WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

Yeah, please, keep continuing with this. The more you continue, the harder you’re going to see what you’re really doing wrong.

True to a point about the tokens but Blizzard has control over the formula that comes up with the token value.

The formula is the most simple thing ever… its not some massive secret.
Less people buy tokens, then price in gold goes down.
If the price stays the same, then the token is being purchased at a regular rate.

OK, I’ll bite. I know I shouldn’t but I will anyhow.

In all the years I’ve played this game (and it’s been a few) pay-to-win has only ever been equated with purchasing powerful items that are not otherwise available to the player. That is - you buy it on the game store because it cannot be achieved in the game.

This is not the case with BoE items. By their very nature, they have been received by someone in - the - game. So I could get it, you could get it, that attractive gnome over there could get it. The only ‘win’ involved is the shout of pleasure you get when it drops and you think luvely, my mage will use that or sweet, I can sell it for gold and buy that damned dino mount.

Until you define what ‘pay to win’ mins so that it fits your criteria and get everyone else to agree to that definition, its sort of irrelevant.

I do agree with you on that & wish the tokens price went slightly back up.

However, you’re equipping a 475 piece with a rank Ⅲ TD… what better BoEs do you actually need…? (Just kidding, I’m jelly!)

Woah buddy, all the text is trolling. Why you gotta troll?

I’m sorry. I will speak. In shorter sentences. :+1:

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LoL. That piece cost me 2mil. Which i think is reasonable. It’s only for M+ but w/e. Its the half a bank tab prices I’m not getting. The 4.5mils to even 9mil sometimes. Just like wtf.

Clearly you want the game to die.


You should.


Tokens sell for what people are willing to buy them for. If people don’t want to spend more than 140k, then tripling them will result in nobody buying them.

Alright, just because OP doesn’t understand whats going on, here it is in simple terms

WoW Token price is controlled “Supply and Demand”

If there is more Supply than Demand, the price goes down
If there is more Demand than Supply, the price goes up!
If they are Supply and Demand are equal, the price stays the same

If you think blizzard can just flip a switch and set wow Tokens to say, 400k minimum, here’s what will happen

You’ll come running home from “work” one day with your milkduds and your sodie pop, jump on “your” computer and be like Im gunna buy some WoW Tokens to buy some cool corruption gear, then you enter “your” credit card and buy 4 WoW Tokens, you slap them in the GE and you wait to see the money come in

And you wait some more, and you wait some more, and you keep waiting, and the gold never comes

Why? Because no one will buy them at 400k, people are just buying enough of them to keep them at 140k and I don’t see those same people dropping 3x the gold for the same amount of game time for much longer, if any at all

You’re guaranteed a 465 item on Tuesday if you run a +10. If you run +10’s for 3 weeks, you can buy a 475 azerite piece. You can get guaranteed loot from Horrific Visions. How much more reliability do you need?

Well, they would sell still but then the BOE he wants to buy would then be 12mil instead of 1.2mil because inflation be a cruel mistress.

Wow, sounds like a ripoff. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why bother with that if you can get something like that ingame for free and much faster really? Much rather put that money into something that will last me for years to come, like 10tb SSD, or a titan GPU with Arctic cooling.

Honestly speaking, i’m against the whole idea of “Buying gold with real money” in WoW in general, cause it just defeats the purpose of the game. Pay to Win or not, and Illegal or officially endorsed by Blizzard, your circumventing a part of the game that is intended to be played. And yes, making and spending currency is a part of the gameplay, part of any game’s gameplay. If it’s in the game and you can play with it, then it’s gameplay. I just don’t see WoW Tokens any different from Gold Bots, if you take the whole “Buying gametime with fake money” aspect, which that’s the only reason why it’s even acceptable in the first place.

And quite honestly, i like the whole “Buying gametime with fake money” aspect, cause it’s playing the game, putting your effort into something and getting rewarded for it when you complete that said thing. I just wish we have that aspect and not the other aspect of WoW tokens, which is the “Fake money” buying MTX. But if it has to be all or nothing, then i choose nothing.

^^Agreed, I think when something drops that’s exemplary better than my current setup it feels good inside. Like a casino.

That’s kind of the point of the OP. The token value part of the formula should be weighted to match the inflation in-game. Currently, it’s static and has been since WoD.

It hasn’t been static, not even close. It was going for well over 200k during Legion and then dropped once the gold missions got shut off. Even during BfA it got up to nearly 200k before dropping back down to the current 140k.

And the “formula” is simple supply and demand. If people don’t want to buy a lot of tokens, then the price is going to stay down. There’s no “weighting” necessary.

Let’s see you mad bro can’t buy wow token… I mean look at your other post… yup we seen it you need a nip I got you also if your paying mil gold for Boe then your not playing the game I have Item level 450 with not even trying to doing mythic 8 for free u use the lfg and look for mythic… I swear u kids want everything handed to you. You can quit playing also thanks for reading my rant and bye I’m Lvling more alts so they face roll to 450

Sure if you define pay to lose As spending 3m on a boe for min maxed 5 item levels on a boe for maybe a whopping 0.1% dps of a 470-450 item you can roll for free every week. Sure i don’t got a infinite stars or st corruption at all but if you play 15s and mythic why do you need the 475 boe gear to kill bosses for boes. If tokens went up, so would prices. A bad player can get the ilvl sure but if they bought their way through their class they’re not getting far.