Wow token for WOTLK

The thing OP is not understanding is a majority of the community doesn’t buy gold. If you open gold buying to the public, yes it would put everyone on equal levels, but you devalue gold and make it worthless to farm. Retail died for a reason.


I was pushing for the token before this even launched. But Blizzard decided in their infinite wisdom to unlearn what they had already learned last time around (after I told them to create something like the token). So rather than sell it, they go after people that trade gold. Instead of getting the extra revenue the game desperately needs, they lose it to china and waste precious manhours unnecessarily going after traders.

They instead decide to sell boosts.


as expected.

agree entirely with this

Agree. Most people literally talk openly about buying gold.

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I just want to point out allowing people to buy wow tokens is a huge mistake. Take season of mastery for example, while they don’t have wow tokens every single person is buying gold as it’s very much unregulated. It has gotten to a point that a SINGLE SAPPER is 20 G. Imagine someone not buying gold trying to play the game on a competitive level, you can’t.

At this point it’s ridiculous if they don’t add wow tokens… game is already ruined by bots selling at apparently at 9$ for 1k.

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If Blizz put in WoW Tokens (keeping mind I am not for them), but locked them to say $10 USD for 1000gold. From what I am looking at now is very close to the market value of illeagle gold from indo farmes. Then kept the value locked at $10 for 1000g, then there would not be a real issue and honestly it would put many indo farmers out of business, or at least make it way less profitable. Then they should/could increase the punishment for buying gold. Because, if they (Blizz) offer legit gold in game. Then no one should ever buy it.

That said, the amount of gold that can be made from dailies in Wrath is more then enough gold. There is no reason for buying gold from Blizz or Indo Farmers… Just get off ya butt and do ya dailies… There is only so much gold a single character can make from the dailies a day and thus that alone will safely regulate the value of gold in game.

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Blizzard selling gold makes the game pay2win. There will always be 3rd party sellers on any game, but cracking down on RMT is the solution - not increasing the number of people buying gold.


retail is already pay to win, please leave classic alone :sweat_smile:


Gold in-game is Blizzard’s IP. Would you mind shedding some light on how purchasing a token over gold from some third party seller diminishes someones integrity?

That is not how this works. If you actually look up Activision Blizzard’s financial reports, they are doing staggeringly well, especially considering the abysmal state their games are generally in lately. They are a fantastic example of a company that is raking in literal record profits in this industry, and the way they decide to reward their employees for it is firing 800 of them and delegating tickets to automated systems rather than GMs.

If you think that implementing more microtransactions into the games will somehow result in a better service and a bigger budget for the game’s development and maintenance, you are ignorant. Activision Blizzard is making way more profit off of Blizzard IPs today than Blizzard ever did back before they were acquired (even though the subscriber count went into freefall), and yet it’s the general consensus that the games and the state of Blizzard’s services have only gotten worse over time. It’s a very simple truth that is backed up by more than a decade of financial reports for proof. :rofl:

The money is going to the corporate shareholders, NOT the games.

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No it wouldn’t.

It would just make the token less and less valuable.

The token price should always be market driven.

Completely agree !


buying gold. Token or RMT. Is cringe either way you slice it.


Either do better to fight the bots/rmt or offer token.

At least with the token inflation would be brought under control and put the bots out of a job, or at least significantly impact them.

Idk why people say this. botting was still out of control in BFA and Slands. Big groups of druid skinning bots abusing hyperspawns. There was also an area in burning steppes with a hyperspawn bots would use to farm enchanting materials. The token never stopped botting.

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You cannot say they won’t be impacted though, good job cherry-picking though.

Its not cherrypicking. It’s reality. The WoW token didn’t do anything to curtail botting in retail and pro-classic tokens claim it did like gospel. Schrodinger’s classic player. They don’t play retail but trust me the token totally fixed the bot problem.

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At the end of the day adding token will just allow people who don’t want to break TOS to compete with those who do and buy gold.

Unless something is done about botting and rmt, this is a good solution.

A better solution would be to take a harder line against rmt and botting or some actually gm’s policing it.