WoW vs. FF14

I think the reason so many WoW players think that other games look ‘terrible’ compared to WoW, is due to their graphic cards. If their cards can’t handle the graphics from new games, their cards will have difficulty displaying the game properly. WoW, on the other hand, can be played on a toaster, it’s long been a selling point. I know people IRL that play it on integrated Intel graphics alone. And don’t you DARE talk to them about upgrading their toaster! So a low graphic setting won’t hurt WoW much, but other MMOs…

Honestly, I love Revendreth, both the aesthetic and the topography. There needs to be world quests involving duels and chases on the parapets. In the blood rain.

Other than Revendreth, the only other screenshots I have from WoW, are Duskwood and Drustvar (I think I had a good one for the Sword in Silithus, from WAY far back). My girls and I have folders dedicated to FFXIV, ESO and The Secret World for our phones and desktops.

The day to night transitions combined with the various weather conditions for each location are just amazing. Costa Del Sol is incredible, no matter what time of day, no matter the weather. I hope the creators win every award imaginable for it.

Hawthorne Hut is all cutesy…until it’s dark and there’s a fog, then it’s a haunted Fae wood with will o’ the wisps and beasties. The only other game I’ve ever played where dense fog is so effective, is The Secret World. That game deserved so much more love.

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it’s very convenient to change between jobs and really enjoyed that part. but leveling is leveling , you still have to grind to level jobs. good luck doing boring roulettes and 1 button rotations for 30 levels

I have two graphic cards.
I can’t play WoW on max graphics because my PC can’t handle it.
I can play FF on max graphics (At the point I am) and my PC barely feels it

So… :thinking:

When they can start climbing mountains and not running into invisible walls, we can talk about how those graphics are.

It’s arguable which one is prettier, but at least I can interact with it in WoW.

FF14 is trying to cope up with WoW. It’s not the other way around. With WoW, you can switch alts. On that weeb game you can not. When you switch alt to WoW, it’s grindy. The same on that weeb game as when you switch jobs, it’s grindy.

Making alt as powerful as your main is painful since Vanilla. Your alt is not your main. WoW is more enjoyable when you make your Main go deep at the content. I understand how competitive WoW the deeper you get. Unlike on weeb game, most of the stuffs are trivial. That’s the difference… competitive vs trivial.

Forgive me for saying that I don’t believe you. As we speak, I’m looking at a computer that can run WoW on high settings, but has to run No Man’s Sky on its lowest settings. I’d need to see specs on your system.

It’s true, however. I can show you pics. Taking in mind that in FF I am currently in A Realm Reborn areas. But still.

16GB Ram
I7 8th gen
Radeon Graphics 530
And Intel graphics

To give you something general. Not a very “Gaming pc” (especially for the HDD that sucks even more in Shadowlands), but runs FF way better than WoW.

People seem to unironically like making the argument about how the fact that FFXIV is not a compelling experience with activities worth pursuing makes it better. The fact that it is so easy to quit FFXIV over a lack of meaningful things to do is somehow a good thing. It’s kind of nonsense motivated purely by the fact that people are upset about World of Warcraft and don’t have any good arguments to level against it currently since 9.1 is mostly really good, so the most 3-head takes get thrown out there.

I’m not sure you’re in a position to say whether or not it lacks content. I’m pretty sure I’m in a position to say that.

It does not lack content.

Thank you for listening. Hopefully.

It’s not, though. It has its own playerbase, that playerbase is slowly and continually growing, while WoW is declining.

Might wanna wean off the copium.

That’s not the argument. The point is that the content is there to do if you want to do it, but you’re not obligated to do it or made to feel lesser for not having done it.

I’m sorry that you can’t understand the point, but maybe someday you’ll get it.


I mean, your right. I’ve only played through Heavensward. What content do you do at end game where these optional/mandatory things largely matter in WoW?

Many people argue M+ is “obligatory” in WoW. For the most part, people simply mean “it awards something useful” when they say something is “obligatory”. Saying most content is not obligatory is like saying most content is irrelevant. In the ultra-casual laidback non-progression FFXIV community, having a bunch of meme content and very little relevant end-game content is fine, but in WoW, we already did that with Warlords of Draenor and it flopped hard. WoD flopped and Legion soared. WoW players like having things to do in the game that reward them. They like grinding islands, they like collecting artifact power, they like doing these outdoor things, they actually do like logging into the game and doing stuff. Most players don’t actually want to raid log. Raid loggers typically unsub - people who are constantly doing stuff usually stay subbed to the game until their guild blows up or whatever else happens.

Ahh, I’ve got you now. I’m here thinking you were running some SLIs and couldn’t run WoW, I was like “Yoooo, WoW went high end?!”

I see what you mean now, yeah. Dude, if you’re in Orlando, I’d toss you the GTX760 out of this computer, I only use it for work now (technically, I’m working right now, don’t you say a word! :smiley: )

I’d imagine the HDD is a bit of a pain in the butt with Shadowlands. If you have the chance some day, Western Digital has 500g SDDs for $55 - $60, last I saw. I’ve always liked them, their gear holds up nicely. Sandisk also.

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Because alts in the game are basically just jobs. If Blizzard completely guts my class like they love to do with subtlety rogue, especially in BFA I’m completely changing my spec which requires different stat weights, redoing my gear, and praying that it isn’t happening to the next spec.

Know what the best aspect about this is? I’m inclined to play the other jobs because of this. I’m not literally restarting a character from scratch. I just pop on a lance and boom, Dragoon. Now I level it. If I decide I don’t like it, I swap back to my daggers and back to Ninja. Absolutely no issues and nothing lost.

When I switch jobs in XIV I merely have to level them. I have a level 80 and geared Red Mage. If I switch to say, Black Mage. I level Black Mage and get them a weapon at 80. I’m not redoing quests I’ve already done before or redoing grinds. Though that said, the tuning on the game allows every job to be able to do all the content. It isn’t like WoW where if I play subtlety in BFA I’m screwed unless I make my own group. No Mythic guild wants a gimped DPS, no Heroic group wants a gimped DPS. XIV just does not have gimped DPS specs. Some do more because they’re meant to but I roll Ninja knowing full well that Samurai is meant to outdamage me. It isn’t a game of “Well, in one balance change my class is absolutely gutted and useless, time to reroll and start from scratch.”

That said if I play Ninja well enough, I can compete with Samurais.

Found the guy who has literally never done Savage content or Ultimates.


You just said what I’ve been saying…

It is a laptop, but I guess it can also be upgraded. I got it when I was not much of a player (And I am still am not).

But 2 minutes loading screen to dungeons sometimes is a pain. :rofl:

Thank you for the kind intentions though!

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What all did you do in Heavensward?

Where what things matter? You are being rather vague.

Once again… Implying that it has no content is you speaking from ignorance. Until you make any effort to actually inform yourself of what content FFXIV does and does not have, I’m not really interested in hearing you tell me what it’s like to play the game that I’ve actually played.

Plenty of stuff to log into FFXIV and do. You’re just not made to do all of it if you raid above FFXIV’s equivalent of LFR. This includes their version of Mythic.

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I’ve been away and not really reading. Just commenting on the panda who loves to say “weeb game” when he doesn’t realize his toon was literally coming from weeb expansion.

But yeah, XIV it makes it feel better to multiclass. I’m not feeling punished for having 3 characters and having to do the same grinds on every single one of them. I just weapon swap and have a blast. Not like I need to redo the MSQ for each one. I just dungeon grind passively. If I want to take forever and be lazy, I do MSQ roulette and afk with the cutscenes. Fat XP daily.


The fact that “static” is a term, as opposed to just being the default way of playing the game, says it all.

Also, there are three ultimate fights in total, and once you’ve done them, you’re basically done with the game for possibly years at a time if that’s really your main jam.

No… It doesn’t. It’s basically the same. I just log out and in and you change equipment.

To quote yourself…

The only difference is now you have on your FFXIV shades and everything is great over there with those on.

I mean I thought it was a clear question.

What do you do in End Game FFXIV?

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You need to really step back for a second - please don’t pretend that FFXIV has the content pipeline of WoW. Please don’t. You’ll make a fool out of yourself.

Yoshi P himself has been quoted acknowledging the difference in production scale and his solution for FFXIV players is to tell people to just take breaks when the FFXIV content runs out.

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