Your just jelly of my T2.5 and one-shotting noobs in BGs as ele.
Not at all. See, in Classic WoW only the Horde have Shaman!
Yeah, and I’m telling them I’m near the end of my rope to where they won’t be getting money from me anymore.
I now completely distrust Blizzard even when they offer me my favorite product. The likelihood that I will ever buy anything from them again is down to 1% chance. SC3 would have to absolutely blow me away, but I can probably easily avoid it once I see all the micro transactions built into it.
Installing something gamers generally hate that ruins their experience in game is not marketing. hahaha Dude, people have been saving gold since phase 1 for orbs for the legendary from ICC. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone commits suicide from the addition of WoW tokens.
Throw it at me tough guy.
No, you are not tough enough despite your projections. I will not enable forum mains to get my posts hidden.
Servers been dying off for a long time and that’s a good thing.
Nah, they banked on transfer fees and made people suffer. I’m sure many people just unsubbed when their server began to die. They could have done something about this, and they could have offered the free transfers a lot sooner.
How many blues actually read these complaints?
That doesn’t mean they don’t.
Full time players don’t need the gold.
Dude, you have got to be a shill working for Blizz.
Profits>your feelings
Ok then I will leave at some point and never return. GG. Good business practices???
You haven’t made one constructive point as to why it’s bad for the game
Oh really, so you are dodging me now. I believe I went on for multiple paragraphs about the legendary axe. Other people have made multiple claims. Expensive lowbie gear. Very high bids for buying gear runs. etc I also talked about how they are basically reversing their ToS policy regarding money trading, where it was frowned on before and bannable, to embraced, encouraged, and profitable for only Blizz.
Yes, that’s generally about the time historians recognize the beginning of the demise of WoW.
I went from buying all collector’s editions of each franchise to not trying the new OW franchise to not buying any new collector’s editions but playing HotS, to only playing Classic. I’m almost done. If you can’t understand the decline process and think my 15 sub is equal to the amount I used to shell out for Blizz products, you will never know anything.
This is such a dumb statement hahaha
oh boy ToS problems here I go.
I’ve already explained multiple times the problem with wow tokens, as have others, and you completely neglected to reply to those statements. You are a payed shill unless you can prove otherwise.
This is not advice. This is condescension. You are a nasty person.
Everybody on HotS forums were just like you. Every time something bad came down the pipe from Blizz HQ, people would complain, warn, and LEAVE. Meanwhile the fanbois just kept on trucking, upping their post counts into the thousands with the same repetitive comments dismissing claims coming from multitudes of players. The game died. They were all right, and the fanbois were wrong or still playing in their QMs (pointless game mode), ARAM, or 30 minute Ranked queues.
Many consider monetization of something as powerful as the currency in the game as cheating.
Me personally. Things like the token mean my time is no longer the best way to progress my character. My wallet is. This alone makes the game not worth spending the time playing.
Yeah that’s pretty much exactly how I feel.
Fanboys will never understand.
Didnt you quit the game months ago cornball? Yet youre still here arguing about it, keep throwing that 15 at blizzard every month since you hate the game so badly
Actually the gold token in Retail made botting worse, you just don’t see it in Retail because the bots are all on their own shards (sharded servers) and they farm instances also like botanica, etc.
The botters then use the gold they’re farming to pay for their subs and the remainder is sold RM to players / guilds who want to buy for less than blizard is selling for.
Also the botters are not just selling gold anymore, they sell boosts, carries, raid loots, rare AF mounts, etc.
People don’t talk about the Gold trade in retail because they’re numb too it, but its there, trust me its very much there… you can buy just about anything in retail for Gold… (RL CASH), its just a layer of obfuscation that makes dirtbags that buy their titles and achieves and loot feel better about themselves.
My LB hit so hard it ignored faction, people thought I was a blueberry.
Who’s seeking blizz recognition now?
Your loss if you let something that has been in wow for the past 20 years already bother you.
It is marketing if it makes them more profits.
During the first half of uld, GDKPs were selling frags for 15k each. That’s 450k for Val’anyr. Shadowmourne will be contested by more people driving the overall price higher than val’anyr.
Primordial saronite will be the cheap part of shadowmourne. The 50 shards will cost more than the people buying it in GDKPs have farmed since P1.
I suppose you think the warrior in classic naxx bought gressil for 198k farmed all that gold too.
If they banked on transfer fees, why did they open FREE transfers up? . Had they offered free transfers sooner it would have killed the server off even faster. Think before you speak!
Full time players have guild enchants, locked in weekly raids so they don’t need to buy gold to fund GDKP prices on their mains. The only time it was hard to farm mats was raiding naxx with flask mats being 300g each on top of other consumes. When it got to that point, we only made it mandatory for kt/saph and we pooled gold to buy mats in bulk for cheaper.
It is when they make double/triple/quadruple your lost sub fee from someone buying tokens.
You posted that after this post, haven’t got there yet or I missed it from earlier.
The legendary axe will cost huge amounts of gold, and the first few months of people getting it will be the ones who bought gold. No one can possibly have farmed enough gold legit to compete with RMT gold buyers.
I’m not talking about other peoples claims, I’m talking about yours.
RMT trading wasn’t bannable or illegal unless it was through a 3rd party site. That’s because people were selling product they didn’t own.
Fake news, nice try.
You said you don’t buy any blizzard products. You still have an active sub, that’s a product.
How is it dumb? We are talking about the wow token, therefore I don’t care about what you think about other games that don’t involve the wow token.
You have only said you don’t like the token, this isn’t a problem with the wow token, it’s a problem with you.
It wasn’t for you, it was for the rogue who hated every game blizzard is doing and threatened to quit, yet is still buying the $$$ collectors editions.
Innocent until proven guilty, that’s all on you.
So if you voice your opinion of something, it’s ok, but as soon as someone has a different opinion, they are a paid shill ? Way to drop your credibility to zero.
Don’t care, different genre, different game. Stop deflecting.
Then don’t buy a token. All the raids are still there and people will still be running SR’s.
Or buy tokens with farmed gold to pay for your sub, then your time will feel worth it again.
3rd party RMT has been in the game since vanilla classic, how does providing a safe way for you to buy gold if you want a bad thing?
bro no one cares
This is such blatant shilling that I don’t even want to read the whole thing.
Somehow you failed to grasp that my desire to give blizz fewer and fewer dollars over the course of time was due to a cascade of mounting issues and policy changes over the course of 20 years, not something that suddenly happened today.
I’ll try to read your post now and bullet point.
It wasn’t for you.
You already gave me your advice in the same vein, “just quit.” It’s not advice. You’re a condescending jerk.
Wow token
It’s of the same animal as micro transactions except it drastically impacts player agency in an MMO. Failing to see this is just dishonest arguing.
You still buy.
I used to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I’ve probably given Blizzard multiple thousands of dollars. Now I spend 15 a month on a sub. I won’t be buying future products. If you’re happy with me spending 15 dollars a month but never buying another game again from Blizzard, I think you are the one failing to understand what constituted good business practices.
Fake news
Blatant shilling.
RMT Legal jargon
I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make. The majority of RMT is happening legally but it has to be stopped by adding wow tokens???
I’m not talking about other people’s claims.
You finally FINALLY addressed the legendary axe topic that you pretend I didn’t talk about for multiple comments. And your counter-argument actually fuels my argument.
The orbs will be cheaper but the shards will be more expensive.
Somehow that debunks my argument that people have been playing the game and saving gold from legit playing compared to illegal RMT or now legal RMT (WOW Tokens). Pay to Win was a danger. Now it’s here to stay legally. It was ruining the game, but now it really ruins the game.
Short term profits good. There’s no such thing as long term profits.
It’s semantics at this point .
Covered everything else. Once again I can’t reply to you without breaking the forum rules.
Did you classic Andies really think you were going to beat out the Wrath babies in their native expansion?
I give it 3 months until the token is added to era.
You cant unlearn things sometimes. Fact is playing the game isnt the best way to progress your character. Your wallet is and you cant get around that.
Yeah, because we didnt have enough GDKPs. Now, everyone will use their wallets and ever more GDKPs will pop up. That dude is too dense to understand.
WLK Classic players have my sympathy. Can only hope to NEVER see such atrocities in era.
Pretty much. And where will all of the gold farmers go? Era. Waiting to see that new rush of bots here.
I’m very likely in the minority here. But I think it was a great addition and I’m surprised it took them this long to finally do it. People were buying it anyways, and it gives an easy avenue to free membership for a lot of us, too. I don’t really see the problem.