WoW Token going up in price. amazing

Admittedly I know little to nothing about the tokens, but aren’t they purchased initially with cash? Wasn’t it Blizzards attempt at controlling (or profiting from gold selling/buying)?

What in-game power advantage do you get from a mount with an auctioneer and a postwoman?

People spend gold on the tokens and then convert the tokens into Bnet balance. Then they use their Bnet balance to buy the new bruto. Thus the price of tokens is going up as the demand is spiking. It’s an indirect way to buy the bruto for in-game gold.

At least that’s what I was told. I didn’t even know you could convert the tokens into Bnet balance.


35% rise in 12 hours is pretty good.

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Enjoy how much everything else cost on the AH good thing those whales got money

Yea, look at the graph on Wowhead. The line is going up exponentially. I estimate it will hit 500k within a few days easily.

Anyone who was sitting on a stockpile of tokens before the new bruto, will be able to triple their money.

Actually can you even stockpile them? Are they unique or no?

Yes Stompy tokens are first bought with cash $20 dollars worth …then that person puts it too the AH to sell it for gold they want on their account…lot of players now buy tokens so they don’t have to work in the game for gold now …which I call them lazy now…but if your a player that buys token off the AH you can use it for two things…pay your monthly sub fee or put $15 dollars to your bnet balance and use that balance to buy other stuff like Game expansions…pets or mounts off the Store and so on …you just can’t use bnet balance to buy the 12 month sub package now …one time you could but blizzard changed that after the first time they allowed it…


If I buy the mount it will make me 8/8 and have a 3k IO rating. I’m in.

Your account can hold up to ten in your inventory. That’s the most you can stockpile.

Been able to put tokens too your bnet balance for years now it came about about 6 months or so after the tokens were introduced too the game …each token you buy with gold is worth $15 dollars to your bnet balance…you can buy pets …mounts off the game store…they only thing you can’t buy with bnet balance now is the 12 or 6 month promo sub sales they do which include mounts and pets and that…they offered one time back during Legion but stopped it after that now…you can buy your WoW expansion packs with bnet balance too …so your buying the new game with just gold…

Well then. At 500k per token, that’s a cool 5mill gold within the next couple days. Nice.

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No tokens would have to be up in the 825,000 range to make it cost 5 million gold now …I don’t see that happening really …we shall see…grab them now before they go up more…

Wait. Is the token price listed on Wowhead not what you get? Or is there a fee or something?

The token is listed though the AH or web page…right now its Current: 327,069, by

Yea, so if the token rises to 500k within the next few days (which at its current rate it probably will), doesn’t that mean if sell 10 of them at that point in time, I’ll get 5mill?

More importantly, Bob had to buy that axe from somebody who had already beaten whatever dropped it.

You can’t “win” if somebody else already won before you. In fact, by definition, you have already lost.

Yes if you sell a wow token on the AH you’ll get what the price was at the time of the listing the token on the AH …so if the price was like say 310,000 you’ll get that amount …not the current prices shows on wowhead…

Yea. I’m banking on it continuing to rise. Same with a bunch of other people. The question will be, at what point will the market crash? :thinking:

If you list them at that time frame now they have to be at the price in order to get that amount…the prices are rising faster then tokens being put to the AH again whatever the price is given to you at time of listing it on the AH that is what you get …if the prices goes up while your token is listed and its higher you don’t get the higher amount you get the listed price given to you.

After Jan 6th 2025…that is when the sale ends for the Mount.