WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

The world first raiders would like a word with those thinking this isn’t buy to win.

gotcha. Thanks to tokens you can attach a dollar value to any amount of gold.

People who are good at this game buy more BOEs than those who are not. So not sure what you are trying to say here. All those top server guilds doing carries for gold. You think they are making a killing? No, they’re actually paying off debt from buying BOEs.

Between two people who are very skilled players it would give them an advantage to have good corruptions.

But as a game, no just paying $ won’t let you win or dominate the game unless you’re skilled already.

A perfect definition of P2W.
If Blizz were the only ones that could sell the BOE’s the OP wanted, and no player could farm these for resale to other players, it would be p2w. But players selling stuff to other players is just normal and healthy game economy.

WoW tokens benefit all players by keeping the game economy from spinning out of control.
2 different vids that basically say the same thing explaining how things like WoW tokens benefit players.

depends on what level you a referring to. If you just do heroic or normal the gear will certainly help you push bosses to the appoint you minimize mechanic. Ya you’ll hit a wall when you get into mythic but a lot of players are just fine with heroic and the easier early mythic bosses.

Not anything. A player cannot buy mythic ilvl gear for every slot no matter how much money he sinks into tokens.

You make a good point but you’re assuming that gold came out of thin air or purely by playing the game and wasn’t placed into the economy via real money.

Fair enough though I really pity them if they are paying that kind of money to be competitive in Heroics :joy:.

(Sorry wrong character, it’s me Ishs :frowning: was meant to be on my forum alt)

I don’t have the commitment to do regular heroics this season but last one it was easy to get weekly heroic EP and full clear.

Hey, you can PLAY to PAY! I know alot of players who buy tokens to pay for monthly subs. Soooooo, there’s the silver lining!

It’s not P2W if you can get it via other means by simply playing the game.
P2W by it’s own virtue means you pay money for an advantage that players can only get by paying money.

You could argue that you can pay for a shortcut, but someone else has to actually get the drop by playing the game first.

That loot drop doesn’t suddenly make 3-5million gold appear out of thin air.

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I’m not making any assumptions. That’s how the system works. Blizz doesn’t give you the gold, other players do.

  • Blizz gives you a token for $20.
  • If you want gold for that token you must sell it on the AH
  • Another player buys that token from you.

Why does the other player buy the token? To pay for their subscription or to convert it to blizz balance to buy stuff from Blizz’s shop (like loot boxes in OW).

And where did that other player get the gold? From playing the game: endlessly looting monsters, endlessly getting quest rewards, and other stuff that comes from simply playing the game. Millions of players, 24x7x365, playing the game, generating gold from the game.

In other words, that gold originates from thin air.

No it originated from a token.

It could be if you want. and I just explained to you how. if you don’t consider that P2W, then you are just defying ‘P2W’ differently.

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P2w is paying for an advantage gameplay wise. Gold isn’t an advantage gameplay wise. If you want to say “however you define p2w”, then anyone can say any game is p2w, because there is no meaning.

I finally think that paying for your subscription to World of Warcraft is kind of pay to win since you can play the game and win.


Wow is 15+ years old
The auction house feature is 14+ years old and has always used gold as the currency for buying and selling.
The Token is only 5 years old.
Plenty of gold existed in wow for nearly a decade of play before tokens were introduced.

How exactly did any gold originate from any token at any time?

According to other games yes, that’s what P2W you are right.

When it comes to WoW, I see it differently. you could pay and win. Because if you are putting 0 effort in the current expansion yet you are getting the best Gear/Tittle/Mounts etc. Then that is P2W sir.

You don’t have to agree with my logic tho, it’s fine.

Is the argument if you spent an additional 2000 or 3000 dollars in WoW its p2w?

I feel like I could spend an additional 2k or 3k while playing any other online game and achieve “winning”.