WoW vs. FF14

I think the phrase is overwrought too but I think you’re letting the wordplay distract from the argument being made. Namely that FF14 doesn’t force you to repeat content as much as WoW does. If I’m maintaining an alt on every class, it gets really draining logging in on each one every week to do the weekly renown quest and do the same storyline 12 times to keep them all current. That’s the sort of thing that in FF14 you’d only need to do once.

That’s not to say that there aren’t repetitive grinds in FF14, there are. But those grinds are usually the goal unto themselves rather than a partial step in a grander goal. Getting a relic weapon IS the goal of a relic weapon grind, you can get equivalent or better weapons from raiding. It just won’t be sexy and shiny. Grinding rep in Beast Tribes only offers you a special mount and the Best Tribe story quest, there’s no other reason to do it. Rep in WoW frequently comes with significant power rewards that you can’t get anywhere else. I think flying was probably the worst example but I’m actually far happier with SL’s Pathfinder.

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Then don’t. There’s no benefit to having alts in FFXIV. Having an alt in Warcraft there are benefits.

You’ll have to explain those benefits to me because I honestly have no idea what they are. Or at least, I can’t think of any benefit for maintaining an alt in WoW that you wouldn’t also get maintaining an alt job in FFXIV.

EDIT: Oh you mean making an entirely separate character in FF14, don’t you? In that case, yeah absolutely. There’s 0 benefit to making an alt character in FF14. Which is why I don’t. But I also don’t think that’s related to this conversation. I’m trying to compare apples to apples in that I’m comparing what it takes to be able to use alternate combat classes to the one I main in each game.

I like ff14 story and world but few reason I don’t go 100% switch to ff14 is…

Guild. I have a decent guild here (even if it Horde sided)
FF14 I think have ability bloat, on top of that I find many job (especially melee and their positionals) unfun.
Boss fight are more fine tune, while can be more fun, I like the space WoW gives.
The menu… god the menus. 0.o

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Absolutely. Ability bloat is rampant in FFXIV. What’s funny is that you can actually see classes get more and more streamlined when you look at them in order of release date, with the occasional exception if a class randomly undergoes a major overhaul.

Black Mage is probably the worst offender as it just keeps layering on disparate concepts on top of each other and becomes a completely different class every 10 levels.

That’s one of the reasons I main Dancer. It’s one of the most recent classes and has very little ability bloat. There’s only one skill I’d cut. And since it’s not melee, no positionals.

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Oh. Yeah. I understand some people like pressing more then three buttons. lol. I don’t. Well. I like a fair amount. But I have a limit. I use a controller too for ff14.
Unlike WoW classes, FF14 job will use 90% of your kit in most combat fights.
Summoner too. I hear every expansion itrework it.

I main Dancer and Machinist. They to me are easy and flow very well.

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Trolls be trollin’. Question is, how much are we going to feed it?

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I love the simping for FF14 when that game looks like trash and it’s models are ugly and it’s music forgettable, and omfg its zones are all pixelated mess and ugly and uninspiring and it’s cutscenes are so lazy. It’s class design is so bad and not smooth like World of Warcraft and compared to World of Warcraft at least (WoW) has more better looking zones and music and oh my god its gameplay it’s so smooth and beats out any other mmo’s. So nice try on trashing World of Warcraft when this game is superior in all categories.

You necro’d an 8 month old thread to say something like this when FF music is one of the most well known in gaming history… dude.

It’s ok to like WoW, but don’t deny reality.


Keep on dreaming my friend it’s not award worthy. I doubt it can win any high level awards that isn’t low tier not so important awards.

Who said anything about award worthy? But FF games have won awards before

FFXIV one of them

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Okay but the flaw of the class change in ff14 is that you always have to look the same unless you manually change your race and appearance.

It’s way harder to have alts in final fantasy that look different because the sheer amount of required content to get through for one character is monumental.

nothing. as an owner of multiple businesses and as someone that’s been playing wow since release and as someone with so many alts that i am ranked 26 in the world for alts i would like to share my opinion about this.

here goes

blizzards bottom line is money. no matter what its money. only they know what the majority of the player base habits are. and atm the vast majority of the player base will log in on a tuesday do 1-2 chores and log out until next tuesday and a lot more will only sub and log in for something newly added. so in blizzards business mind these players need to have a nice time gate to get things done and gear. however what they don’t realized is that it annoys the rest of us. because can you imagine how many players would come back if end game gear was more accessibly and the game was unlocked for all your alts once main completed everything.

this game would be thriving again but they don’t see it this way. they think if they time gate every little detail it will milk the subs but in reality it just pisses people off. what they are doing that they think is helping money wise is really hurting them. getting gear and upgrades is what wow is all about, that IS the “fun factor”. and when that becomes a near impossible task especially for alts then why bother especially if you already time gated yourself to hell and back on your main you deserve it on your alts.

it would just make the game better and fuller because more people would be on alts doing stuff then.

this is solely my opinion off of my experiences and viewing other peoples habits plus my own.

In wow you can switch to any job/alt you want easy, WOW just doesn’t make that a good choice, Stop complaining and give blizzard more money…

Why everyone always talk of FF14? FF11 was so much better lol.

You definitely necroed this thread just to be angry


8 months later!

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Super Troll Quality post here.

I have to say. Stay mad.

I am sorry, this is way funny to read more than it needs to be.

Ah FF14’s 6.1 patch feels like it’s more fun and exciting than this 9.25 nonsense.

Can’t wait to fight the Twelves, and can’t wait for new PVP, and can’t wait for new housings and new craft/gather endgame contents.


Because this isn’t a simping post for WoW from a guy who sounds like he’s foaming at the mouth and worships WoW as his religion? Everything you’ve listed is OPINION and therefore cannot be verified.

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Trump level denial going on here.