WoW should get rid of professions

Oh, crafting doesn’t add the ability to craft gear with targetted stats, deterministic slots, which uses upgrade materials and has its own skill system that you develop as you invest time and resources into it?

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That isn’t a counter point… your just saying " Well yeah its parasitic but it makes items from being parasitic…"

Why ban it when Blizzard could make it not banal instead? Make it into a minigame like FF14 does, and update the crafting and gathering UI so I can right-click and see how many of which items I currently have, where I can obtain them and which recipes each item is used in so I don’t have to search on wowhead for every little thing.

It’s a counter to you saying it adds nothing but it adds things that aren’t present anywhere else. But you can’t see that over whining that you hate crafting.

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I wouldn’t mind this but the last time they tried was with wishing and that change is now… 12 years overdo since they said they were exploring it in tbc.

there are far far more players in this game than people who do dungeons and raids. I don’t replace my crafted gear with bis because I don’t do the content where that gear drops.


I think the difference is im talking about gameplay while you are hung up on items that no one cares about.

Just shuffle the items into the dungeon pool that isn’t an argument for why crafting should exist.

“Hey, I don’t know how this thing works… and I also ignored everything that explains how it works. It must be messed up!”

Now that is an absurd argument to make.
Grow up.

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No, you are whining you don’t like professions. If you move crafted gear to be random dungeon drops, you still miss out on the benefits of crafting. But, again, you can’t conceive of anything other than “crafting bad, delete crafting” and refusing to put together a more cohesive position than that.

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I understand every facet of it… that is why im able to make such a strong argument for its removal that isn’t being countered.

The entirety of the benefits you have listed is “you can make gear with stats you want on it” That isn’t a strong nor compelling point. Describe in details the benefits over the cost and tedium of consumables.


You haven’t made a strong argument, and every (contradicting) point you make was countered.

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Allow me to make a succinct summary of your argument: “I dislike (and also know nothing of) it, therefore remove it.”

Literally all one has to say is “No”, and one makes a more coherent and persuasive “argument” than the nonsense you are spouting.

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No, my argument is that its a unneeded system that does nothing but add tedium to the game. Without it higher difficulties would not incur a resource tax that would need to be addressed. Its a strong argument and its why you are weaving and dodging to not address it.

Why should higher difficulty incur a tax so that you can keep a grind?

Not sure about getting rid of them entirely but Blizzard seems utterly incapable of actually making them impactful, or worthwhile. You either get overly convoluted recipes design or overly convoluted material design, but the core of the crafting never really changes. Just press button, get item. Which is really the crux of the situation.

People dont want 35 star recipes or 35 star herbs, they want to feel like the crafting is like actual crafting, and they have more player input over the final product. A better balance between the passive and active gameplay of creating an item. There is no active failure state, no matter how small.

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You are entirely wrong. It adds targetted gear, many pieces with unique effects, options for progression that interact with the game’s economy and resources, much more to do in the open world, fits better for RP options, and also active uses for things like potions.

Hi, welcome to repair costs, you must be new here. Or making things up as usual.

Why do you think that you are more important than everyone who likes professions, to the point that they should be removed when you are free and encouraged to not use them, as you routinely claim they don’t matter anyway.

It doesn’t do any of that but add specific stats its crests earned from difficult content that do that. Adding embellishment effects to the dungeon pool would make it 100% identical in terms outcome. Just convert the crests to be used on dungeon and raid drops.

You can read the post you are quoting. Why should other players incur costs so you can keep your favorite grind loop?

So incorrect. Firstly, sparks are the limiting factor of crafting items, crests are used only for making the item at a higher quality. As for embellishments, those are likewise targeted with the crafting systems, even though you want to ignore that.

Yeah that cuts both ways. Well, except nobody wants to remove content you like from you, and you want to remove it from other players.

How does not making sparks and crests combining to upgrade dungeon and raid items not identical… Im not sure if you trying not to mention that because you are desperate to strength a failing position or if you really can’t just put it together.

You content is a series of two dozen world quests that could exist just have them reward rep instead of crafting knowledge.

Because they are inherently different systems. Dungeon and raid items can be upgraded with crests. Crests can also be used to upgrade gear crafted with sparks, where sparks serve as a limiting factor for crafted items you can attain at any given time, items which you can set the one or two secondary stats on, items which can have unique effects if you so choose to put them there. They are more different than they are similar.

Sparks themselves are utterly worthless without crests so its a difference without distinction.