Wow the trading post is awful

The Blizz 1099 regulars on here won’t agree with you but you’re 100% right. Past art teams have made amazing armor, mount designs. Now it feels very low effort and heavily pixelated. I can only assume they are trying to copy the pixel art style from games like Dead Cells like they did several years ago when they changed their cut scenes to bite from GW2 artists.


Seeing as how I spend a lot of time in Second Life I’m wondering, what kinds of animations do you hope to see in your beach chair?

Hmm. That is a very unique way of trying to say those who don’t echo my opinion are Blizz employees. I honestly have to give you a :blue_heart:.

Creative, unique. Use it wisely and creatively. Don’t abuse the power of it having to confuse others and leaving them confounded.

this needs its own thread. we must figure out the mystery of this phrase.

It’s not hard to figure it out. Basically, he is accusing many here of being on the payroll with Blizzard to shill for them on the forums and social media. It’s not like they don’t exist on here.

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I love low res games. Retro. Old arcade. Original Quake and Tekken.

Heck, I play WoW on graphics settings 2

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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My death knight.


The most Karen response ever.

“I ordered a Carmel mocha with ‘TWO’ shots of espresso, not one. What’s wrong with you people? Do you even care about what I WANT? Are you trying to lose me as a customer?1?!?”

Ma’am, please just shut up and enjoy.

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How do you link like that? I think I did mine wrong.

Might be trust level? Not sure. I just highlighted and copy + paste into the reply box lol.

Oh. lol.


I’ve been ignoring the trading post since the class sets went away. There’s never anything worth buying on there.

Got almost 4k tenders saved. Maybe one day they’ll drop something expensive and cool but who knows

the murloc float though

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You don’t have to spend any money.

Unless you want to expand your storage and your inventory, skill boosts, exp boosts, ingame market place boosts, crafting boosts, superior potions, outfits other then the rather generic ingame gear, extra character slots, self rez, change you appearance,

Well at least the initial $10 to buy the game. or $5 when on sale.

I know when I used to play it pet were difficult to come by so I bought 3 and I bought underwear for the luck bonus which was about $40 and I bought the tent 2 years ago when it came out because it made grinding sessions so much easier. Aside from that, all I spent. I bought my Ranger cosmetic on the market from another player.

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Good news!

The Trading Post is optional. No one is going to force you to purchase any of those items and have to look at them in your collections.

And !bonus! your tender carries over so you can save it for future purchases when the items are more up to your exalted standards.

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You’re playing World of Warcraft… Also…

Grabs a mirror and holds it up infront of your toon.


All imma say to you is avoid games like Dusk, because you might explode seeing how many people loving that game if WoW graphics bother you.

That Surfboard looks pretty good. :slight_smile:


Form 1099 is for non employee payments made by a business. It’s a not as clever as the person who typed it way of calling those that disagree with them shills.


Can’t decide if I should skip this month or get the fancy fire sword. I was going to get the swimsuit, but that net skirt is a massive deal breaker for me, and the top is useless as I can just hide my chest piece.

Realistically, if someone sees the current offerings as “awful”, then that will leave them more tenders next month.