WoW should get rid of professions

So, we have a variety of non-healing potions currently, and as far back as BfA we had invisibility potions in that slot too for mythic plus. Mana potions, healing potions, and decay healing potions I believe all share the other potion cooldown.

Right…and the choice in that situation is use the right potion or you made a mistake by using the wrong one…

You are saying the entire profession system comes down to using a health pot or a invis pot in mythic. Are you for or against professions again?

I am wearing 3 crafted items.

I assume you bought those, not crafted them. But even if it was a system like they have in SoD where ONLY the crafter can wear the best gear, all that does is force people to pick a single profession (the one that gives them their gear type).

I never liked how crafted gear worked with professions (outside of the first 30 levels in vanilla)

Why does it matter? Someone crafted them.

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The players voted and spoke on this and want a streamlined focus on M+ only. Other activities just take away from the game and players that could be put into M+

Sure, there is always an optimal series of inputs that you can make. But you said we could replace potions with a third trinket. I pointed out, rightfully, it would be a third and fourth, each of which allows for a variety of effects that you can choose, to replicate just that one aspect of professions.

No, you are saying that.


Yeah that is why that is moved away from.

Better trolling attempt. You didnt jump in and say something outright obvious.

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If you’re only interacting with professions on the most surface of levels, I suppose.

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Sorry your defense is so weak it reads as a condemnation more then my own words so it gets confusing…

The most X-treme way of interacting (the X is because its super extreme) Is opening random pots in the world and doing daily quests to afk in trade chat…

It’s okay. When you said healthstones were a profession item I assumed you wouldn’t be able to read and also follow the previous statements that people made anyway.


It seems to be a basic human need.

Glad it’s there for the folks that enjoy it. For rp, whatever reasons.

Not part of that crowd either.

I accept your concession.

They are literally choices you have.
Perhaps in the level you play you don’t know the differences, or can’t see them. That’s alright.

Many things in life are a illusion of choice, I think you shouldn’t go in that direction.
If you’re looking for the most optimal, min-maxing, there is always something that will eventually, in most scenarios (and not all) be better.

If by any chance you want to opt for something not so much optimal (and I have examples where the difference is less than 1k dps, that is, when we’re doing 600k dps, that is less than 0,002% difference.

Just because you don’t have the will to make a choice doesn’t mean others can’t.

And why would you even remove professions?

Your whole argument is that it could be removed.
I’d say it could have even be improved.

You haven’t made the case why professions need to be gone.

Don’t players like professions?
Professions are a significant and very important aspect of this genre. Literally all RPGs have a sort of profession that you can access in a way or another.

You need to make a much better case on how the game could be better without professions and how this would make the players that like working with professions happier.

And you haven’t even put out your clear motivations on why professions should be removed.

It feels like you’re not good with professions or you don’t like the system, and for you it would be better to remove it rather than actually learning the system.


That would be cool if the leather crafter was directly in my party, but it’s just some random guy, so it never really felt cool to me.

Feels about as cool as going to the carpet store in real life.

You have that option.

Most of my crafted gear came from my guildies/friends.

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I think there is a quest about that, even.

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There is always this scapegoat so lets kill it on the alter for the paulty sacrifice it is. Ive roughly 15 ces more if you count before mythic exists, ive also hit elite multiple times in pvp,

Gonna skip to this cause the rest of your argument is going on about why passive stats are compelling and…well they are not.

My argument is that since the mass majority of professions exist to only add passive stats we can just balance around those stats rather then adding a extra grind and upkeep cost to harder content in the game.

Yea but the fact that you can just get it from the Ah makes it less special that your friend crafted it for you.

They did try to fix that feeling at least with this expansion. But I wouldn’t call the new profession system a win by any stretch.

If your argument is based on a false premise, your argument will produce nonsensical results. As is seen in this very thread, starting as far back as your OP, which is also a fundamentally different but still flawed argument.

Also wrong, you cannot.