WoW vs. FF14

i thought about this a bit and it definitely is kinda off-putting if a RPG character being a full fledged sorcerer suddenly changing into a barbarian and performing on par with pure muscle characters.
I think of the fighter, mage, thief trope for some reason.
Everyone has their tastes but i try to keep an open mind.

Got an email for job boosts in FFXIV. Pay to Win trash… both games. Oh, and before you start, winning isn’t just about beating other players.

But having to grind out rep, story line quests, etc. on each alt does NOT.

This is where FFXIV has a greater respect for their players’ time.

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You don’t have to. /next

Exactly - In FFXIV, you don’t have to waste that kind of time.

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You don’t have to in WoW. And the things you have to do are the GAMEPLAY OF THE GAME. It’s not just duty roulettes and crying about having to carry sprouts through content.

If you want to play more than one class, you do have to in WoW. That’s kind of the whole premise to the OP.

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That is the gameplay. If you don’t want to play the game… why are you here?

I think to many people, playing a class/job in current content is where the “gameplay” is at. Repeating the same old quests and mindless dailies for rep is NOT “gameplay” for these players. I could see the argument to label those things “content”, but that’s a stretch.

If the story quests for a character were maybe different for each class/character (like in GW2) I would consider an argument for “gameplay”, but that’s not at all the case with WoW. Content - sure.

You have never been in a Mythic raid guild, have you? Blizzard decides your class does “too much damage” and completely guts it. In BFA I put a lot of work into my subtlety rogue, Blizzard decides to gut it because of the THIRD TO LAST BOSS IN A RAID and leaves it in the dirt the whole expansion. Have to refarm gear because of different stat priorities, new Azerite Pieces for optimal traits. In 8.2 before 8.3 I had to farm 50,000 honor for an essence that later got nerfed on the grind anyway. My BiS PvE essence came from PvP. . .

If I wanted to raid, I had to completely change spec, or do m+. Subtlety was garbage that ENTIRE expansion because they refused to do anything about it. But hey, Destruction Warlock is middle of the pack so we’ll give them a blanket damage buff so they can compete.

This is where you are wrong on a principled level but right on a technicality. These things are “gameplay” because they forced them to be, but principally speaking they shouldn’t be a gameplay element. They should be done once and ignored. It shouldn’t be a weekly thing that demands upkeep. If the game is so focused on its PvE, it should add more PvE elements, not more gates to make getting into dungeons and playing optimally a chore.

In XIV I got Ninja to 80 after my Red Mage, know what I did to get it raid ready? Bought crafted gear off the marketboard and went into PvE content. No covenant crap, no repeating a grind, no switching soulbinds or covenants for an ability (let alone ones that get changed quite a lot and become not worth going). Just leveled, bought gear, and went into PvE. No dumb gimmicks. Now if I’m bored of Ninja, I can swap Red Mage and do the content just as fine, or any class I level.


In WoW my main issue with alts are the one-time unlocks you have to repeat on a second character. Though credit where it’s due, Blizzard has been making more and more of these unlocks account-wide and more currency transferable between characters. So it’s not as bad as it used to be. They still tend to drag their feet from time to time until we whine loud enough though.

In FF14 since everything is all one character, you only ever need to unlock anything once.

If I didn’t have to repeat unlocks on my alts in WoW I’d play them more frequently.

And don’t fricking Jobs have job quests in FFXIV? Why is WoW’s story, that again, you don’t have to do, important, but not these job quests?

And you still have to get the levels on the job. It all seems weird how the content matters in WoW, but not FFXIV.

I’m not reading all that.

For me it’s because the quests are different from job to job. In FF14, the job quests are actually a draw to leveling a new job since I get to see a story I’ve never seen before. In WoW I have to do the same stuff over again on all of my alts. This is one of the reasons I had so many more alts in Legion and why I leveled a Horde toon in BFA, because I got to see new content.

You can pick different zones per class. You can pick whole different expansions.

That literally would solve so much of WoW’s problems too. If you didn’t have to keep unlocking crap on new characters. Especially since Blizzard likes to just randomly break specs for months at a time. Sub got hit with some nerfs and was still garbage going into Nathria and throughout it. They only recently became playable again.

Most people would have rerolled on that if they cared at all about seeing raid fights. Then boom, back to unlocking and back on the treadmill!


I see you typing out another long winded message that’s going to go unread.

Yeah I know, you tend to avoid discussing things with people who are much more knowledgeable than you. You’re a coward and for someone so afraid of being made to look like an idiot, you do it to yourself quite a lot.


Which I did when I leveled my alts in Legion. That’s not a trick that lasts for very long though, especially since I played half these expansions when they were live. I know them all very well at this point so there’s not really anything new to discover.

There’s no need to be rude, my dude.

I’m just letting her know man. I’m not going to read a diarhea of thoughts when you’re using a wet broken spaghetti noodle to measure FFXIV and a straight strict ruler for WoW.

Both games are trash. One has things to do. The other “respects your time.”