WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

P2W is when a system offers players power for real world currency, and the only way to obtain that power is real world currency.
Every single item that increases player power is obtainable in game using only game currency or time.

Best case you could argue is that WoW lets you pay to avoid spending time farming gold.
Even that is iffy since tokens are pocket change compared to anything of real consequence and only someone with more money than sense would spend hundreds for something that makes them stronger for a few months.

If you want a real example of a P2W go look at the mobile game Fire Emblem: Heroes and it’s new FEH Pass offered exclusively for a monthly fee.
It lets you rewind battles and gives you monthly heroes that are stronger than normal. That’s P2W!

No competitive player buy stuff from the AH…

Beyond the world first Mythic racers and others pushing for server firsts.

Yes, people are essentially buying gear now because the corruptions and sockets are rng and the right ones ensure you will be top dps. This is the model moving forwards. At the shareholders meeting Ion will be applauded for high token purchases (revenue) not only through creating artificial scarcity by removing the brontosaurus mount but also for the people buying boe gear through the auction house.

Run m+ or raids.

Heres a revolutionary idea, instead of selling your car irl to buy piece of video game gear that you don’t even need or maybe a 5 million gold cheaper socketed 460 heroic piece for a maybe -200/80000 mythic raiding dps loss, that gets bound to your character and isn’t even resellable, you could save the money and run visions instead and focus on the mechanics instead or wait for a 5% nerf instead of a 5000$ item to boost your infinite stars dps 20% so you can pat your infinite stars on the back and go "Gee i was so glad i never took the that 5% nerf and mortgaged my house for a +20% instead over that crappy 10% other damage affix.

Just play the boss 0.2% harder. Or just spend or save your money how you want. It’s not like the world first is already over and there’s 10 months this is supposed to last and the gear is non tradable and set to expire for a quest green the next xpac. The only person forcing you to be pressured into money dumping a slight recently trivially gain is yourself and a gm in a video game.

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Really? Why is limit in millions of gold worth of debt?

Lots of people are buying corrupted gear off the AH. I’ve bought a 460 BOE ring for all of my alts, lots of people in my guild have bought BOE’s also and we aren’t chasing server firsts.

460 unsocketed 12% mastery is 6mil on my server. Which server you on? Maybe I should be playign on that one instead lol.

Ask them.

It has been the same formula since wod. If you don’t know what a formula or ratio is then call your high school math teacher. The gold value applied to the value you’ve pointed out that scales has been static. It’s been fluxating from 125k to 200k and back for years. There’s essentially no inflation value applied to it.

The formula is built-in with inflation. If people have more gold, that means they are willing to spend more gold on tokens, like what happened during Legion.

That’s what supply and demand means. You go call your high school economics teacher and have them help you out with it.

I do. Run quite a few +'s a week usually in +17-19 range. I do heroic reclears every week and progress on mythic (9/12). As well as 5 and 4 masks. The chance of getting anything useful is as low as 1/52 and depending on class/spec around 3/26. And that’s after the personal loot drop rate.

After doing some research the game is most definitely pay to win. The whole token thing was partially designed to curb people away from buying from gold farmers and risk their accounts either to tos violations or getting hacked, but with this tier’s corrupted boes and prices that are impossible to buy with wow tokens alone, there’s plenty of sites offering BOE’s for cash. Some legit others, well you know.

140k seems pretty low? Ya you missed the days when game times used to be 30k only. back then.

What a joke the price of a 1 month game time shouldn’t pass 70k gold regardless of what argument you are going to put. for other Blizzard stuff it should be higher tho.

Because half of you doesn’t even know what P2W actually means. “Oh It’s MMO You cannot p2w.”

  • Buying the current Mythic raid Xmog while its ‘Current and HOT’ = P2W.

  • Buying Current expac Gladiator tittle+Mount = P2W.

  • Buying best gear in game = P2W.

Yes, pay 2 win doesn’t have to be that you beat the game with your own skills. no you can win by having everything from this expansion without putting any effort.

I remember those days but also remember the only things over 1mil in those days were TCG mounts or other collectibles. Not things necessary for putting up the numbers required by most mythic raiding guilds.

If it’s pay 2 win then it’s always been pay 2 win and people are just picking now to whine and complain about it.

There’s a huge difference between paying 40k to 250k for a BOE and paying 500k-7mil for a corrupted one. This tier is not remotely comparable to other tier BOE prices.

i dont buy gear off ah except maybe the heroic rings cuz there are so many of them u can get a corruption free one on wed for like 10k some times. I have 3 toons 470+ and many others in the 460s I dont understand you people that cry about stuff. I buy tokens to pay for game time and store mounts and pets with gold like they should be so shut up. If anything I want tokens to go back to WOD price of 20k

It’s an MMO so it’s entirely possible you and me play entirely different games within this single MMO.