WoW should get rid of professions

LMAO…I literally have spent HOURS just flying aroung farming nodes.
That YOU do not enjoy something, it DOES NOT FOLLOW that many of the rest of us dont either

I dont like pet battles…and you know how I handle that?
pretty easy answer here, I promise…


I rarely bother to read you posts, but since he quoted them for all to see…EXACTLY.
CHOOSE not to take professions IF one doesnt like them

Jesus christ man…I am REALLY starting to literally HATE this forum lately.
Too many self serving sorts in here demanding that everyone else be coerced into playing the game THEIR way.

Hey Ion…heres a note for you…remove my professions and my sub will be cancelled permanently the same day.
ESO has fantastic professions / crafting so I’ll just go do that if you ever listen to this kind of nonsense idea.

annoying thread muted

So…your response to anyone finding a problem with something is to entirely remove it?

Remove the one truly creative aspect of this game over which we have a degree of choice and control, that is not based on random luck?

Please, begone with you kind-of-out there topic/idea/nonsense.


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I say get rid of the special items needed and the work orders to make higher end crafted gear profitable and not BoP

Just let us make the gear so we can do the following options.

This refers to higher end crafted that is generally Bind on Pickup

Sell it in AH
Give to alts
Give or sell to guildies to help them gear up .

The hard core crafters will always make gold because they will invest more time but this will give the casual crafter an opportunity to increase their ability to make gold past the first few levels of leveling in an expansion .

But Ion doesn’t want that Shadowlands was the inevitable destination of Ions game design philosophy with the Maw being his “Magnum opus”

OP makes their gold via carries

I am willing to meet you half way much like lfr.

Just make consumables only useable in the open world and have crafted gear be the base ilv that is further upgraded via crests that only require running content to use rather then be enchanted.

Maybe you should read it more carefully son.

There will always be a grind in MMORPGs. That’s honestly why people cared about WoW at all. It wasn’t for the gameplay. There were already better games for that. WoW is built on progressing your avatar in a variety of ways. For most people it’s something as simple as leveling. They just really dig leveling character after character. Professions are another way. A lot of people only play WoW to work on their professions. Abbreviated leveling has already hurt the sense of progression for a lot of people. Same with professions mattering less and less.

The last thing we need to do is make WoW even more shallow and revolving around instances more than it already does.

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I entirely disagree. The mentality of grind is good gameplay second is the dying swansong of a mobile gamer whale.

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Well, I hate to break it to you, but that’s MMORPGs in a nutshell.


It may be trivial for you, but professions are an important part of the game for many of us. There are dozens of websites and addons focused to on professions in WoW. It’s not some kind of side-note.


The issue is they add tedium to everyone else to keep the trivial system for others. This isn’t a pet battle thing that is entirely contained in its own content. It latches onto and leeches from every other end game activity.

no changes are necessary - if you don’t want to craft don’t do it. You sell carries, you can easily afford to buy consumables and if you want crafted gear just put in work orders ( far cheaper than leveling up professions).

And even if you didn’t sell carries, consumables are easy enough to pay for just by the gold rewards you get by doing content.

No, that fundamentally doesn’t work with the system.

No, that fundamentally doesn’t work with the system.

No, they do not. If you do not want to use professions, don’t use them. Stop whining about it, you literally said in your OP that they were so worthless all they do is add potions, of which you only want two. Buy your potions on the AH and let it go.

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I’ve had exact thoughts like this before. There are so many ways to make WoW into a much better, more streamlined game. Then add things like professions in that new context, so that all the systems are efficient and actually work together in an integrated whole, rather than what we have now, where crafted gear is effectively just temporary until you get your BiS, which feels bad.

If I was on the WoW Dev team, transmog would be independent of gear entirely, such that when you kill a boss, it drops xmogs and power-upgrades. The power upgrades would be applied to your item-slots directly, enhancing your stats (basically what the crests already do, but not having to ever swap out a gear piece or re-enchant). Fully customizable secondary stats, rather than, “Well, my set gloves have the most vers, even if I don’t value crit, so I guess I wear the gloves and not the pants.”

Trade-offs are never fun in a power fantasy videogame, unless you have a way to counter out the negative, such as Corruptions in BfA, which is why they were so fun once your cloak was good enough.

As for professions - I feel the same. They should be entirely re-thought with the mindset of “Does this feel fun to repeat over and over during the endgame, or is it a hassle that I have to remember to do?”

Class 1-hour buffs is the same thing. We had a beautiful rework for them during WoD, where they were all just passive and we didn’t have to ever worry about them beyond deciding group composition - and then Classic came out and the devs went, “Oh, you guys like pressing your class buffs on the road, huh? Let’s return them to Modern WoW and undo the quality of life we’ve added, yet again.”

“Wow, you guys really love talent trees, don’t you? I guess we’ll add TWO of them! And Professions, too! Now professions have a talent tree, meaning we can now artificially timegate professions behind material talent-point costs! And Skyriding too, that has a talent tree as well! Everything should have a talent tree!!! Your Delve Follower too, needs a talent tree!!!”

So instead of just making the game “work” as simply and effectively as possible, it seems pretty clear to me that the Devs try their very best to stall out any new system as best they can with talent-point systems, rather than make the game “pick up and play” beyond an initial spec talent decision, etc. They really could learn a whole lot from the D4 team - who’s learned so much in just 1 year of their game being out. WoW has been out for 20 years and they still can’t figure it out.

where did they vote for this?

agreed. Without the shared world experience, WOW is a pretty crappy solo game.

You got your ballot in your account window.