WoW should get rid of professions

You can’t really say “well yeah if you are gonna only talk about gameplay your right” Then try to dismiss the argument. Why should the higher difficulties be burdened to make a artificial player economy FOR YOU?

Why should a cost be incurred? Make a case as to how this is beneficial from a gameplay stand point. You now make a desperate plea to an invisible majority you conveniently can never prove.

Do you truly and honestly believe that if you offered the choice to the people stuck paying for professions to exist. The raiders,pvpers,mythic plus players the option between a end game without profession balanced around that or what we have now… that what we have now would win out and professions would stay?

Classic, no response to my argument so you just dummy spit and leave.

The difference between full gems, enchants, consumables etc is around 8%. So a world “balanced around professions” is…8% harder if you don’t use them. Oh yeah bud, sure, that’s completely mathematically impossible, rather than just making the various WF races a few days longer, and making most guilds take an extra week or two to full clear the raid.

The idea that profession consumables provide some insurmountable gap that makes them required is patently false, and the reason they ubiquitous is because raid teams will take every advantage they can get, rather than any requirement in the balancing of the game.


Since when has crafting not been considered a part of gameplay? Do you understand what the word “gameplay” actually encompasses? It’s all aspects of play in a game. Crafting/Questing/Dungeons/Raids/etc. All forms of gameplay.

From a gameplay standpoint? Thats easy, you need a player economy or you’re not buying anything off the AH ever, if you dont buy anything off the AH anyways then it doesnt affect you and should not matter.

If you only offered the choice to people doing raids/m+ you would either get A) People who dont care one way or another because its not a big deal or B) People like yourself who would want it gone. Thats fine and all, but those arent all the players in the game.

Lets flip that question and ill ask you the same. Do you honestly think that if you asked all the RPers/Casuals/Crafters if professions should go away that they would say yes? The answer would either be they dont care or no.

Actually lets just up this a little more, do you think that if you asked RPers/Casuals if Dungeons/Raids/M+ should be gotten rid of that they would say yes? Most probably wouldnt. So why are you so bent of getting rid of something that affects you in the slighest way possible but is a huge part of other peoples gameplay?

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You realize your post is a collection of logical fallacies…

You appeal to tradition without being able to explain why its a positive just " its always been this way"

You then compare apples with oranges. The question can’t be " flipped " crafting directly effects higher end players and is almost entirely ignored by the lower end. What the higher end does doesn’t impact the casual player.

There is this notion that higher end players are swimming in gold. Its true for a select few. Ive seen a lot stop because they couldn’t afford the time to grind gold to keep the tedium of professions going.

First, I’ve given a logical and solid answer to every question you have asked without ever saying because its tradition or has always been this way.

Second, both lower end and higher end directly affect each other. Assuming by higher end you EXPLICITLY mean pushing M+ keys and doing Mythic Raids. Heroic and lower shouldn’t be apart of that since they are by no means “Higher End” and the average player can do them. With that out of the way, high M+ key pushers are a lot of the reason we get balance patches around all specs, especially those being commonly used to pushed the hardest content. Thats directly affects lower end players or those who may cap out at Heroic.

Their is no notion that end-game player are swimming in gold, but if you cant afford some consumables once a week then I’m not quite sure what your doing. WoW has never been designed for playing around one thing and one thing only, thats not just a WoW thing but an MMORPG thing (Perhaps you’d be better of playing a different genre of game?). If all you ever do is run M+/Raid/PvP and nothing else, you’re going broke even if consumables dont exist because you wouldn’t be able to afford the repairs which the amount of deaths you’d have vs the gold income from those activities.

So maybe the issue for you is not consumables, but instead your ability to collect gold, which is beyond easy if all you’re doing is buying buff food/potions and repairing armor. I say that, but for you thats a major inconvenience.

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Are we going to have a communist uprising in WoW? Spoiler alert I’ve seen how this ends up a couple of times

Professions suck so bad at this point, I would not care if they were gone. Used to be one of the best parts of WoW over other games. Now WoW has about the worst professions across MMOs

No,no you haven’t. Now you are putting forward that higher end players should carry the economy on their backs because balancing happens?

That isn’t a good argument. Its a argument but not a good one.

No thanks lol the game gets worse every time they’ve tried to dumb it down

You think consumables and crafted items carry the economy? Because I never said that. They add to the economy. If anything rare items/mogs carry the economy. Also you’re just nitpicking certain things to change the argument lol.

What about gold? You completely disregarded that. Gameplay? You threw that out the window as soon as you were corrected to what gameplay actually encompasses.

I’ve made my point time and time again, this is my last reply to you. If you can’t get your head out of your delusional world and realise for one moment that the game doesn’t revolve around you, but instead the community as a whole, then we can’t have any kind of meaningful conversation or debate.

Again… you can’t just claim ive been defeated in a argument without actually addressing it. Gameplay? Ive gone over that. The entirety of crafting is parasitic. Its gameplay is world quests and looting chests both would persist unchanged without it. Your last replay before this one was saying you never made a argument about it being tradition while in the same post going on about how mmos have always had it so it should be there…

“Gameplay equals only things to do in the game I personally enjoy” is really what you keep trying to claim.

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Remix has taught us that professions, as they exist now, add nothing to the game and we’d do just fine without them.

I also don’t like the direction DF/TWW have taken with Profession Knowledge. It just means the grind to max a professionis… even more of a grind. The same people who probably bot dominating the crafting market so you’re probably not going to make any money doing it. Previously, you could at least craft your own gear but unless you’r emaxing Knowledge/Inspiration, you’re better off getting someone else to do it.

So crafting is just something most people do to get the achievements.

I honestly thought Legion/BFA crafting was better. You had better recipes but they were optional. They just used less reagents.

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No, it hasn’t. Remix doesn’t have professions, it also barely has gear and is designed to be an OP clustertruck of steamrolling heroic and mythic raid bosses. People can do some raids solo on their highest difficulty, even. I could say Plunderstorm taught us the game would do fine without more than five buttons but it is very specifically and intentionally a different experience from the main game, the lack of professions being one of the things that isn’t there because it doesn’t align with the goals of the mode.

Yes. Remix is fun. Professions? Not fun.

Plunderstorm isn’t WoW. It taught us nothing about WoW. It’s like saying if you add gnome skins to CoD, that would tell us something about WoW. It wouldn’t.

Remix uses fundamentally different power progression, gearing systems, and has an absurdly high amount of power that comes from passive procs, with the tagline and dev comments specifically calling it out as being about going through MoP with overpowered characters. If the main game played like that, it wouldn’t hold my interest, but it is a nice side spin-off and way to level alts.

Not fun to you, fun to plenty of folks.

No ReMix taught us if power upgrades just rained from the sky nothing is needed. ReMix is a game mode without any type of progression or game play outside of raid or die. While entertaining for the short while it becomes boring after a while.

WoW is an RPG and crafting, profession have long been a staple of the RPG experience. With WoW you don’t have to craft at all.

Well, there were also frogs and goats, for a time.

There are more gameplay elements in ordering socks off amazon then there is in crafting unless you include the systems it acts as a parasite to like daily quests.

There’s definitely not. Again, not saying you have to like crafting or any profession, but you continuously framing them as parasitic, not gameplay, and simultaneously worthless and mandatory does not even approach a decent argument.

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