I’ll admit that I could have been more clear that my statement was an “at best” scenario for Blizzard. But this does hurt the gold farmers in WLK like it or not, even though it may be minimal. But never did I claim that they will be fully gone, nor that they are from other variations of WoW.
My entire point is it doesn’t get rid of them. Even at the very best position, it did the most damage possible to them, they could easily just move over to Era. Why? Because Blizzard is too cheap to enforce their regulations for the most part…
You don’t want the token in a world whose technology has evolved, where there are farms to farm gold and that’s a business. Someday you have to stop feigning insanity.
19 years have passed.
You want WoW to bring you back to your adolescence, party lan and sleepless nights playing carefree. Without having to work or worry about tomorrow. Those times will not return no matter how much they took out the token. It’s the past.
Bud i was in stormwind yesterday on sulfuras and we were only 3 people and a rogue getting rekt while trying to gank. Thats sulfuras, dungeon tablet is just empty always, sometimes 1 group show up looking for people. I know sulfuras is Bad in alliance right now, but it was great at Launch and first phase.
I just can’t play there wasting 1h for filling a group for dungeons Even when i’m the tank.
haha right? RMT has been going on since the dawn of this game, but as soon as blizz wants to cash in, people act like it’s some new thing and it’s game over.
As for me, the token is the only way my two sons can afford to play as a family (I certainly cannot afford to pay their subscription). For us, it’s a great deal. The kids farm intensively for about 3 to 5 days for a month of playtime.
Because none of this belongs in an RPG. Both are wrong for the game. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying from Gsellers or Blizz, neither should exist. You guys in here saying the token is no big deal since gold sellers exist are ignoring the core issue. This is an RPG. Advancing your character by paying rather than playing is antithetical to what an RPG is about.
Anything might be happening. I’m happy that I don’t need to block boost and selling spam on this server. Before TBC launch I was using a chat filter, so this is an improvement.
I don’t. Because, what can I do about it other than not participate.
There are thousands of people playing and constantly having to start over. I don’t feel that the majority of the people playing this mode are cheating. Otherwise we’d see a lot more players in the 35+ range.
Like everything in life, you’ve got a few bad apples working on destroying the bushel.