WoW should get rid of professions

Incorrect. Sparks might not be worth much to you without crests, if you do only high-end PvE content and don’t have any dead slots, but sparks are very much useful for people who aren’t pushing to hero and myth track items, people who want to use an item in PvP, people who have had poor luck filling a specific slot, etc.

Again in pvp its conquest that covers the debt, As for not using heroic tracks I don’t believe there are many people running around with uncrested embellishments.

So, baseless assumptions in order to try to establish your point.

Do you believe spamming the same thing over and over again somehow helps carry your points?

I’ve made my case you still have to make yours beyond repeating “no,no,no,no,no”

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I assume at this point that you have 1st and 2nd person pronouns switched, because you are the one whining about it and making a variety of half-coherent attempts at establishing a point, which keeps changing but has never approached a good point.

Primal must be really getting a kick out of all the engagement they’re getting with this nonsense topic.

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Well, I guess so.

We know as an objective fact that people who do hard content are in the minority. So therefore the MAJORITY of players have uncrested embellishments/crafted gear. Most people are wearing either base, or even LFR tier crafted gear, if they’re wearing crafted gear.

True I am not arguing that fact. I am pointing out that professions as they exist act as a tax on higher difficulty without really adding anything to it beyond passive stats. They are just a burden and them not existed would be a net good for gameplay as it would remove a layer of friction to doing harder content.

And you can keep “pointing out” whatever you would like, but that doesn’t change the fact that your claim is incorrect.

Professions aren’t a tax on higher difficulty, because they’re not required to progress. They provide an alternate for situations where you get bad luck with drops, but they certainly aren’t a barrier. Especially given that you as a high level player aren’t required to ever level the professions, you can take advantage of the people who do enjoy professions to craft the gear for you.

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I don’t mind professions, but I prefer the old style of simply needing mats to make everything, with some slightly special recipe drops, and only very few super special recipe drops.

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You can not progress without consumable items. Least not past early mythic.

What I’m getting is, you only play WoW for combat and nothing more. Which that’s fine, and while that may also be the case for a lot of people, those same people buy things off the AH to improve their combat abilities. Enchants/Buff Food/Elixirs/Potions/Gems/Etc. You know, it contributed to the in-game economy while benefiting others.

It adds alot more to the game than you may realise. However with all that said, if you have a huge dislike for professions, simple don’t do them. Continue to focus on what you enjoy.

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My point is that relationship is parasitic. What benefit do those who only want to play the game get out of propping up professions? It adds a friction that only exists to…well add friction.

There isn’t any benefit of it beyond imposing extra tedium to gameplay. Worse we know it only effects people interested in gameplay. I doubt a dozen enchants or potions would be sold a day if they were restricted to outside instanced content.

You absolutely can, there’s just no reason not to take every advantage you can. That’s the difference. Mythic is killable using only what you gain in raids, it’s just HARDER. If you can’t progress without consumables, you just suck. Which is fine, and healthy to admit, but that doesn’t make it mathematically impossible without consumables

No, I am not even gonna pretend to debate that. You can not.

What friction does it add for someone? A person who enjoys crafting and selling those crafted items has no added friction. A person who doesn’t care about professions buys what they need off the AH. So no friction there either. I don’t see the real issue here. If 5 minutes on the AH once a week or even less is considered friction, then we have much more to talk about than just professions.

Edit: Fixed typos

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Why should they need to buy anything off the auction house?

Why should content be scaled around consumables,enchants,gems? They don’t offer any gameplay element. They offer no skill check nor interesting choice. Every single consumable has a best and a worthless choice. Sometimes, in extremely rare cases you have a break point to sim between two close choices but thats it.

The entire system is tedious bloat. People seem to think I am arguing against crafted gear, I don’t really care about gear its pointless as its already tied to crests. I am making a case the entire system is detrimental to gameplay and acts as an additional barrier to harder content that isn’t needed nor desired by those who play it.

Ok once again, you are only looking at this from a combat perspective and nothing more, that’s fine and dandy. At the end of the day, their not going to get rid of professions because they do add to the game whether you agree with it or not. Once in a blue moon someone wants professions removed, but it’s a small fraction of players, I don’t see Blizz removing professions for the sake of 0.01% of the player base.

I still don’t see the issue with you walking over to the AH, buying what you need and going on about your day. It’s hardly an inconvenience.

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