Wow tokens in classic wotlk?!?!?

Please tell me this is a fricken joke…PLEASE blizzard tell me you guys seriously didnt do this dumbbbbbbbb moronic thing of bringing in a wow token to CLASSIC WOTLK…i didnt think self sabotage was this great…but here we are.


lol that would be a huge deal breaker for me about a months ago. But thanks to HC I quit WOTLK. if the news is true it’s such a shame to have these 2 words together “classic” and “gold coin”.


Obviously it was going to happen eventually, I’m just surprised it took them this long.


You think Blizzard can’t surprise you anymore with how little integrity they have as a company, and then they shadow drop something like this. Yes I know people already bought gold, as they did back in original wrath, but making it an officially supported method of supplying and gearing your chars through GDKPs will make the behavior even more main stream. All that matters to Blizzard is $$$$, this and the level boosts have hurt the game more than RDF would, but RDF would make leveling too efficient and lower the value of the Boost, so it gets cut. Sacrificing your community for these quick monetary gains is exactly what led to retail being in the horrible anti social/anti fun state it is in and continues to be.

The silver lining is I already quit Wrath months ago, and the community is again doing Blizzard’s work for them with HC. Hard to even trust Blizzard’s official HC servers at this point, will probably stick to classic era until they ruin that too then its peace out for me from this shambling excuse of a company.


This is a bit harsh I think. One thing the wow token did on retail servers was virtually eliminate gold selling/ gold farming bots/ etc etc. The biggest plague upon Wotlk and Classic in general has been gold selling and bots.

You can be against the wow token but you can’t pretend it doesn’t address the biggest community complaint. It’s just settled fact, the wow token kills the gold black market.




there have been a lot of discussions of what is ‘Classic’ and what should be done with it.

If there is one thing that is most certainly NOT ‘Classic’, then it’s tokens.

Don’t you have anything to say for yourselves? For such a brazen betrayal of a community…


Nop. its legit. Blizzard announced wow token for classic wotlk.

Era is the way now bois.


You “quit” wotlk but youre still here copying and pasting a bunch of paragraphs in the same threads.

Cornballs like you are the problem, "hate’ the game yet still throwing them money every month. Funding these exact problems you have with the game. You really need a life bro, try leaving the forums


Literally what?


Bring on the tokens.

And make them work just like in retail where I can trade gold in for game time.

Oh just read their official post; we can, great.

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Of course its real, they tried banning people for buying it but that didn’t deter anyone so they may as well cash in on it.

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Era hype incoming with the token. LFG. So glad I cloned this mage.


Wow. I had just started playing wrath again.

Honestly Blizzard, I’m done with you. You even altered era in its own way.

Yeah. I’m done.


and now we got wow token defenders on the classic forums :expressionless:


Wrath was never Classic.


yes, and now wrath is revealing its true form (retail) :expressionless:


I am not defending the token, but I am saying there are pros and cons and the poster I replied to was pretending that it was all one crazy deranged mistake with no upside.



Quoting random fragments of my post is not the smoking gun you seem to think it is.