WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

140k for a wow token seems pretty low when items in the AH are in the millions. A current tier BOE will easily cost 1mil gold +. That puts them at a dollar value of around $200. Im looking at a piece someone wants 6mil for. Thats $1200 for a piece of gear that’ll be good for 6 months. Not only that its a piece that I’d need to stack 3 or 4 more of to be competitive. That’s essentially a used car. Getting two chances and now 6 chances to get good drops when we have a 1/52 chance of getting the pieces we need doesn’t seem to cut it so this basically forces us into buying these BOEs. I feel like the amount we get for tokens should be multiplied a few times.



You’re not complaining that they’re pay to win, you just want to make them that way?


If tokens were worth 5 million each those BoEs would be a lot more expensive.


I support the game so I don’t mind pay to win. I want the game to be successful because I enjoy it. What i don’t like is the expectation I pay the equivalent of a car payment for an item I’m nearly required to have to raid more than casually.

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LOL, no.


I really thought this thread was a necro.


haven’t read any of the thread, just posting because the op’s name is funny

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Ya someone beat me to Abeblinkin so this was my 2nd choice.

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You don’t have to pay if you join a serious raiding guild. They’ll just go into debt to Gallywix and gear their raiders. You could form your own M+ sell group? That’s what most people do who want to buy BoEs. The rest of us just laugh at the broken systems and have fun not caring anymore.


While many episodes are misses, thats one of the greatest ones they ever made.

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I’m not sure I see the problem, but then that’s because over half the people I’ve played with over the years bought gold at least once before the token. I was always personally against it, but believe it or not it was the guys who were most serious about the game who did it.

Now that we have the token I spend about a token a character, bought 400s for this to push WQ rewards higher, hardly gamebreaking. All I did was cut out heroic dungeons and walk straight into LFR, essentially. I’m all of 423 though, again, hardly game-breaking.

If a single item equates to hundreds of dollars and someone’s stupid enough to pay that, well they’re going to have buyer’s remorse (or they just pee that amount, either way), because unless you’re radically overgearing content in every slot it’s not going to be as big a deal as you might think.

Even if I bought up bis everything on the AH, bis on the AH is only about as good as a normal raider, the vast majority of them are normal raid BOEs in fact. That’s not exactly losing but hardly the pinnacle of wow creation. More like Pay-To-Be-Mediocre.

So what do you have against people being mediocre? Back in the day we used to just suck, which did no one any favors.

This would be logical except for the fact a few corrupted pieces could make a mediocre player better than an above average player. In fact that mediocre player becomes the baseline until the better players gets equivalent gear. Which is either done by extremely low % drops or by buying them from the AH.

That’s more the fault of corrupted gear itself than anything else. I don’t really like seeing corrupted gear that costs half a paycheck, believe me.

Gearing has literally never been faster in the history of the game, ever. Go spam M+. Boom, geared over a weekend if you no-life it. You absolutely do not need to blow money on WoW Tokens to get gold to buy a few slots of ‘meh’ BoEs.

As for the general notion of buying gold being P2W in an MMO/WoW? It’s a little bit on both sides of that fence. It’s P2W-Adjacent. You’re not directly buying power, the power you can indirectly get from having extra gold is limited (most slots don’t have relevant BoEs), the gold can be earned without paying, and the gear can be earned by playing, often BETTER gear can be earned by playing, since tons of realms have 0 475s on the AH since they don’t have a thriving Mythic Raiding scene.

But it’s still a way to shortcut to gear, and that’s not even getting into the whole paid carry topic.

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You do realize that the gold from those tokens come from other players right? People are not going to spend a ton of gold buying the tokens.

I think we would see a soft limit of 300-400k NA. If it went higher than that they would sell a lot slower.

i run about 30+ M+'s a week. I 5 mask and 4 mask for gear too. I also full clear heroic and am 9/12 mythic every week so I put in the time. The drop rates are extremely low. These sources for gear aren’t very reliable.


I was talking about gearing generally.

You’re talking about Corruptions, I assume.


If you are running them every week you should have no trouble getting relevant gear. If you are wanting better than that you don’t need BoEs you need to go into mythic raiding.

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I was talking about buying BOEs and the price of gold which would include corrupted pieces yes.