WoW should get rid of professions

No, I want you to explain how it has more gameplay then ordering socks off amazon. Don’t hide behind daily quests, don’t hide behind crests from higher difficulties.

Using only crafting explain how it has more gameplay elements then ordering socks of amazon. I want to drive home how absurd your argument is.

To craft items requires having a character in WoW with the relevant profession, gathering the materials or purchasing them in game from someone who gathered them in game, and having learned the recipe for the item you intend to make, and the quality of the item is determined by a mix of how you have spent your profession knowledge, the quality of the tools you are using and your general profession skill as well as the quality of the materials and whether or not you choose to invest concentration into the craft.

Ordering socks off amazon involves you purchasing socks off amazon, which is not a game or gameplay it is a store.

It’s pretty sad you are so far gone that you are conflating this.

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To order items off amazon it requires an account on amazon with appropriate information, gathering the information for purchasing them from someone who gathered them in the store, having learned the brand for the item you intend to buy, The quality is determined based on user reviews, The quality of shipping tools you are using and as well as location.

Ordering crafting on wow involves you purchasing crafted mats off a auction house or crafting table its not gameplay its a store.

Its pretty sad you are so far gone that you are conflating this.

Pathetic trolling attempt aside, do you have nothing better to do than whine online?

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Deconstructing your entire point and proving you entirely wrong isn’t trolling because you ran out of points to defend your ideals with…

Your entire “rebuttal” was full of things that are objectively false, because you couldn’t actually make a real comparison because they are not remotely the same thing. It is possible that you are actually serious, which would be even more pathetic, but I’m assuming that you are a somewhat adjusted adult and putting it down as trolling instead of an emotional breakdown over how much you hate an optional system in World of Warcraft.

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There is no need to throw a tantrum and reduce yourself to schoolyard insults. One can simply concede with grace and dignity. You had a poor position and you defended it vigorously. Losing isn’t a sign of personal failing. Its alright to see an idea fail its how things improve.

All my crafted gear I crafted myself. I even get the added benefit of repairing all my gear for free.

Stay away from my Blacksmithing.

Blizzard will never toss out professions. This entire thread is moot and for trolling.

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I think you are completely off here. If you are trying to equate the amazon order to crafting then you should have gone further. Gathering materials for professions is not the same as picking a pair of socks off of the shelf and putting them in a bag. Did the person at Amazon gather the wool for the socks by sheering the sheep? Did they sew or knit the wool together into said socks? Did they then go out into the marketplace and find a buyer for said socks? No, they looked at a screen, grabbed them off of a shelf, and sent them over to the shipping department. Nowhere near the same, but nice try using a false equivalency.


Here’s how crafting works in WoW:

  1. You buy the mats on the AH for gold
  2. You send them to someone to craft, possibly tipping, possibly not. At worst, it’s an additional cost;
  3. That person crafts the item and sends it back to you. Crafting is pretty much completely commoditized down 5-10k for an r5 craft (excluding Decayed, etc).

So even if the item is BoP, you’ve basically just traded gold for an item, just like buying it from a vendor.

You might say, “but you can collect mats yourself”. Doing that and buying mats is functionally equivalent. You’re spending your time to acquire something with a value, just like you would if you sold the mats.

There are also soulbound mats. These generally are an artificial way of forcing you to perform a certain in-game activity (eg Sparks, Crests). There’s no difference between crafting here and having the vendor just require gold + Sparks.

The Antique Bronze vendor in S4 essentially replaces the annoyance of crafting and I don’t think anyone is upset about that.

The whole Enchanted Crests thing is the worst case of meaningless forced interaction.

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If they went and just bought all the parts of amazon…? Its the same thing as before… its almost a 1 to 1 to the point its more comedy then anything.

Do you even play the game? Professions and gold are huge!

Anyone that actually plays the game would strongly agree. If not it just shows that they don’t understand crafted gear or the crafting system in general.

Some people enjoy spending hours lying in the grass. Does that make it gameplay though? No.

Just because some tiny amount of people enjoy a thing doesnt mean it serves the wider game.

A system where you engage with the game would be gameplay, though, and professions serve the wider game quite well, as has been stated and explained abundantly in this thread.

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Brother professions existing straight up ruined shadowlands.

Turned it into a pay 2 win game. And turned torghast into an awful grindfest.

Then they tried to fix it in DF…(for the fourth time now) and they failed. The new system is the worst one ever put into the game. Just give up. Stop wasting devoloper time on it.

Everytime I pick up a cookbook in Elden Ring I curse every crafting system shoved into every modern game.

Legendary acquisition was terrible in Shadowlands, both from crafting and the Torghast grind. The current profession system is far and away the best it has ever been in WoW, though.

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We know…its why we are suggesting its removal. Its the best its been and that in itself is damning.

You said healthstones were a profession item, I wouldn’t take seriously any knowledge you claim to have about professions. And you have been whining about them simultaneously being mandatory and too weak, simultaneously offering too little and too much.

I was thinking of something where professions would be on non-player characters and players would get rare materials from dungeons and raids to give them so they can craft good gear. Although I don’t think that would work in World of Warcraft where player professions have been established for almost two whole decades, but it could be a nice concept for another game. I actually use this method in most of my tabletop roleplaying games as a means of magic and legendary item acquisition.

Yes,yes your long string of defeats are completely overturned because I used the word healthstones instead of healthpots once. Way to debate your point it totally convinces everyone.