a button and boom my gears primary stats switches to that a holy pally would need and both use plate so no need to farm.

I am not saying you are wrong even with the lvl squish an easier to way to lvl alts will be useful it is just FFXIV is flawed in its own manner.

Not setting myself on one side or the other since I don’t really play alts too much in either game… Just aiming to provide some context.

The way gearing works in FF14 is that there a few different gear sets available.

Fending (All tanks)
Healing (All healers)
Casting (All magical DPS)
Aiming (All physical ranged DPS)

The one role that behaves weirdly is melee DPS, which uses 3 different armor sets.
Striking (Samurai/Monk)
Scouting (Ninja only)
Maiming (Dragoon and Reaper when it comes out in Endwalker)

Every class uses a different weapon but otherwise shares gear so long as they use they same gear set. So since Dark Knights and Paladins are both tanks who both use Fending gear, if my Paladin is geared up then my Dark Knight is geared up as well. (Besides weapon. I still need to get a separate weapon for each.)

Yea but take it a Samruai would wear plate while a monk would wear lather.

Nope. Striking is striking. Monks and Samurais wear the same gear. Dragoons with their maiming set tend to wear more heavily armored stuff but Samurais wear more of a Samurai Jack kind of outfit without any metal bits.

Well even so Lets say I want to play A swiss army knife style char that would fill all roles for a raid. I would need 1 set for tanking 1 set for healing and at least 1 set for a DPS role and I would have to keep all those sets updated constantly.

However if I want to do that in WoW all I would have to do is roll pally (with only having to keep a 2h a 1h and a shield updated), roll a druid, or roll a monk.

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Yes that’s correct. Every class in FF14 can only perform one role. If you’re a Dark Knight you’re a tank, you can never be anything but a tank. So you would wear the tank fending gear. If you want to do another role like DPS, you would need to level and gear a different DPS class.

For myself, I mainly use Dancer (physical ranged DPS) and its my most geared class. When I heal I use White Mage, when I tank I use Warrior. I have a completely different gear set for all three.

Also another you must think of even though the two talents have different play styles they often share similar mechanics.

If I play arms warrior all the time and want to try Prot, both of them use rage so I will have some things familiar from one class I can use for the other.

However switching from Ninja to dark knight I can only guess involves having to learn a entirely different resource management system.

Then again I heard all you have to do in FFXIV dungeons is faceroll so I take it that does not matter.

What FF14 really does better than WoW.

Seems to be that it actually has optional content that is fun to participate in.


The argument that the game is great because there is so little to actually do that it’s easy to do everything on 8+ characters simultaneously is always a strange one to me.

I’ve played FF14 off an on for a few years but stopped shortly after Shadowbringers came out (got to 70). It just gets really boring. I’m not sure how people here are thinking the endgame is much different than Warcraft. You run dungeons and queue for LFR basically. Maybe the first time I played (when ARR came out) was fun and playing through each expansion is fun and that’s what the FF14 folks here are experiencing now. Once they get to cap it’s pretty much the same game as this.

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So I just read about white mages in FF14 and says they are one of the best healers.

Do they do enough DPS to also solo and do the stories easy enough, or are they slow to level like heal specs in WoW.

I would love to have a healer/dps hybrid caster.

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You do?
looks at my 5 different characters all at friendly death’s advance/rank 1 codex that are all at 215+ item level

News to me.

Seriously though, gearing alts is easier than it’s ever been. I’m not sure how anyone is having trouble-and it is certainly less work than I ever had to put into gearing something on FFXIV. FFXIV just seems easier because the content is so easy your gear doesn’t matter outside of savage.

Also of note-you actually cannot gear more than one thing when a raid tier is current in XIV. FFXIV timelocks its premium currency, it just isn’t doing it right now because it’s the end of the expansion.

All healer jobs in FF14 do a good amount of damage. Typically they do around 50%-60% of the damage of DPS jobs. About the same as the tanks.

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I really think that you’d enjoy Conjurer / White Mage. I haven’t had problems in the field, unless I’m REALLY overwhelmed by enemies. In dungeons I can easily hold my own and keep the party topped with heals. And if things ever get crazy in a dungeon, you’ve always got your limit break to fall back on.

The only thing I will say, is that the game in the beginning is “slow”, because it trains players as if they’re new to MMORPGS entirely. Once the training wheels come off, you’re going to be slinging spells. Have fun, good luck!

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Now I just have to decide between white mage or red.

I like the idea of being a healer mage so leaning white.

the only difference i see between the two games are these and this is why i play them both.

  1. wow has better combat. “there is not much story to go off by. it seems to be rushed.”
  2. ff14 has a better story. “combat is cool but i personally do not care for it much” you can completely lose track of time if you read everything and really get into it. i can spend hours upon hours just reading lore.

FF14 is really really boringly slow at the beginning. i found the game to be a little more fast pace at around 40-50 depending on your job. but like i said in my other comment, i mainly play FF14 for the story not the gameplay.

Pro FFXIV crowd: We have optional content. - It’s all optional. “Optional” means less.

Pro FFXIV crowd: Our fights are harder cus you use addons. - Your fights are in the same small circle for multiple expansions now and will be in the same circle for all the expansions in the future. Your fights could be harder or easier. I don’t know because I’m not a mythic raider and I haven’t done the content in FFXIV. But what I do know is the server side resolving of combat is more of a pain than anything I’ve experienced in any MMO I’ve played.

Pro FFXIV Crowd: Our story is better. - When you have story from Warcraft 1 - WoW Shadowlands level of story and lore and you can see where Arthas wrecked his way through Lorderon both before and after being controlled and manipulated into killing his people and father we can maybe talk. When you have story that takes you through an invading people consumed by bloodlust destroying a continent and going to another one only to lose a war and be enslaved and then freeing themselves to go to yet another continent and found a homeland we can maybe talk. When you have a story where a drug addicted race has that drug taken away from them and are then persecuted and decide to follow a leader through a portal into another world all while their leader goes insane… maybe we can talk. When you have a race of ancient beings that have repeatedly fought off an otherworldly faction bent on destroying the world and persecuted their own for the sacrifices they had to do to win those fights… and still repeatedly went to the persecuted for help over and over and still repeatedly persecuted them… we can maybe talk. You’re going to need more than “oh lore retcons or I don’t like the direction of the lore.” Sorry kid, your game isn’t big enough for that yet.

Pro FFXIV Crowd: Our game isn’t as toxic. Maybe. It’s still toxic. The game itself removes choice and global chats. The game does have questlines addressing toxicity. It’s still toxic. Congratulations, you win the special yogurt cap medal of being less toxic. Whatever that means.

I’m sure I missed some. I’m going to go make breakfast though and then I’m going to play some FFXIV.

Well not really at lest u don’t need to grind all the systems cuz your on the same toon when u swap jobs