WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

A mediocre player not capable of doing the content to earn corruption gear won’t suddenly become “better than an above average player”, they’ll die in a pathetic mess from their own corruption.

Skill still matters.


If I paid $20 real money for 135k gold in this game, Id check myself into a mental ward, lol

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Quite the necro and quite the strawman. I never said that, I said WoW isn’t p2w. I’ve played plenty of p2w mmos in the past. WoW isn’t p2w.

Unless you are paid to play WoW for a living, spending real money to buy fake money to buy WoW gear priced in the millions is idiotic.

Of course I imagine most that buy gear for a million gold or more are getting gold through in-game means, such as selling carries and other gear.

Anyways - not pay to win as the gear / equivalent power is available through in-game means, and the items are priced in in-game currency.

Pay to win would be Blizzard putting corruption items on the store for real money only, with no way to obtain in-game.

Pretty much all MMOs have had P2W options since WoW launched. Anytime a player can spend cash to get something, it’s P2W. BOE’s are a workaround to a straight up cash shop. Carries for currency are also P2W. Time spent grinding is also P2W of a different sort. The WOW MMO economy is fairly complex.

You can’t ‘win’ an MMORPG. Why do mooks keep making these threads?


Just because it’s listed doesn’t mean it will sell or is worth that much. If I list my car (a 2004 Honda fit) for 50k online it doesn’t make the car worth that much. It makes me dumb and anyone that buys it dumber still.

For the effteenth time I say, you are fitting the term P2W into your definition of it. Again I say, P2W means being able to buy something with real world money that provides an advantage which is not available via play in the game. Hence the word “pay”.

BOEs can be achieved by anyone in the game.
Carries are not winning anything you could not achieve by doing it for free.
Grinding is a part of the game that anyone can do and I’m not sure how that fits the definition at all.

Some people seem determined to force WoW into this P2W definition as if it were an illfitting piece of clothing. It doesn’t work and it definately doesn’t fit - until the day they offer an item in the shop that you can’t get in the game and gives you a significant playing advantage.

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WoW Token is pure p2w. Nobody play the game for fun anymore. Look how all carries are price of a token.

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BOE’s and carries for cash are a part of wow culture now for years. I imagine you pay for carries or buy tokens to get ahead and want to feel good about it? I don’t care. I’m not here to shame anyone. I’m just saying how it is. Customers need to be educated in what they are getting into and largely they are. They chose one way or another how to play regardless of our opinions one way or another and blizzard keeps going on and on providing a service we all enjoy. One thing is clear though, if you are willing to spend capital (cash, in game gold, whatever) to get ahead, catch up, or somewhere in betwixed. That is a viable option.

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You may not like that definition of P2W, but that’s the one most people use.

Most mobile games provide a pretense of allowing you to get anything in the game just by playing it… but that would mean months or years of work. Or you can just pay $20 to get it now. Of course, the worst offenders take your $20 and only give you a chance to get that amazing thing you want. That way you can keep paying for a chance to win.

I’m pretty sure that if I paid real money to get a full set of 470+ BiS gear and then went around smashing people in an arena, most people would say that I had paid to win those matches.

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No it isn’t, it’s just the one that people use who want to justify their understanding of how it works. I truly cannot understand how anyone can see it any other way because the words “Pay” and “Win” are absolutely clear. “Pay” means pay with money. “Win” (within the concept of gaming) means to achieve the ultimate goal within the game, as generally conceived.

And does ability not factor into that all? And what if you met a player who was equipped with exactly the same gear that they had earned by having it drop to them in the game, and they defeated you? Would that alter the situation?

Games that use a “pay to win” system use loot boxes or game shops to provide special items that can only be received through those methods. WoW does not. Excellent BoE gear can only be purchased in WoW because someone else won it and put it up in the AH, which totally negates P2W. It doesnt matter if you use gold got from a token to buy the item or gold you earned in the game - the principle - and end result - is still the same.

I find it intriguing that the main reason people think WoW is p2w is based on creating hypothetical situations where they’d be unable to find a single person in WoW that actually did that.

I would love to see these players making WoW p2w, that are spending thousands and thousands of real life dollars on WoW to buy 470+ gear for every gear slot, with bis corruptions.

I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that the boogieman being cited just does not exist.


We can just remove wow token. Real cute!

Trade skill master has charts showing just how much boe gear is being bought for. So there is factual data on it. Sure to someone who casually raids it probably seems unreasonable to pay that much for gear and I agree, you probably shouldn’t. But people who want to finish the tier prior to any big raid wide nerfs or well before September it’s very reasonable and to an extent expected of us to have these items.

Adding to what you said, even if they bought all possible pieces for their class/paid for runs I don’t see how they’ve won by any means. It more likely means they’ll have a really good character that they have no idea how to play.

475 gear and be the master of a +5 key…

Cool. No what I am referencing though.

I am not saying items don’t get sold.

I am not saying a person occasionally buys I an item.

I am talking about the people being referenced spending 2000 or 3000 dollars on gear.

I remember an old rule from my very first Guild master when I started playing WoW during Wrath of The Lich King; Never pay for gear, wait for the drops. I’m a filthy casual now due to life and whatnot but how you play your character is more important than your gear score. You can have best in slot and still be trash.

You’re assuming it’s crap players buying the gear.

Someone who is already good at the game, would only need to get two pieces of gear at most, only one of which is ilvl dependant (IS3).

But when someone says a game is P2W it means just through money your able to win. It means that $ will be better than any effort you put in.