Wow tokens in classic wotlk?!?!?

They’ve always been here.

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MMMMMM I love Salt :slight_smile:

So, they’re adding buying gold (which I’m not really against) but they still haven’t added RDF? Lol, the classic devs man… so dumb.

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Like, would you be surprised if a company like EA included a P2W mechanic in one of their online games?

Cause Blizzard is just the same kind of company that EA for years now :rofl:

The classic andy in me wants to express some kind of outrage but I cant so much as feign surprise or care at this point. They were gonna sellout eventually much like the majority of subs did going as far back as Phase 2 “vanilla”.

Just gotta be real here, the whole classic revival has been a thoroughly resounding dud and this is just more evidence towards that end.

Looks more like a chihuahua to me. :wink:
On topic,
Buying tokens or gold goes against what an RPG is about. Building your character through in game efforts. Questing, slaying enemies, crafting, trading or looting items that improve you. It’s supposed to take time and effort. Swiping a card to buy your way eliminates much of that. Everyone arguing that it’s okay because people are buying gold anyhow are missing the point. You are taking the RPG out of the RPG.
Maybe a raid lobby game would be a better choice?

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i like how they ninja’d it in. no one even said anything lol they prolly knew everyones was gonna explode for weeks so they dropped it now haha. blizz is so scummy

They’re still hoping they can transform the playerbase into one that does more dungeons because RDF was not implemented. Because whispering strangers in some other zone and trying to guilt them into tanking or healing your dungeon is how people make lifelong friends in real life, right?


Then you are playing the game for the wrong reasons and that’s no one else fault but your own. An rpg is all about the journey to get gear not just having the best gear.
If all you care about is having the best gear and not the effort to get it, then the tokens work in your favor. If you care about the journey to get the gear, then you won’t buy tokens.

GDKP’s aren’t an economy created thing, they are a player base created thing. Try and keep up little guy.

The wotlk gold farmers will still be here. If you don’t think there are already gold farmers in every version of wow, you need to wake up.

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They would still call it classic tho lol… no LFG but yall can have tokens

If they shut wrath classic down they will shut all of classic down.

You need to slow down a bit. Obviously, GDKP’s are player created… but here is the part you missed. With the introduction of wow tokens… what you do you will happen now? Starts with a Even and ends with More GDKPs. Brilliant aint it? lol

So why have GDKPs been becoming increasingly popular over the last 4 years then if the wow token just came out yesterday? Token or not, players do GDKPs to get gear or get gold. The amount of GDKPs won’t change, just the values of gear and payouts will as more gold is put into the economy.

I can’t believe you said the amount of GDKPs wont change. So, according to you more then 90% of wow players buy gold? If you dont think more people will be swiping that credit card now that they dont have to worry about getting ban. You truly are special.

Where’d you pull that 90% number out of?

You really are clueless to what’s been going on in classic for the past 4 years aren’t you?
If you don’t think a large portion of the player base hasn’t been buying gold already, how do you explain the disgusting amount of bots that have been plaguing this game?

If people weren’t buying gold, there would be no bots. Common sense bud.

Tokens don’t ruin the feel of classic anymore than its players already did with things like GDKPs and coordinated world buffs etc.

Tokens aren’t pay to win on their own, the best gear in the game is BoP. If you were going to pay someone for a carry to give you X Y or Z, you could already do that and tokens don’t change it at all. GDKPs also were happening on a large scale in classic without tokens.

The solution if you don’t like GDKPs would have been to change the loot system and add a more pug friendly option, but even mention something like personal loot and you all lose your minds, so I guess you have to live with people buying raid drops since that’s the community you created in classic.


What didnt ruin Classic:

  1. GDKPs
  2. Rampant RMT
  3. Rampant Bots
  4. Becoming akin to a spreadsheet simulator

What did ruin Classic:

  1. Wow token

Lol. Lmao even. Good luck in going to those private servers where you can outright buy BiS - I mean donate to the server to receive BiS as a gift.


There’s not one guy from one department calling all the shots on this. The actual devs arent sitting there asking themselves, “you know what this game needs?” and coming up with Level boosts and the WoW token.

That comes from somewhere and someone else who stares at a spreadsheet all day instead of game code with a few more someones shoved in between.

What I’m getting at here is you can have a “Wrath Classic” with the token and no RDF no matter how contradictory it appears on its face. Ultimately, one doesn’t have anything to do with the other.

But lets be clear about something - the reason why the token exists is because people will use it. The reason why you have level boosts and luxury perk packages and the WoW token is because that’s what your average mass subscriber looks like.

If it looks like an ATM machine and quacks like an ATM machine then take them up on the offer and push their buttons til the money comes out.

Why? Because if Blizz doesn’t do it the players are just gonna take it upon themselves anyway and pay someone else to do it in one form or another. To me the token just proves we hit that wonderful point in an MMO’s lifespan where we can conclude, without a shred of doubt that…nobody cares. The servers will be up but fundamentally its dead and one can make a case its been a rotting corpse since shortly after Era’s launch.

Just, for the love of god, Dont. Touch. Era.