WoW Tokens. Pay to Win?

I mean, really when it was 20k, that was low. shrug


That’s not how pay to win works.


Pay to win means there is stuff that can ONLY be obtained with real world money and gives an advantage over those who do not pay.

There is nothing like that in WoW, not even the token system.


I mean you’re more than welcome to look me up lol. Trust me I put in the time.

can’t tell if you are serious or just wants to see if people will answer to your trolling, but yeah paying 1200$ for a boe is really pay to win

oh no, i got trolled

I mean if starting a discussion is considered trolling then I guess I’m guilty? You basically summed up my initial point in one sentence.

For the last time (ok, probably not), WoW is not, nor has it ever been, pay to win.

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A couple examples have already showed why it is. Could you give an example of how it isn’t? Usually that’s part of making an argument.

Let’s say it is.

Will you shut up about it?

If I see this discussion one more time here, I may start chewing on the furniture.

Save my teeth, please don’t do eet.



Blizzard doesn’t sell character power. Therefore it isn’t.

This is a discussion post. If you didn’t want to participate you could have just not read it or not said anything?

You didn’t answer my question.

You’re super bad at this.

Directly no, indirectly through tokens yes they do.

You seem to not understand how the wow token works. As a few have stated, if you randomly increase how much a token provides, then ALL PRICES will go up.

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You can buy anything with tokens, and before that you could buy gold from gold spammers. Doesn’t mean it’s pay to win.

I support the game too. Guess what, I do not want any Pay2Win. This is World of Warcraft, not World of Wincraft.

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Is you stance that every MMORPG in existence, and WoW since it launched is pay to win?


Im participating in a discussion that obviously interests me. You’re self-admittedly annoying your own self by participating. And I’m bad at this?

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You aren’t really participating in a discussion. You are stating your opinion on a topic that has been discussed many, many, maaaany times before without any real resolution.

And all you are saying is that BoE gear sells for a lot on the AH, and that what it sells for can be equated to a certain level of $$.

It’s a vacuous post in my possibly not very humble opinion. Because it ignores one important fact (well, two actually, but one to start with).

Why do you assume that anyone who gets that item off the AH has gone and bought tokens to get it? A lot of players in this game have enormous amounts of gold earned through ingame activites. Large raiding guilds, for example, that sell raid carries earn that much in a week, probably. So that’s one strike off your points.

So well, that’s my take on your ‘discussion’.
