WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?


The argument is that if somebody is putting 0 effort in the current expansion yet he is getting carried to get the best Current Mythic raid Xmog/tittle/Mount etc then that’s P2W.

Either you like it or not, he is winning by paying. what did he win? The best looking gear in game/mounts/tittles etc.

End of story.

Right. So the argument is if they are spending 2000 or 3000 dollars its pay to win.

Because that is the only way that is happening.

The price is important because the price shows how unlikely a person will actually do what people are claiming makes WoW pay to win.

The pay to win argument continues to be defined by a hypothetical boogieman that just doesn’t exist.


Money doesn’t put new gold into the economy.

You buy a token with your credit card, the token goes on the AH, someone pays for that token with THEIR gold.

What you suggest is like suggesting that a shop prints off money to give as change rather than using money that has come into their registers.

Or just win without buying the BoEs? :woman_shrugging: I have bought only a handful of BoEs… all were from Legion and for all I waited out the prices because I just wanted them for transmog. I’ve never bought a BoE for an upgrade. You don’t need them at all to “win”.

An excellent point. No one is going to spend thousands of real life dollars on a single BoE. Like I said above… I won’t even shell out large amounts of fake gold for them.

It doesn’t work that way…

Since my rig is basically a brick now I can offer my real opinion. Blizzard was caught selling gear for cash years ago. If you believe that blizzard proxies aren’t also actively selling BOE’s in the auction house (and ebay), I’ve got a bridge to sell you here in uh, the middle of the pacific. To look legit, they allow players to farm BOE’s, but certainly the blizzard proxies in most cases undercut them and all but a few lucky or selected players actually benefit for selling BOE sales. If you believe otherwise you are a mark waiting to be exploited, lol.

Genuinely curious on this

This seems to be invading on tin-foil-hat level of thinking


That has to be one of the most ill-fitting-tin-hat conspiracy theories I have ever seen on this forum.

You deserve a ribbon for Best of Breed in that at least.


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