You implied blizzard will go bankrupt if D4 isn’t a hit, no one adding words to look smart.
Again, I’m not doing your footwork, show me stats that pservers have more players than wow currently.
It’s popular enough that they keep making seasons.
You implied blizzard will go bankrupt if D4 isn’t a hit, no one adding words to look smart.
Again, I’m not doing your footwork, show me stats that pservers have more players than wow currently.
It’s popular enough that they keep making seasons.
Man, so since you have experienced the original. You couldn’t care less if people complain about their experience now?
I have said the meta community has ruin any fun in classic, tbc, wrath. But blizzard has put forth very little to no effort in making it fun.
Example: Allowing bots to run bgs in wrath for so long. Granted since I resub’d a week ago. I have bg’d and havent notice any bots.
It’s a micro-transaction.
Then they should raise the subscription fee if they are getting their cars repossessed.
You’re a nasty woman.
Go to Japan and tell me how their businesses stay alive for over 100 years. They have the most businesses over 100 years than any country in the world. Does “Japan” coincide with scam artists in your mind? Or do you think quality product?
RMT is agains the ToS, so only dishonorable people are practicing RMT. They will meet their karmic end. Now RMT is essentially legitimized. Do you not see the moral dilemma here? It’s like Sith suddenly being called Jedi.
Then they need to explain to the userbase the cost of managing their own ToS and up the subscription fee to match the integrity they initially offered for sale instead of completely redesigning the game. It’s like saying murder is illegal in our society. Then one day IT’S TOTALLY LEGAL, GUYS.
This is a hostile response to someone attempting to give feedback in good faith. If you are their primary fanbase that they are maintaining, it’s at the expense of me and players like me. That just doesn’t seem to be good business sense for people that can see distances down the road.
You said it yourself, you have bought lots of their collectors editions and you are still here giving them money every month. I’d say they are financially smart.
I never implied they would go bankrupt. Once, again you are adding stuff that just isn’t there.
I simply said they better hope d4 hits a homerun. Someone mention has the beta’s were an indication of how good the game will do… wasnt paying attention to the recently server slam beta. There were way less people playing then the first one. I’m curious to know how many people ask for refunds after the first beta.
No, financially smart would be me continuing to buy collectors editions. I stopped buying them. This is wotlk classic board.
If pservers were doing it better than blizz, no one would be playing classic.
no one would be playing classic
Maybe we are nobodies. Blizzard is just easy to find for the likes of us.
Boy you are dense. People want classic wow to succeed. That’s why they created an HC community… classic has a resurgence of players because (myself included) they want to play on official servers. For me if the game is not fun at 60. I will cancel my sub and go play on one of the pservers till the end of the year and the new SoM2 comes out. Will blizzard miss my 15 bucs a month? No, they wont. But I would feel great not contributing to them.
Wrath is classic.
Obviously you don’t think like your friends, otherwise, just like your friends, you wouldn’t have preordered.
Hard for people to keep up with nonsense.
You have to spend money to make money. Very early on in the life of every business, there will be quarterly losses. It’s where those losses came from that decides the outcome of a companies profits later on.
You really should get some real world experience on business before you start arguing with people over business practices.
I would like to think Blizzard has a modicum of respect for era and won’t let it be befouled by such a token
No, I want blizzard to succeed. I loved diablo, d2. Hated d3 (I even tried the last season before d4, but I play a far more fun game in PoE now). So, base on my love for the diablo series I went ahead and bought the preorder. I did come close after the first beta of refunding it. But, for me d4 will be the last game I buy from blizzard if they drop the ball.
Because it’s entertaining to watch a community fall apart over such a minor inconvenience.
Oh one of those types huh? somebody that goes around finding fun in watching other people be bothered. lol what a terrible personality trait.
Dude, I’m not in this thread to talk about business. I’m getting pissed off with your inability to understand this.
Also you’re equating people quitting the game and unsubbing as “spending money.” If I’m on the forums complaining about tokens being added, and if I’m considering unsubbing, how many people actually just unsubbed today or will when they see tokens added over the next couple of days or weeks?
Who are the people attracted to the game that are going to sign up solely because they added tokens? Casuals that don’t play much? How does that help me as a player? How are they a good long term investment? It’s an investment for this particular phase, and they can afford the loss of subs for the amount of wow tokens purchased, at the expense of the integrity of the game by legitimizing RMT. They are raking in simply based on the timeline of wotlk, the point we’re at in wotlk at this particular phase where they can exploit whales that want to buy gear from older raids.
The guy is too dense. I’m logging back into classic now. My break is over… LOL
Velante didn’t say anything about it being good for business, I said that.
When I said profits are good for the game, what I meant was they allow a company to keep developing the games you are playing. No money, no game.
You don’t need to buy a token to play the game. Since anything that is essential to this game is a set price, market inflation only makes it easier for people to obtain these fixed price items.
By that logic, making money signed blizzard’s death warrant by being bought out by a company that only aimed to exploit the market Blizzard created.
Disney buying out Star Wars didn’t contribute to better or even good star wars movies. It equated to there being MORE movies now. That’s not GOOD. That’s just MORE. I don’t want MORE if they are BAD. DO YOU GET IT
Meanwhile, I feel sorry for any “new” / “returning” player. You think they will be to offer some lowbie greens, blues? at inflated prices. Oh, but its good for business.
That’s your solution? Charge every single person more? Yeah, that will sure go well if people like you are crying the sky is falling over an optional microtransaction, I couldn’t imagine how butthurt you would be over a mandatory upcharge.
We are not talking about cultural differences here, Blizzard isn’t based out of japan, so saying that business practices over their would work here is nonsense.
Why is a large majority of goods in North America made overseas? Even though the working conditions over there would be considered morally bad over here, we all still buy from them every day.
I’ve been in discord calls where people openly talked about buying gold many many times. It’s far more common than you know. Still not banned to this day. RMT alone was never against tos, RMT with 3rd party sites was, since people are making profits off other peoples work/product. It’s the details that matter.
Adding tokens isn’t completely redesigning the game.
No it’s good advice. If you don’t like doing something and it is not critical to your health and well being, stop doing it.
I’ve been looking down blizzards road for the last 20 years. When I didn’t like something I didn’t play it. When the game appealed to me again, I started playing again.