Wow tokens in classic wotlk?!?!?

Of course you were one of the people threatening to refund your preorder after only seeing what -%10 of the game was going to be like.

Man, you are so dense. I didnt refund mine because we only got to see 10% of the game. But there are some negative things I dont like about it now. The zones leveling with you is not a smart decision on blizzard’s part being one of them.

The same reason the fan boys put out youtube videos on their thoughts of the game. I mean, why even bother its 10% of the whole. lol

I would easily pay 50 dollars a month if they banned people for RMT and kept bots empty. I would not want to pay this if they continuously make game design changes like they do. I don’t even want to pay for it at the current price because of all the changes they are constantly doing.

Japan topic.

Good business practices promote brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. You can’t trick people into becoming loyal and staying loyal unless that trick is constant. Look at Bud Light, attempting to appeal to markets, attempting to appeal to a new market and upsetting the old one. Good business practices are universal. Good business practices work everywhere. Most players that play blizz games hate blizz to some extent. The fanbois that live on the forums defending their games usually, in my experience, don’t know what they’re talking about. They defend profit driven design choices over game design choices every time, and they seem like paid shills.

Discord gold buying talks
Tokens aren’t game design

Actually they are. Shadowmourne is a legendary that requires an exorbitant amount of orbs found in raids and dungeons (through the spending of dungeon tokens). If players can buy them off the AH, they can start the quest sooner. People have been grinding and playing the AH for many months in anticipation. Now everybody playing right now can use JJ to make an appropriate class and buy as much gold as they want, to be able to purchase the orbs and destroy the economy for the rest of us in the process. That absolutely is game design.

Nope, it’s rudeness. Telling someone what to do when they are simply here to give feedback is utterly stupid. It’s the absolute dumbest thing I think anybody can say in response to feedback. Blizzard uses this feedback to make their plans, you know? Maybe mine is not so valuable, but I have played this game on and off for almost 20 years. I don’t care if you think that counts for nothing. Any sane person would consider the feedback from such a consumer.

The game appealed to me or not

Yes, a lot of people checked out Classic out of curiosity not knowing where Blizzard would/will take it. Adding tokens wasn’t on the radar for anybody, and it is an incredibly significant change despite how you may think it’s not. On retail in the game’s current form, it’s not a big deal, but as I explained the economy pertaining to the legendary axe coming up soon, it’s an extremely big deal. Frankly, I think Blizz uses their ability to be ambiguous to trick people into spending money on their product. I guarantee you people will unsub when they find out about tokens, and I guarantee you it will be the nail in the coffin when it comes to trusting future announcements. Like the other guy said about Diablo, people have been burned enough times to “give up” or wander off to new games/devs.

You’re in a thread complaining how you don’t like the wow token because its bad practice for a company and it’s player base. Somehow to you, that’s not talking about business?

See above, as well as the comment where you were mad that I replied to someone before you, who posted before you anyway. I suggest you don’t use forums if you can’t handle an argument.

No, quitting and un-subbing would be the opposite of spending money.

Like I have pointed out many times in this thread, people have been threatening to quit for the last 20 years over things blizz changes/removes from games. So I’d say, not enough people actually quit to matter.

People with full time jobs and families are a large playerbase for games. People value their time, so spending less than 1 hours wages to save days or weeks of their free time grinding gold is appealing to people. Becoming irrelevant ilvl wise in both pve and pvp turns people off the game, so those people will buy tokens.

Not everything a company does “needs” to help “you” as a player. Don’t buy tokens is the solution to your supposed problem.

It puts money in their pockets with very little effort.

It’s an investment for the rest of classics reintroduction of old xpacs. They have people financially far more advanced than you or I saying this will bring more profits than losses of subs.

As I said already, whales have millions of gold already and the best current gear through GDKPs.

No, it’s not and never was Classic. Same for TBC.

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This is rich.

How much business background and game development do you have for me to believe you over a multi billion dollar company that you still buy products from?

That is their job/income, why wouldn’t they put out videos?

You may want to read the rest of the thread before chiming in with a completely irrelevant comment to understand the context.

It’s perfectly in-context, retail player.

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Only in the sense that it’s an obviously money driven decision, and I’m giving feedback that they will possibly lose me and others as customers, since that is their primary concern. They released it in stealth under JJ which is indicative of trickery and psychological manipulation.

I was trolling and making sure you weren’t dodging my statements. I wanted to know if I was wasting my time hanging out in this thread. Often times Forum Mains get cornered and start dodging me.

Ok then why did you say you have to spend money to make money? lol What were you referring to?

That’s just blatant… well you know what, I have to be careful what I say. The ToS of this forum is really protecting you right now from the feedback you deserve. I THINK YOU FORGOT THE PART WHERE I MENTIONED SERVERS HAVE DIED OFF AND BLIZZ HAD TO OFFER MULTIPLE FREE TRANSFERS TO OTHER REALMS TO REPOPULATE SAVEABLE REALMS.

Many people come to the forums to complain. MANY PEOPLE SAY NOTHING AND JUST UNSUB. Forum complaints are only indicative of so much if you don’t extrapolate on what you’re seeing.

Ok so if Blizz is catering to casuals, why should full time players be upset? They shouldn’t? You’re here to shield blizz from them?

So they don’t care about their consumer, and you think this is a good business practice? lol

I wont play beyond WotLK. They haven’t announced their long term plans with Classic. Introducing tokens only just now, is malicious to the state of the game. That’s why I’m here giving feedback.

You do realize that the current people that run Blizz did not make Wotlk?

You think that’s an insult? Sad.

This is “Classic WOTLK”, no matter what you think about it. I will break it down for you.

“classic” refers to the re-release of so far, Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK. In detail it would be “classic vanilla”, “Classing TBC”, “Classic WOTLK”.

This was not me saying that “classic WOTLK” is the same as the “WOTLK”, similar content, different playerbase = different experience.

I think its accurate, retail player.

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Btw, I don’t “still buy products from them.” I quit retail several expansions ago, and I’m not coming back. The emergence of Classic brought me back out of curiosity and I’m attempting to see it through to Arthas.
They released WC3 Reforged. I bought it, tried it, and asked for a refund. I won’t buy D4. I have not played OW. I enjoyed HotS until they destroyed it, and I’m not talking about the closing of esports and setting it into maintenance mode. It happened long before that.

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Talking about the money driven decisions of a company is talking about it’s business…

Their primary concern are decisions that will net them the most amount of money overall. To them you are just number, they do not care no matter how special you want to feel, you are a nobody to them.

Marketing 101, we went over this before. Try to keep up.

Sure. They have a wow term for this, back-peddling.

Throw it at me tough guy. Servers have been dying off for a long time, extra servers are put in place at launch to deal with the queues. Streamers and youtubers changing servers has a bigger effect on servers than people quitting the game.

The free transfers were for people that blizz knew would continue spending money to leave unplayable servers.

How many blues, actually read these complaints? Besides, I never said you are not allowed to complain, I just pointed out you are wrong.

Full time players don’t need the gold. “casuals” as you say, obviously make up a larger % of the player base than we know.

Went over this many times, wrap your head around this. Profits> your feelings

You haven’t made one constructive point as to why it’s bad for the game, that’s not feedback that’s just QQ.

You do realize that the people who have the final say for every decision they make are investors and not devs from 2008, right?

You have the wrong avatar bud.

Level 80 wrathbaby is accurately described as a player of retail wow. Classic Era has been the only true Classic WoW experience since the retail prepatch of tbc.

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So you buy a monthly sub… Subscriptions are products of a company.

I don’t care about your personal preferences to games that don’t involve a wow token, as that’s the topic of our discussion. There are people out there who only play CS.GO, how is them not playing a different genre relevant?

ok big guy, how’s this char for a “wrathbaby”

There never was a “true” classic wow experience. We leveled in completely different patches with a completely different community/mindset of players.

At this point, your actually trolling yourself.

You are a blizzard fanboy. I will leave it at that. Keep enjoying their products, I’m sure they would personally thank you if they knew you existed.

Level 61 retail player detected

I do enjoy a lot of their games so yeah, it’s ok you can call me a fanboy.

I will keep enjoying their products as I don’t live 24/7 in a state of doom and gloom ( you should see a doctor about that) ( real advice).

I Don’t care if they were to ever know who I am or acknowledge me. They provide a product, I pay for said product and enjoy said product. If at any time, I stop enjoying said product, I stop using that product.

It really is that simple, no need to over complicate life bud.