WoW should get rid of professions

Few things to unpack here…

Gear isn’t controlled so yes you tend to use the wrong gear and build around it so im not sure your point?

Removing gear… its a interesting idea. I don’t think it would work out in a mmo as it would cut down on longevity to much. Abilities are right or wrong depending when you use them. If an ability isnt useful it is removed or purely cosmetic… so im not sure how you are trying to tie it into this.

It feels like your spouting nonsense because your arguments got smashed as a last hail mary.

It’s starting to sound like you just don’t like flavor.

It’s like saying the ideal Pokemon game would be “Every Pokemon is Normal type, the only moves they have are Tackle, Growl, and Quick Attack.”


Ok, even if I concede that the current crafting system is perfect (it’s still tied to a bad reputation system, and has bad timegating mechanics that blizzard is married to in every aspect of their game for some reason) there’s still the problem that open world content is too easy. (and also you can fly).

So any content (professions) that are designed to facilitate open world content have kind of lost their purpose.

I like how you prefer to address the point that seems to hurt your pride only for you to show off, and completely ignore the whole part where you need to argue how that will be better for the game.

Can you make an argument that makes sense for us to discuss?

What are you trying to say with mass majority of professions?

I have blacksmith. I craft gear that is just like gear that drops from raids, dungeons, etc. Some of them are just passive stats, just like gear that drops from raid. Some of them have procs and additional effects, also like gear that drop from raid, dungeons, etc.

What is your complain here? Can you make a point and give the example of why professions are bad and need to be removed to the game?

It doesn’t make sense at all.

Are you complaining about the need to level professions for you as a player?
Or because such crafted items in the game exist and it is an extra grind and costly for you to maintain?

Can you please write something more logical for us to have a discussion? Because this argument makes no sense.

Professions don’t make you more powerful anymore, so there is no “extra grind” here, you can just go by without professions, but of course since you already put yourself on a higher pedestal as an experienced CE player, you know some of the best slots come from professions, and I wouldn’t expect someone of that caliber to actually be arguing for costs which are ridiculously low.

if your problem are consumables and the cost of consumables, it is not a problem for more than 90% of the players in the game.


I can kind of agree with you on I prefer the game be practical. I don’t get the pokemon thing as that is directly tied to gameplay…unlike wow professions.

I’m laughing too hard, I can’t breath.

Oh no you actually blew in from Everquest.

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Ok I see now, I think you should go play Fortnite.
I totally lost interest on this thread.

Most idiotic topic with most nonsensical arguments I’ve seen.
Don’t bother replying me.

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Is it weird how you dance around my experience while at the same time saying I should know better as you utterly fail to explain what im arguing?

Flavour is fine if they can have flavour and balance. But if we can only have one, I prefer balance. So yes, if they can’t balance typing, and the BEST they can come up with is Fighting is strong against every other type, they need to not have typing.

Professions as they are now are not supposed to be intimately connected to combat. They mostly removed that concept years ago.

Professions primarily exist for people who enjoy them. Like pet battles, if you don’t like it don’t do it.

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Then make it so enchants,gems,flasks,weapon oils, embellishments, food,and etc don’t work in instanced content just world content.


Only if we also make it so dungeon and raid gear is all synced down to explorer 1/8 outside of instances, since apparently things aren’t allowed to step out of their lanes in your mind.

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I would be more then happy with that.

If professions are meant to be like pet battles then they are lacking.

gathering weeds is not really interactive enough to be called a minigame.

I mean, half of them were glyphs sooooo

Better yet, make enchants, gems, flasks, weapon oils, embellishments, food, and etc., world drops that get bought and sold in the AH. If that’s the way OP would like to go …

It’s all about you not enjoying something and deciding. “welp, I don’t like it, therefore nobody should” ummm. Nope, bye.


They definitely went overboard with this new profession system…obviously.
But getting rid of professions isnt the logical response to that…making the system less annoying, especially for alts, is the proper response.

This entire thread feels like a bliz staff set up…“let post about getting rid of professions and get some feed back…LESS WORK FOR US!!!”

Yeah, I get way too much convenience from Engineering. Its gone…and Im likely gonna quit. Already on the ragged edge anyway. ive tried a dozen times but cant even talk myself into buying TWW, for god sake.
So by all means, lets trash MORE of the content I DO actually enjoy because the OP had a thought in his head last night about it and had to come here to discuss it lmao

Do you ever not post Blizzard should remove x threads?


I would rather they get rid of people who continually want to ruin the game for others. You spent years trying to get rid of LFR and they made it useless to do instead.

Professions is my main game play now since they wrecked LFR and the world daily quests.

But the thing is you don’t have to do professions at all if you don’t like them so you are going to have a hard time complaining you are FORCED to do them this time.