WoW should get rid of professions

Know this is kind of a out there topic but thought about it after seeing crafters complaining about gear in TWW.

Why do professions exist in wow?

So far the entirety of the profession system adds to combat is a health pot and a dps pot. There are no alternative or interesting choices when it comes to enhancing gear as there is always a obvious right answer. With it being so banal and pointless why keep it?

If we get rid of professions we don’t actually lose anything. Content would just be scaled to not having consumables. Have crests still drop but make them apply directly to items to increase their ilv.

You could cut so much empty grind time out of wow and make a far more engaging game if we just finally bin the vestigial system of crafting.


If you don’t want to do professions, don’t.

I don’t understand the attitude that if you don’t like something, it should be banned. Why? How does it harm you?


The entire game is balanced around it…its not apart from the ecosystem.


Agreed. Also remove all gold drops from mobs, and prevent us from being able to sell any items/gear to vendors for gold. Expand the Trader’s Tenders to give out a stipend of gold every month. UBI for all Champions of Azeroth. Also allow blizzard to reduce the amount of gold you get every month if your account is flagged for disrespectful behavior or your social credit isn’t high enough. Have making gear repairs be dependent on being a good citizen first and foremost.


This is just a troll thread. Don’t fall for the bait.


The idea of quests alone is offensive; it requires effort and favors those with skill.


If you look at it that way , all players who raid or do dungeon just need’s a lobby to recruit or wait and an instance to play in and they would be happy. You could probably delete the entire world and they wouldn’t notice it :rofl: :rofl:


Sunday is two days away, good laugh though!

For me this would be true. I can only speak for me.

Professions have always served a few purposes, some of them nebulous, some of them obsolete.

Ever since the WoW token was introduced gold has necessarily been less important. Alternative currencies essentially replaced it.

Professions also used to facilitate open world travel, but with less world pvp and mobs in general being made of paper I can’t help but wonder what is there in the open world to do? Back in the day the gathering was the means to create combat encounters, nowadays the gathering IS the encounter.

I have to agree. Professions don’t really serve any kind of purpose, and they aren’t very popular.

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I don’t understand the attitude of “just because someone likes something it can never be removed.”

If something is unpopular and serves no real purpose then it’s a waste of developer time.

Jeez. Request to remove 1 vestigial feature and this guy acts like it’s going to lead to a social credit system.

Which does not describe professions


Exactly. People like it, i like it and it’s enjoyable and relaxing. Why would anyone want to remove/destroy what others find fun in the game? What motivates others to just be like “i don’t like this get rid of it” even when they see lots and LOTS of people engaging in it?


No, if you dislike professions, then don’t use them. You clearly do not understand them anyway judging by your claim about what they add to the game, anyway.


Glad there are players that do professions op. Because it means one less tedious in game activity I don’t have to fool with. AH ftw :popcorn:

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Caution, the paragraph that follows contains cynicism.

Well there’s another alternative, why not get rid of M+ and Raids? After all those are the only places where you need advanced gear. Think about it, you can do quest stories, professions, gathering role play and transmogs without having to resort to the top gear needed for M+ or Raids.

Reminder: The paragraph above contains cynicism.

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don’t take my profs away you nacho.

GREAT!.. now im thinkin about nachos, there goes my diet, thanks!
Real considerate!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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I’ve never known anybody that enjoyed professions in any rpg they’ve ever been included in.

Like who boots up a fantasy rpg game to work in a bakery? Go play a baking simulator.

Weird way to say you don’t know anyone at all.