WoW Token going up in price. amazing

Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it hit 500k.

It’s at 448k in Europe, right now.

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We have never gotten higher then EU ever now with token prices for NA now…that might change now but history shows we haven’t so far.

I know. But it’s still going up, both here and EU.

You haven’t spent 90$ on this game? :joy::rofl:

Well lets be frank now Veg…you can buy stripped down ver of TWW for $49 now …

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To explain how the token price works, for people, it can only increase by 3% per hour.

Every 20 minutes, the system checks dollar purchases of tokens vs gold purchases of tokens.

If more people in the last 20 minutes have bought with dollars (to get gold), the gold price drops.
If more people in the last 20 minutes have bought with gold (to get bnet balance), the gold price increases.

The increase or decreases is 1% of the current token value.

Even if all transactions are in a straight line, the hourly increase/decrease is capped at 3%, and the daily at 72%. It takes time.


Thank you Brewa…I knew how it went up and down but many don’t understand it…

Haha very true. What I mean though is the expansion plus so many months is 90$, and if you have played over the years it’s a lot more. I’m not sure why people get so bothered by people dropping tons of cash on mounts or tokens, it’s part of the reason our subscription price hasn’t gone up in so many years, you gotta admit…blizz has the right to adjust for inflation… they wouldn’t be wrong for it. we all know it should cost more than it did 10+ years ago, I was paying 15 when I was a kid, thanks to whales spending money on the cash shop the rest of us can keep that “low” subscription price. I say let em spend the money if the cash shop keeps sub price the same another few years (fingers crossed) :grin:


I will admit that selling these mounts and pets has probably kept our sub rate down to where they are and have been since 2004…it fits really…I for one am glad sub rate hasn’t gone up being I am on a limited income cause I am disabled.


If I converted the 6 tokens I bought for on average 190k gold near the start of the expansion, I’d be up $20 or 358k gold already, even accounting for Blizzard’s $5 vig. To the moon baby!

Yeah and this is important when you’re talking about the macroeconomics, but not when you’re looking at an individual’s contribution.

You, personally, can get it without any real money put in.

It’s the benefit of the token system, and why it’s not all bad as people claim.

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well if that happen that would be price fixing which im pretty sure is illegal.

It’s a mount. Cry more.

So I’m an idiot then? Nice. Beats spending gold that I may or may not have. And if I do have the gold to buy the multiple tokens needed to fill up bnet balance, last time I checked (last night) no tokens were available to purchase. I understand the mount isn’t a NEED, but I WANT it, so if I have the cash why wait? I’m not a poor. FYI I bought the Epic Edition and had Beta/Early Access… Oh no, the Horror!!!

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If you can farm enough gold to buy the mount with gold, in less hours than it takes you to make 90 bucks at work, that’s impressive.

Gotta put a value on your time. Don’t look at as gold vs cash.

How many hours of my life does it cost?

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Once the rush to get the $90 mount is over with the prices will return to their normal.

Lol classic doesn’t have a real economy. That’s been gone for years.

Ok, that’s your take. It is still pay to win (getting ahead is “winning”), categorically. How impactful it is another discussion, and I think you are trivializing it a little bit.

I don’t really care either way. Just explaining why its labeled as such, and not necessarily a wrong categorization.

Its gone now I agree, but it was there for a while in each iteration, and hardcore where it was harder to bot. The game was designed around everything being in the economy and every activity felt worthwhile in some way.

Retail is not designed that way, even if you were to somehow eliminate the bots. Most activities are worthless and the expectation is that you will buy at least a few tokens.

How many angry threads has there been about this mount, mimimimimimi p2w. This is getting ridiculous.