WoW should get rid of professions

None of my equipped crafted gear can be gotten from the AH.

You don’t really get to decide what value somebody else places in what they get, is the thing.

Interesting what is the false premise in your own words?

Yea my criticism doesn’t apply to this expansion.

But what they added to try and fix it (RNG) has created a new host of problems. Which is what I’m getting at with this whole “professions never seem to work right” argument.

You fix one aspect and it just screws up another aspect.

Your claim earlier that professions only add potions to the game, your claim after that they only add potions, flasks, and healthstones to the game, your claim now that they only add passive combat stats to the game.

How is it a false premise that all professions add to active gameplay are health pots and dps pots? Make a argument against it. So far the best defense you have provided is that sometimes in certain cases you may want a invis pot in mythic plus…

What RNG did they add to professions to try to fix it?

brez bracers?

Its a reach…and a big one but fair in very specific cases I can see that being a choice… i dont think its competitive or actively used ever but sure. Will give you 4 with that one for all professions.

Never say im not generous

Its also a reach saying that professions only give you the illusion of choice, and should therefor be deleted.

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Isn’t that also the main function of gear?

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Not really, There are a lot of clear “right” choices that if you don’t take you only actively hurt yourself. There are choices but with clearly defined right and wrong ones it is at best an illusion of choice like I stated.

But that same argument applies to gear and talents.

So therefor, gear and talents should be deleted.

The “illusion of choice” argument only means that challenging content exists, and people will tend to optimize. Happens in 100% of RPGs with any sorta talent system.

Every engineering tinker that is active, Frostfire Greaves of Preparation, Shadowed Razing Anhillator, Flourishing Dream Helm, Blue Silk Lining, Dreamcatcher’s Charm, Figurine of the Gathering Storm, all either active or condition-dependent buffs that I found on my blacksmithing profession tree. To say nothing of battle pets, toys, enchanting, leatherworking, jewelcrafting, alchemy, tailoring, ENGINEERING PORTALS, or inscription which all have things that are very much active or condition dependent as well.

Gear is different as ideal stats are not always there or dont drop

Talents…well between you and me. I am not entirely sold on the idea that talents are needed. They seem to boil down to “take this for ST” then this for “aoe” I kind of would prefer more complete specs without talents then the talent system we have now.

Don’t get me wrong professions have had RNG before. But the new “quality” system that is meant to make each crafted item feel more unique is not good. From my understanding (and it’s been awhile since I looked at DF professions) it has an RNG factor, so you can just get screwed. And also it has a bad time gating element. So if you didn’t play at the beginning of the expansion then everything you craft will be worthless.

Maybe that’s not an rng problem. Maybe that’s a timegating problem (please stop timegating blizzard). Or a problem with the quality system being too linear (not horizantal progression, so to speak)

Either way, they tried to fix professions again and it wasn’t well received. They’ve done this so many times that I’ve just given up. I don’t even look at professions anymore.

But there is always a right and wrong choice for gear.

Delete both gear and talents.

Stop trying to make WoW into an “RPG”. When clearly it shouldnt be.

Delete abilities that arent your right abilities to use.

Delete the concept of using your abilities out of order. It shouldnt be allowed.

1 button that automatically rotates you through your ability list. Because your rotation is an illusion of choice. There is a right button and wrong button to press.

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They removed that, inspiration which effected quality based on a proc is no longer in the game, and instead you have ingenuity that influences your ability to limit spending concentration, a resource you steadily generate for each crafting profession.

It was well received by people who like having professions that are useful for power progression. And the roleplaying aspect is very nice now too.

It wouldn’t be such an issue if people couldn’t change their entire spec with a press of the button.

But blizzard caved to midmaxers, and now we all have to play the game like midmaxers.

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Busy work designed to trick people who dreamed of making their own gear.

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…what? Did you just come from Everquest? You could reset your talents in Vanilla, mate.