WoW vs. FF14

The instant class swapping is one of my major gripes with FF14.

I’m sorry, but no one character should literally be able to do anything. It’s not an RPG at that point.

I have friends who dislike that too, that and not having a seamless world like wow.
But the class change is one of the flavors of the franchise, to their old titles like final fantasy tactics and ff4. The lore gives u a magical usb crystal that installs class abilities into you though.

Flashy and spectacular is to impress the kids.
Indepth, well thought-out and good writing is to impress the adults.

Aside from proper in game moderation, it here makes it clear why FFXIV is the not-as-toxic game.

No one will ever be able to ever talk me into playing ff14

Looks like total rubbish and it’s cashing in on people desperate for mmos and weebs

That’s my hot take

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I mean, FFXIV have had a steady growing for several years now, near every expansion have been critically acclaimed. It definitely have not cashed in on people desperate for MMOs, what has happened, is that people finally started looking over the walls that World of Warcraft built, and finally saw West Berlin that was growing and bustling.

Final Fantasy is not well suited for weebs.

A weeb is a person who is interested in anime and Japanese culture

Final Fantasy have always, largely, been inspired by European medieval times mixed with Steampunk. Some iterations of FF focuses on sci-fi with no specific, culturel influence… because sci-fi.

The FFXIV Stormblood Expansion, however, do indeed have eastern influences… but so does World of Warcraft, and we hardly call World of Warcraft a weeb game just because of a single expansion.


Ff14 is more like a single player game with couch coop. Wow is a true mmorpg.

Ff14 is anime style Pokémon graphics. Wow has unique art design.

Wow is cartoon network

Your name is how fifteen year old boys refer to girls. No one wants you to leave WoW.

FFXIV isn’t for weebs, it actually has a stronger Classic (i.e., European) take on RPG aesthetics than WoW ever has; most of WoW’s racial aesthetics are based off memes and movies. Zandalar Forever, or something. And that’s my hot take.

Once upon a time, WoW was an MMORPG. It’s since been transformed into a damned Looter, with multiple lobbies. There are a few real MMORPGs out there, and WoW isn’t one of them. Then again, you’ve said that you think being able to skip a story means a game has better story, so I’m not sure if you’ve understand the difference, but you want a Looter dude.

Also, we’ve established that you’re playing on a potato, newer graphics will likely french fry that spud you game on :rofl: Though I will agree on one thing: I dislike the Carbunkle, it’s too cutesy. I’ve never been a pet class player anyway, but Summoner pets are dope.

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You should try it. I had the same complaints you did before I did.

Yea, just randomly and out of nowhere cutting off some dudes arm in a betrayal doesn’t make a good story either. SNAAAAAKE SNAAAAKE. Cringe.

These level 10 Blizzard imposters are hilarious. I’m starting to believe that they’re actual developers of the game based on how they all talk and communicate in similar patterns (see Wightknight and Bloomsday).

It’s the same as posting on an anon reddit account. You have your official account, then you have your Bloomsday/Wightknight account.

WoW is still a MMORPG.

It might put more emphasis on The MMO aspect then the rpg aspect… but it still very much is a MMORPG

Modern WoW is the Bollywood interpretation of an MMO. The last sigil the Jailer gathers turns into a literal Infinity Stone :laughing:


Well said in all aspects, I feel the same way. I play both, but I find when WoW frustrates me (which it does often lately) I switch to FF to calm me down, lol.


Coming link is a spoiler for those who care.
Gotta admit though.
This is quite funny.

Not sure how random and out of nowhere it was, really. There was a fair bit of build up to the inevitable betrayal. But I can somewhat agree, that betrayal isn’t as good as what we get later on. It carries little emotional weight, and serves mostly to show how badass Raubahn is, justifying choosing the Immortal Flames as the Grand Company.


Blizzard can’t do a lot of stuff but if you can level too quick blizzard can find a way to nerf that in like a few hours. Can’t let people level all level new classes or gear up too quick they might take a break from the game instead of feeling forced to log in to do something

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To be fair, leveling more than 1 job on the same character becomes very, very tedious and repetitive. The second job still has a few quests around to do, but most of your exp comes from the same dungeons and fates. You are basically just grinding out levels, and not getting many big chunks to speed things up. You could get the same amount of specs up to max before you max out all the jobs on a single character.

Yeah its done in previous games, and the games that have it are more annoying than the ones that dont. And magical mcguffins letting you do so isnt an excuse for such.

Set classes are better in RPGs, classes are a staple in RPGs. Grinding jp in class change ff games waz not fun nor engaging to unlock everything.

I just dont think in an RPG that soneone should freely and easily be able to master everything. Your not playing an rpg at that point in my opinion

I leveled mine just grinding out logs. With Road to 70. I don’t know how people are doing it without Road to 70 other than Deep Dungeon. I’ve never even been to Deep Dungeon but I got all classes to 50 that I could access before going to Ishgard. Took me a week or two.

Took me two weeks to get everything in WoW to 100 using Legion Invasions.

Yeah I will agree this is one thing that kind of bugs me is the ability to level in the overworld feels punishing. Though that’s true of every MMO I suppose. WoW’s adventure mode on my second and third toon were boring with dungeon grinding encompassing most of it.

MSQ really is a large chunk of XP. Though you have a lot of bonus toys at your disposal to make it go quicker. Once you get acclimated with the Squadron system and spec the npc ai properly you can insta queue on dps and they with offensive setting can actually beat a normal group’s dps when you learn how to make them chain pull. DPS queues are like the length of a dungeon normally. It goes slightly quicker this way and gets you through it faster.

But think long term here with WoW. Next expansion you’re doing this all again. In Endwalker getting them to 90 is not going to be that much of a chore when they’re already leveled. Isn’t a hard wipe on progress. Then it just becomes a game about leveling them with beast tribes or something in alt time. So while people are doing the grind in a new system from scratch, you’ve got a more passive way to level alts and can get them all into raid content the second they hit cap with crafted gear. Much more alt friendly. Plus everything is balanced functionally for the most part, all jobs can do all content. Don’t need to reroll because bad balancing potentially gutting my spec because they have done it before (sub in BFA) and Nathria we were garbage also.

XIV has a lot going for it in the general gameplay aspect for PvE. Like arguments of difficulty on the various tiers and how they related to WoW aside, it’s undeniably a more satisfying PvE experience to me.