WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

That’s very over-dramatic. My stance was about this current tier and wow going forward.

No, its not over-dramatic.

I am saying that you have always been able to find a way to use cash for gear.

And considering you are wanting to dismiss my statement because it is “over dramatic”…yet the initial post is about someone spending 1200 dollars for a piece of gear?

Is there any evidence anyone has actually done this?

Sounds like the entire point of this thread is to be over dramatic.

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In order for me to participate in a discussion I would first need to state an opinion right? So how exactly am I not participating in a discussion? Other than replies to trolls every thing I’ve said has been on topic with my OP. If you disagree about something state why or don’t participate. Doing otherwise just shows your immaturity.

So, people disagree with your opinion is now them being trolls huh? That is pretty bad logic, if you don’t like the thought of people disagree’ing with you, then maybe you shouldn’t off created this thread on a public forum where people have every right to disagree too.

Cash for gear is pay to win so I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or against me. And I question whether you even know.

I find it interesting how you haven’t actually answered any question I have asked you. You have deflected multiple times now. Now you are trying to low key insult my intelligence.

Careful, or you are going to look like the troll.

People aren’t disagreeing or agreeing. More complaining about the substance of the post to begin with. I don’t think anyone has stated or shown why they disagreed.

Its not pay to win, because it isn’t.

You haven’t shown how it is. You have only given hypotheticals about a person buying a WoW BOE instead of a used car.

You haven’t actually shown me anyone that is forking over 1000+ dollars of money to purchase a BOE.

So is your stance “WoW is hypothetically pay 2 win if you are a millionaire?”

Because that is drastically different.

I did answer you and you even replied to it. So not sure what you’re waiting on.

I asked you if you consider WoW to be a pay to win game since inception, and if you consider all MMORPGs to be pay to win.

Instead you said “I am not going to talk about that”

That is not an answer. That is a deflection.

So once again. Do you have any evidence showing anyone is purchasing WoW instead of a used car?

People don’t have to give a reason to why they disagree. And if you think Pay2Win is going to make World of Warcraft better, maybe you should see other games first that has Pay2Win features, and why they are failing.

“My stance was about this current tier and wow going forward.”

That was my answer to your question. Please put your comprehension glasses on.

So your stance is “I am going to deflect”

Got it.

I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any actual substance to both your argument and your participation in this discussion. It makes it easier to move on when a person is so glaringly obvious about just wanting to mess around with a buzzword topic.

Have a great evening.

Wow token has been in game much longer than current tier. your statement is just so strange on so many levels.

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how did i deflect this question?

“My stance was about this current tier and wow going forward.”

I answered it.

The point they are making, is that your argument for why current wow is p2w is relevent to all mmos and wow since it started, you literally cant say “current tier and wow going forward”

Wow tokens were also about the same price fluctuating price as it is now. 120-200k for the past 3 xps. But the prices for BOEs have inflated higher than the value of the tokens.

Yeah, no point arguing with him. After all, remember, we’re the trolls on the forums who do not want to see WoW to become Pay2Win.

Wow tokens and BOEs are set by PLAYERS

You’re a troll because you obviously missed the point of the OP. It’s not about want it to be play to win or not wanting it to be. Its about making the token rates inflate similar to what the market rates are.